Hadoop基础教程-第12章 Hive:进阶(12.5 Hive外表)(草稿)

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第12章 Hive:进阶

12.5 Hive外表

12.5.1 准备数据

[root@nb0 data]# vi gen.sh[root@nb0 data]# cat gen.sh#!/bin/shfor i in {1..100000};do        echo -e $i'\t'$RANDOM'\t'$RANDOM'\t'$RANDOMdone;[root@nb0 data]# sh gen.sh > mydata.txtYou have mail in /var/spool/mail/root[root@nb0 data]# vi mydata.txt [root@nb0 data]# hdfs dfs -put mydata.txt input17/07/19 20:38:55 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable[root@nb0 data]# hdfs dfs -ls input17/07/19 20:39:04 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicableFound 1 items-rw-r--r--   3 root hbase    1698432 2017-07-19 20:38 input/mydata.txtYou have mail in /var/spool/mail/root[root@nb0 data]#

12.5.2 创建HBase表


hbase(main):007:0> create 'abc','info'

12.5.3 创建Hive外表




hive> create external table hbase_t1(rowkey string,data1 string,data2 string,data3 string)    > stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'    > with serdeproperties ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,info:data1,info:data2,info:data3")    > tblproperties ("hbase.table.name"="abc","hbase.mapred.out.puttable"="abc");OKTime taken: 0.213 secondshive>

12.5.4 创建Hive数据表


hive> create external table hive_t1(rowkey string,data1 string,data2 string,data3 string)    > row format delimited    > fields terminated by '\t'    > stored as textfile;OKTime taken: 0.105 secondshive>


hive> load data inpath 'input/mydata.txt' into table hive_t1;Loading data to table default.hive_t1Table default.hive_t1 stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=2287063]OKTime taken: 0.795 secondshive>

12.5.5 使用HQL向HBase表中插入数据

hive> insert overwrite table hbase_t1     > select rowkey,data1,data2,data3 from hive_t1;Query ID = root_20170720022542_8b5292a8-7903-4e22-8258-223555fab220Total jobs = 1Launching Job 1 out of 1Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there's no reduce operatorStarting Job = job_1500448404940_0002, Tracking URL = http://nb0:8088/proxy/application_1500448404940_0002/Kill Command = /usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop job  -kill job_1500448404940_0002Hadoop job information for Stage-0: number of mappers: 2; number of reducers: 02017-07-20 02:25:52,647 Stage-0 map = 0%,  reduce = 0%2017-07-20 02:26:03,331 Stage-0 map = 100%,  reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 19.73 secMapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 19 seconds 730 msecEnded Job = job_1500448404940_0002MapReduce Jobs Launched: Stage-Stage-0: Map: 2   Cumulative CPU: 19.73 sec   HDFS Read: 2345042 HDFS Write: 0 SUCCESSTotal MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 19 seconds 730 msecOKTime taken: 22.873 secondshive>

