Python内存管理结合源码 整理补充 (未完成)

来源:互联网 发布:喜马拉雅视频剪辑软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:15

《Python源码阅读》之 内存管理机制1



 _____   ______   ______       ________   [ int ] [ dict ] [ list ] ... [ string ]       Python core         |+3 | <----- Object-specific memory -----> | <-- Non-object memory --> |    _______________________________       |                           |   [   Python's object allocator   ]      |                           |**3层 特殊具体类型对象的内存**+2 | ####### Object memory ####### | <------ Internal buffers ------> |**2层 对象的内存**    ______________________________________________________________    |   [          Python's raw memory allocator (PyMem_ API)          ]   |+1 | <----- Python memory (under PyMem manager's control) ------> |   |**1层 PyMemery的API从底层OS调用。**    __________________________________________________________________   [    Underlying general-purpose allocator (ex: C library malloc)   ] 0 | <------ Virtual memory allocated for the python process -------> |**底层 C实现的内存管理的方法给上层调用。**   =========================================================================    _______________________________________________________________________   [                OS-specific Virtual Memory Manager (VMM)               ]-1 | <--- Kernel dynamic storage allocation & management (page-based) ---> |**OS 内存管理**    __________________________________   __________________________________   [                                  ] [                                  ]-2 | <-- Physical memory: ROM/RAM --> | | <-- Secondary storage (swap) --> |** 物理内存ROM/RAM**
补充layer 3: Object-specific memory(int/dict/list/string....)         Python 实现并维护         更高抽象层次的内存管理策略, 主要是各类特定对象的缓冲池机制. 具体见前面几篇涉及的内存分配机制layer 2: Python's object allocator         Python 实现并维护         实现了创建/销毁Python对象的接口(PyObject_New/Del), 涉及对象参数/引用计数等layer 1: Python's raw memory allocator (PyMem_ API)         Python 实现并维护, 包装了第0层的内存管理接口, 提供统一的raw memory管理接口         封装的原因: 不同操作系统 C 行为不一定一致, 保证可移植性, 相同语义相同行为layer 0: Underlying general-purpose allocator (ex: C library malloc)         操作系统提供的内存管理接口, 由操作系统实现并管理, Python不能干涉这一层的行为

layer 1: PyMem_ API

PyMem_ API是对操作系统内存管理接口进行的封装

// Raw memory interface// 这里存在三个宏定义, 宏可以避免一次函数调用的开销, 提高运行效率// 不允许非配空间大小为0的内存空间#define PyMem_MALLOC(n)     ((size_t)(n) > (size_t)PY_SSIZE_T_MAX ? NULL \                : malloc((n) ? (n) : 1))#define PyMem_REALLOC(p, n) ((size_t)(n) > (size_t)PY_SSIZE_T_MAX  ? NULL \                : realloc((p), (n) ? (n) : 1))#define PyMem_FREE      free// 这里做了三个函数的声明, 平台独立的 malloc/realloc/freePyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Malloc(size_t);PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Realloc(void *, size_t);PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_Free(void *);// ============================================================// Type-oriented memory interface// 这里还有三个类型相关的内存接口, 批量分配/重分配 n 个 类型为 type内存#define PyMem_New(type, n) \  ( ((size_t)(n) > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(type)) ? NULL :  \    ( (type *) PyMem_Malloc((n) * sizeof(type)) ) )#define PyMem_NEW(type, n) \  ( ((size_t)(n) > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(type)) ? NULL :  \    ( (type *) PyMem_MALLOC((n) * sizeof(type)) ) )#define PyMem_Resize(p, type, n) \  ( (p) = ((size_t)(n) > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(type)) ? NULL :    \    (type *) PyMem_Realloc((p), (n) * sizeof(type)) )#define PyMem_RESIZE(p, type, n) \  ( (p) = ((size_t)(n) > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(type)) ? NULL :    \    (type *) PyMem_REALLOC((p), (n) * sizeof(type)) )

object.c中, 三个实现的函数调用了对应的宏

// 使用 C 写Python扩展模块时使用函数而不是对应的宏void *PyMem_Malloc(size_t nbytes){    return PyMem_MALLOC(nbytes);}void *PyMem_Realloc(void *p, size_t nbytes){    return PyMem_REALLOC(p, nbytes);}voidPyMem_Free(void *p){    PyMem_FREE(p);}

