tensorflow 迁移学习(在已有类别的模型上添加自己的类别)

来源:互联网 发布:log4j保存到数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 09:03

要添加并训练自己的类别,最关键的还是 源码文件夹下/tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining


Here's an example, which assumes you have a folder containing class-named
subfolders, each full of images for each label. The example folder flower_photos
should have a structure like this:




python tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/retrain.py \
    --image_dir ~/flower_photos

You can replace the image_dir argument with any folder containing subfolders of
images. The label for each image is taken from the name of the subfolder it's

This produces a new model file that can be loaded and run by any TensorFlow
program, for example the label_image sample code.

By default this script will use the high accuracy, but comparatively large and
slow Inception v3 model architecture. It's recommended that you start with this
to validate that you have gathered good training data, but if you want to deploy
on resource-limited platforms, you can try the `--architecture` flag with a
Mobilenet model. For example:

python tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/retrain.py \
    --image_dir ~/flower_photos --architecture mobilenet_1.0_224

There are 32 different Mobilenet models to choose from, with a variety of file
size and latency options. The first number can be '1.0', '0.75', '0.50', or
'0.25' to control the size, and the second controls the input image size, either
'224', '192', '160', or '128', with smaller sizes running faster. See
for more information on Mobilenet.


1.把图像数据准备好后的运行指令,其中--image_dir 可以是相对路径也可以是绝对路径,只要对就行,不然报错找不到图像

2.--architecture 这个参数是你要训练的模型类型,比如例子是在移动Mobilenet_1.0_224,具体有多少种类型可以看函数create_model_info,里面有两种现成模型,一种是inception_v3 还有一种是用于手机移动端的mobilenet_,这个类型下面又有很多不同组合,具体自己看说明

最后多一嘴,在代码的第151左右有一句extensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'JPG', 'JPEG']告诉你自己的图片格式要求其他格式会报错,当然你添加一下就可以,但不知道结果会不会是想的那样

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