12.5.6 查看结果

hive> select count(*) from hbase_t1;Query ID = root_20170720022640_c705b5a2-7db5-4bfa-8b43-f218ad588226Total jobs = 1Launching Job 1 out of 1Number of reduce tasks determined at compile time: 1In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):  set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:  set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>In order to set a constant number of reducers:  set mapreduce.job.reduces=<number>Starting Job = job_1500448404940_0003, Tracking URL = http://nb0:8088/proxy/application_1500448404940_0003/Kill Command = /usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop job  -kill job_1500448404940_0003Hadoop job information for Stage-1: number of mappers: 1; number of reducers: 12017-07-20 02:26:51,257 Stage-1 map = 0%,  reduce = 0%2017-07-20 02:27:01,201 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 6.91 sec2017-07-20 02:27:07,482 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 100%, Cumulative CPU 9.56 secMapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 9 seconds 560 msecEnded Job = job_1500448404940_0003MapReduce Jobs Launched: Stage-Stage-1: Map: 1  Reduce: 1   Cumulative CPU: 9.56 sec   HDFS Read: 14530 HDFS Write: 7 SUCCESSTotal MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 9 seconds 560 msecOK100000Time taken: 29.51 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)hive> 
hive> select * from hbase_t1 limit 10;OK1   199 4567    2594310  10448   19496   31645100 26984   29011   131771000    4008    1275    823610000   10121   14333   24945100000  14619   17100   55610001   28304   22506   583610002   29960   4367    1918710003   25065   21803   2193210004   19965   31442   18762Time taken: 0.188 seconds, Fetched: 10 row(s)hive> 
hbase(main):007:0> count 'abc'Current count: 1000, row: 10897                                                                                                                                             Current count: 2000, row: 11797                                                                                                                                             Current count: 3000, row: 12697                                                                                                                                             Current count: 4000, row: 13597                                                                                                                                             Current count: 5000, row: 14497                                                                                                                                             Current count: 6000, row: 15397                                                                                                                                             Current count: 7000, row: 16297                                                                                                                                             Current count: 8000, row: 17197                                                                                                                                             Current count: 9000, row: 18097                                                                                                                                             Current count: 10000, row: 18998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 11000, row: 19898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 12000, row: 20797                                                                                                                                            Current count: 13000, row: 21697                                                                                                                                            Current count: 14000, row: 22597                                                                                                                                            Current count: 15000, row: 23497                                                                                                                                            Current count: 16000, row: 24397                                                                                                                                            Current count: 17000, row: 25297                                                                                                                                            Current count: 18000, row: 26197                                                                                                                                            Current count: 19000, row: 27097                                                                                                                                            Current count: 20000, row: 27998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 21000, row: 28898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 22000, row: 29798                                                                                                                                            Current count: 23000, row: 30697                                                                                                                                            Current count: 24000, row: 31597                                                                                                                                            Current count: 25000, row: 32497                                                                                                                                            Current count: 26000, row: 33397                                                                                                                                            Current count: 27000, row: 34297                                                                                                                                            Current count: 28000, row: 35197                                                                                                                                            Current count: 29000, row: 36097                                                                                                                                            Current count: 30000, row: 36998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 31000, row: 37898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 32000, row: 38798                                                                                                                                            Current count: 33000, row: 39698                                                                                                                                            Current count: 34000, row: 40597                                                                                                                                            Current count: 35000, row: 41497                                                                                                                                            Current count: 36000, row: 42397                                                                                                                                            Current count: 37000, row: 43297                                                                                                                                            Current count: 38000, row: 44197                                                                                                                                            Current count: 39000, row: 45097                                                                                                                                            Current count: 40000, row: 45998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 41000, row: 46898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 42000, row: 47798                                                                                                                                            Current count: 43000, row: 48698                                                                                                                                            Current count: 44000, row: 49598                                                                                                                                            Current count: 45000, row: 50497                                                                                                                                            Current count: 46000, row: 51397                                                                                                                                            Current count: 47000, row: 52297                                                                                                                                            Current count: 48000, row: 53197                                                                                                                                            Current count: 49000, row: 54097                                                                                                                                            Current count: 50000, row: 54998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 51000, row: 55898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 52000, row: 56798                                                                                                                                            Current count: 53000, row: 57698                                                                                                                                            Current count: 54000, row: 58598                                                                                                                                            Current count: 55000, row: 59498                                                                                                                                            Current count: 56000, row: 60397                                                                                                                                            Current count: 57000, row: 61297                                                                                                                                            Current count: 58000, row: 62197                                                                                                                                            Current count: 59000, row: 63097                                                                                                                                            Current count: 60000, row: 63998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 61000, row: 64898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 62000, row: 65798                                                                                                                                            Current count: 63000, row: 66698                                                                                                                                            Current count: 64000, row: 67598                                                                                                                                            Current count: 65000, row: 68498                                                                                                                                            Current count: 66000, row: 69398                                                                                                                                            Current count: 67000, row: 70297                                                                                                                                            Current count: 68000, row: 71197                                                                                                                                            Current count: 69000, row: 72097                                                                                                                                            Current count: 70000, row: 72998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 71000, row: 73898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 72000, row: 74798                                                                                                                                            Current count: 73000, row: 75698                                                                                                                                            Current count: 74000, row: 76598                                                                                                                                            Current count: 75000, row: 77498                                                                                                                                            Current count: 76000, row: 78398                                                                                                                                            Current count: 77000, row: 79298                                                                                                                                            Current count: 78000, row: 80197                                                                                                                                            Current count: 79000, row: 81097                                                                                                                                            Current count: 80000, row: 81998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 81000, row: 82898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 82000, row: 83798                                                                                                                                            Current count: 83000, row: 84698                                                                                                                                            Current count: 84000, row: 85598                                                                                                                                            Current count: 85000, row: 86498                                                                                                                                            Current count: 86000, row: 87398                                                                                                                                            Current count: 87000, row: 88298                                                                                                                                            Current count: 88000, row: 89198                                                                                                                                            Current count: 89000, row: 90097                                                                                                                                            Current count: 90000, row: 90998                                                                                                                                            Current count: 91000, row: 91898                                                                                                                                            Current count: 92000, row: 92798                                                                                                                                            Current count: 93000, row: 93698                                                                                                                                            Current count: 94000, row: 94598                                                                                                                                            Current count: 95000, row: 95498                                                                                                                                            Current count: 96000, row: 96398                                                                                                                                            Current count: 97000, row: 97298                                                                                                                                            Current count: 98000, row: 98198                                                                                                                                            Current count: 99000, row: 99098                                                                                                                                            Current count: 100000, row: 99999                                                                                                                                           100000 row(s) in 9.7420 seconds=> 100000hbase(main):008:0>
hbase(main):013:0> get 'abc','100000'COLUMN                                       CELL                                                                                                                            info:data1                                  timestamp=1500531979008, value=14619                                                                                            info:data2                                  timestamp=1500531979008, value=17100                                                                                            info:data3                                  timestamp=1500531979008, value=556                                                                                             3 row(s) in 0.0150 secondshbase(main):014:0>
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