Python 的内存分配策略


/* * "Memory management is where the rubber meets the road -- if we do the wrong * thing at any level, the results will not be good. And if we don't make the * levels work well together, we are in serious trouble." (1) * * (1) Paul R. Wilson, Mark S. Johnstone, Michael Neely, and David Boles, *    "Dynamic Storage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review", *    in Proc. 1995 Int'l. Workshop on Memory Management, September 1995. */

Python引入了内存池机制, 用于管理对小块内存的申请和释放


  1. 如果要分配的内存空间大于 SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD bytes(512 bytes), 将直接使用layer 1的内存分配接口进行分配
  2. 否则, 使用不同的block来满足分配需求


  1. 内存池(概念上的, 标识Python对于整个小块内存分配和释放的内存管理机制)
  2. arena
  3. pool
  4. block


比如你需要1-8bit 但是我们为了对齐内存只能分给你8bit。1个block。多余你用不完的Bit就浪费掉。
申请一块大小28字节的内存, 实际从内存中划到32字节的一个block (从size class index为3的pool里面划出)
最大是512bit 也就是63个block


pool管理block, 一个pool管理着一堆有固定大小的内存块

本质: pool管理着一大块内存, 它有一定的策略, 将这块大的内存划分为多个大小一致的小块block内存.

pool size

在Python中, 一个pool的大小通常为一个系统内存页. 4kB

obmalloc.c#define SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE        (4 * 1024)#define SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE_MASK   (SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE - 1)#define POOL_SIZE               SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE        /* must be 2^N */#define POOL_SIZE_MASK          SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE_MASK


pool的4kB内存 = pool_header + block集合(N多大小一样的block)


/* Pool for small blocks. */struct pool_header {    union { block *_padding;            uint count; } ref;          /* number of allocated blocks    */    block *freeblock;                   /* pool's free list head         */    struct pool_header *nextpool;       /* next pool of this size class  */    struct pool_header *prevpool;       /* previous pool       ""        */    uint arenaindex;                    /* index into arenas of base adr */    uint szidx;                         /* block size class index        */ - size class index    uint nextoffset;                    /* bytes to virgin block         */    uint maxnextoffset;                 /* largest valid nextoffset      */};


  1. 与其他pool链接, 组成双向链表
  2. 维护pool中可用的block, 单链表
  3. 保存 szidx , 这个和该pool中block的大小有关系, (block size=8, szidx=0), (block size=16, szidx=1)…用于内存分配时匹配到拥有对应大小block的pool
  4. arenaindex, 后面说




void *PyObject_Malloc(size_t nbytes){  ...          init_pool:            // 1. 连接到 used_pools 双向链表, 作为表头            // 注意, 这里 usedpools[0] 保存着 block size = 8 的所有used_pools的表头            /* Frontlink to used pools. */            next = usedpools[size + size]; /* == prev */            pool->nextpool = next;            pool->prevpool = next;            next->nextpool = pool;            next->prevpool = pool;            pool->ref.count = 1;            // 如果已经初始化过了...这里看初始化, 跳过            if (pool->szidx == size) {                /* Luckily, this pool last contained blocks                 * of the same size class, so its header                 * and free list are already initialized.                 */                bp = pool->freeblock;                pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp;                UNLOCK();                return (void *)bp;            }            /*             * Initialize the pool header, set up the free list to             * contain just the second block, and return the first             * block.             */            // 开始初始化pool_header            // 这里 size = (uint)(nbytes - 1) >> ALIGNMENT_SHIFT;  其实是Size class idx, 即szidx            pool->szidx = size;            // 计算获得每个block的size            size = INDEX2SIZE(size);            // 注意 #define POOL_OVERHEAD           ROUNDUP(sizeof(struct pool_header))            // bp => 初始化为pool + pool_header size,  跳过pool_header的内存            bp = (block *)pool + POOL_OVERHEAD;            // 计算偏移量, 这里的偏移量是绝对值            // #define POOL_SIZE               SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE        /* must be 2^N */            // POOL_SIZE = 4kb, POOL_OVERHEAD = pool_header size            // 下一个偏移位置: pool_header size + 2 * size            pool->nextoffset = POOL_OVERHEAD + (size << 1);            // 4kb - size            pool->maxnextoffset = POOL_SIZE - size;            // freeblock指向 bp + size = pool_header size + size            pool->freeblock = bp + size;            // 赋值NULL            *(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;            UNLOCK();            return (void *)bp;        }
