
来源:互联网 发布:gta5卡怎么优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 15:38



var pomelo = require('pomelo');var routeUtil = require('./app/util/routeUtil');/** * Init app for client. */var app = pomelo.createApp();//这一行也关注一下app.set('name', 'chatofpomelo'); // app configureapp.configure('production|development', function() {    // route configures    app.route('chat', routeUtil.chat);//这一段代码是我们要关心的    app.set('connectorConfig', {        connector: pomelo.connectors.sioconnector,        // 'websocket', 'polling-xhr', 'polling-jsonp', 'polling'        transports: ['websocket', 'polling'],        heartbeats: true,        closeTimeout: 60 * 1000,        heartbeatTimeout: 60 * 1000,        heartbeatInterval: 25 * 1000    });    // filter configures    app.filter(pomelo.timeout());});// start appapp.start();//全局吃掉未处理异常process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {    console.error(' Caught exception: ' + err.stack);});


/** * Assign `setting` to `val`, or return `setting`'s value. * * Example: * *  app.set('key1', 'value1'); *  app.get('key1');  // 'value1' *  app.key1;         // undefined * *  app.set('key2', 'value2', true); *  app.get('key2');  // 'value2' *  app.key2;         // 'value2' * * @param {String} setting the setting of application * @param {String} val the setting's value * @param {Boolean} attach whether attach the settings to application * @return {Server|Mixed} for chaining, or the setting value * @memberOf Application */Application.set = function (setting, val, attach) {  if (arguments.length === 1) {    return this.settings[setting];  }  this.settings[setting] = val;  if(attach) {    this[setting] = val;  }  return this;};

这个函数的注释写得是非常 的详细了,相对我前面刚分析的那些c代码来说,那些代码是基本没注释。从代码中可以看出来,实际上是把配置加到了settings里去了。settings的初始化是setttings={},也就是初始是个空对象。


/** * Start application. It would load the default components and start all the loaded components. * * @param  {Function} cb callback function * @memberOf Application */ Application.start = function(cb) {  this.startTime = Date.now();  if(this.state > STATE_INITED) {    utils.invokeCallback(cb, new Error('application has already start.'));    return;  }  var self = this;  appUtil.startByType(self, function() { // 先调startByType    appUtil.loadDefaultComponents(self); //然后startByType回调从这开始    var startUp = function() {      appUtil.optComponents(self.loaded, Constants.RESERVED.START, function(err) {        self.state = STATE_START;        if(err) {          utils.invokeCallback(cb, err);        } else {          logger.info('%j enter after start...', self.getServerId());          self.afterStart(cb);        }      });    };    var beforeFun = self.lifecycleCbs[Constants.LIFECYCLE.BEFORE_STARTUP];    if(!!beforeFun) {      beforeFun.call(null, self, startUp);    } else {      startUp();    }  });};


/** * Load default components for application. */module.exports.loadDefaultComponents = function(app) {  var pomelo = require('../pomelo');  // load system default components  if (app.serverType === Constants.RESERVED.MASTER) {    app.load(pomelo.master, app.get('masterConfig'));  } else {    app.load(pomelo.proxy, app.get('proxyConfig'));    if (app.getCurServer().port) {      app.load(pomelo.remote, app.get('remoteConfig'));    }    if (app.isFrontend()) {      app.load(pomelo.connection, app.get('connectionConfig')); //就是它,在这里被加载了      app.load(pomelo.connector, app.get('connectorConfig'));      app.load(pomelo.session, app.get('sessionConfig'));      // compatible for schedulerConfig      if(app.get('schedulerConfig')) {        app.load(pomelo.pushScheduler, app.get('schedulerConfig'));      } else {        app.load(pomelo.pushScheduler, app.get('pushSchedulerConfig'));      }    }    app.load(pomelo.backendSession, app.get('backendSessionConfig'));    app.load(pomelo.channel, app.get('channelConfig'));    app.load(pomelo.server, app.get('serverConfig'));  }  app.load(pomelo.monitor, app.get('monitorConfig'));};


/** * Load component * * @param  {String} name    (optional) name of the component * @param  {Object} component component instance or factory function of the component * @param  {[type]} opts    (optional) construct parameters for the factory function * @return {Object}     app instance for chain invoke * @memberOf Application */Application.load = function(name, component, opts) {  if(typeof name !== 'string') { //name是函数    opts = component;  //参数移位    component = name; //参数移位    name = null;    if(typeof component.name === 'string') {      name = component.name;    }  }  if(typeof component === 'function') { //移位后component是函数    component = component(this, opts);  }  if(!name && typeof component.name === 'string') {    name = component.name;  }  if(name && this.components[name]) {    // ignore duplicat component    logger.warn('ignore duplicate component: %j', name);    return;  }  this.loaded.push(component);  if(name) {    // components with a name would get by name throught app.components later.    this.components[name] = component;  }  return this;};



/** * Auto-load bundled components with getters. */fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/components').forEach(function (filename) {  if (!/\.js$/.test(filename)) {    return;  }//对于connector.js,返回connector  var name = path.basename(filename, '.js'); //这个bind下面再讲  var _load = load.bind(null, './components/', name);  Pomelo.components.__defineGetter__(name, _load);//看这里,__defineGetter__设置了,当访问pomelo.getter的时候,//调_load函数  Pomelo.__defineGetter__(name, _load);});



function load(path, name) {  if (name) {    return require(path + name);  }  return require(path);}



module.exports = function(app, opts) {  return new Component(app, opts);};


所以app.load(pomelo.connector, app.get('connectorConfig'));这行代码实际上是加载component/connector模块,然后执行模块exports的函数,将配置传进去,从而创建component。这个过程我是觉得已经讲得很详细了,各位观众能不能理解就不好说了。
