
来源:互联网 发布:现在还能做淘宝吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 10:06






--server.lualocal Enet = require ("enet")local Lib = require("lib")local host = Enet.host_create("localhost:6789")local peerMap = {}local dataMap = {}local inputMap = {}local playList = {}local playFrame = 0local frame = 0local userCount = 0print("start")while (true) do    local event = host:service(17)    while (event) do        local type, ip, data = Lib.Recv(event)        if (type == "input") then            inputMap[ip] = data        elseif (type == "connect") then            event.peer:timeout(10, 3000, 5000)            local data = {ip = ip, x = math.random(0, 800), y = math.random(0, 600)}            for k, v in pairs(peerMap) do                Lib.Send(v, "addNewUser", data)            end            peerMap[ip] = event.peer            dataMap[ip] = data            inputMap[ip] = {}            userCount = userCount + 1            Lib.Send(event.peer, "loginSuccess", {ip = ip, users = dataMap, playList = playList})            print("connect", ip)        elseif (type == "disconnect") then            peerMap[ip] = nil            dataMap[ip] = nil            inputMap[ip] = nil            userCount = userCount - 1            for k, v in pairs(peerMap) do                Lib.Send(v, "delUser", ip)            end            event.peer:disconnect(-1)            print("disconnect", ip)        end        event = host:service()    end    if (userCount > 0) then        frame = frame + 1        if (frame % 3 == 0) then            playFrame = playFrame + 1            print(playFrame)            for k, v in pairs(peerMap) do                Lib.Send(v, "play", inputMap)            end            playList[#playList + 1] = Lib.Clone(inputMap)        end    endend
--main.lualocal Actor = require("actor")local Lib = require("lib")local Enet = require ("enet")local userList = {}local userMap = {}local input = {}local playList = {}local playFrame = 0local perdt = 17local timer = 0local frame = 0local playerlocal fps = 0local timer2 = 0local host = Enet.host_create()local server = host:connect("localhost:6789")local function NewActor(x, y, ip)    local actor = Actor.New(x, y, ip)    userMap[ip] = actor    userList[#userList + 1] = actor    return actorendlocal function Update()    if ((frame + 1) % 3 == 0 and #playList == 0) then        return    end    frame = frame + 1    fps = fps + 1    if (frame % 3 == 0) then        for k, v in pairs(playList[1]) do            if (userMap[k]) then                userMap[k].input = v            end        end        playFrame = playFrame + 1        table.remove(playList, 1)    end    for n=1, #userList do        userList[n]:Update()    endendfunction love.load()    local event, type, ip, data    repeat        event = host:service()        if (event) then            type, ip, data = Lib.Recv(event)        end    until event ~= nil and type == "loginSuccess"    for k, v in pairs(data.users) do        local actor = NewActor(v.x, v.y, v.ip)        if (v.ip == data.ip) then            player = actor            print("loginSuccess", v.ip)        end    end    playList = data.playList    while (#playList > 0) do        Update()    endendfunction love.update(dt)    local event = host:service()    while event do        local type, ip, data = Lib.Recv(event)        if (type == "play") then            playList[#playList + 1] = data        elseif (type == "addNewUser") then            NewActor(data.x, data.y, data.ip)        elseif (type == "delUser") then            userMap[data] = nil            for n=#userList, 1, -1 do                if (userList[n].ip == data) then                    table.remove(userList, n)                end            end        end        event = host:service()    end    dt = math.floor(dt * 1000)    timer = timer + dt    while (timer >= perdt) do        --print(#playList)        if ((frame + 1) % 3 == 0 and #playList > 1) then            while (#playList > 0) do                Update()            end        else            Update()        end        timer = timer - perdt    end    timer2 = timer2 + dt    if (timer2 >= 1000) then        --print(timer2, fps)        fps = 0        timer2 = timer2 - 1000    endendfunction love.draw()    for n=1, #userList do        userList[n]:Draw()    end    love.graphics.print(playFrame, 5, 5)endfunction love.keypressed(key)    if (key == "up" or key == "down" or key == "left" or key == "right") then        input[key] = 1        Lib.Send(server, "input", input)    endendfunction love.keyreleased(key)    if (key == "up" or key == "down" or key == "left" or key == "right") then        input[key] = 0        Lib.Send(server, "input", input)    endend


Fixed Update


--Fixed Update(main.lua)timer = timer + dtwhile (timer >= perdt) do    if ((frame + 1) % 3 == 0 and #playList > 1) then        while (#playList > 0) do            Update()        end    else        Update()    end    timer = timer - perdtend

  使用了Fixed Update后,你的游戏进度便由时间牢牢把控住,这样便能摆脱帧率的影响。在业务层也不再需要使用DT(Delta Time)了,而是采用一个固定的值(譬如1 / 60)。这个概念很重要,因为过快与过慢的帧率都会与同步不那么搭调。



local event = host:service(17) --服务端每隔17毫秒接收一次封包


  • 关于收包的问题,有个最明显的问题便是为何不是在同步帧时进行收包,而是每帧都尝试收包?
    • 这是因为收包的内容不仅仅是关于帧同步,还可能有其他东西。其次便是先收后收并不影响什么,以及每隔三帧才进行一次收包恐怕会卡。
  • 关于一次性收到多个同步包的情况时,该怎么办?
    • 遇到收到多个同步包的情况,说明客户端失联了一段时间,这时候便需要一次性进行多次Update以迅速追回进度。
  • 既然确定遇到多个同步包时需要一次性追回进度,那为何不选择在接收后立即执行,而要等到同步帧?
    • 因为基本上不会遇到这种情况,能遇到多个同步包的情况,一般客户端已经在等待了。换做客户端卡住这种情况的话,根据Fixed Update的规则,本来就会立即赶到同步帧的。
  • 为何等待同步包的代码并非是阻塞式的,而是每帧去判定一下?
    • 因为如果是阻塞式的话,会使得DT变得很大,影响Fixed Update。



--根据同步包的内容更新所有玩家的输入表(main.lua)if (frame % 3 == 0) then    for k, v in pairs(playList[1]) do        if (userMap[k]) then            userMap[k].input = v        end    end    playFrame = playFrame + 1    table.remove(playList, 1)end
--客户端每次按下/释放按键,就会改写输入表然后发送之(main.lua)function love.keypressed(key)    if (key == "up" or key == "down" or key == "left" or key == "right") then        input[key] = 1        Lib.Send(server, "input", input)    endendfunction love.keyreleased(key)    if (key == "up" or key == "down" or key == "left" or key == "right") then        input[key] = 0        Lib.Send(server, "input", input)    endend



--新玩家同步(main.lua)local event, type, ip, datarepeat    event = host:service()    if (event) then        type, ip, data = Lib.Recv(event)    enduntil event ~= nil and type == "loginSuccess"for k, v in pairs(data.users) do    local actor = NewActor(v.x, v.y, v.ip)    if (v.ip == data.ip) then        player = actor        print("loginSuccess", v.ip)    endendplayList = data.playListwhile (#playList > 0) do    Update()end



dt = math.floor(dt * 1000) -- 浮点数转换为整数(毫秒)

