[中等] 比较完整的BigInteger高精度整数类(C++实现)

来源:互联网 发布:javascript 转字符串 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 17:38





#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <vector>using namespace std;struct BigInteger{    vector<int> s;    static const int BASE=10000;    static const int WIDTH=4;    void standardize()    {        for(int i=s.size()-1;i>=0;--i)        {            if(s[i]==0)                s.pop_back();            else                break;        }        if(s.empty())            s.push_back(0);    }    BigInteger& operator = (long long num)    {        s.clear();        do        {            s.push_back(num%BASE);            num/=BASE;        }while(num>0);        return *this;    }    BigInteger& operator = (const string& num)    {        s.clear();        int len=(num.size()-1)/WIDTH+1;        int x=0;        for(int i=0;i<len;++i)        {            int end=num.size()-i*WIDTH;            int start=max(0,end-WIDTH);            sscanf(num.substr(start,end-start).c_str(),"%d",&x);            s.push_back(x);        }        standardize();        return *this;    }    BigInteger operator + (const BigInteger& rhs) const    {        int size=max(s.size(),rhs.s.size());        int carry=0;        BigInteger ans;        for(int i=0;i<size;++i)        {            int sum=carry;            if(i<s.size()) sum+=s[i];            if(i<rhs.s.size()) sum+=rhs.s[i];            carry=sum/BASE;            ans.s.push_back(sum%BASE);        }        if(carry>0)        {            ans.s.push_back(carry);        }        return ans;    }    BigInteger operator * (const BigInteger& rhs) const    {        BigInteger ans;        for(int i=0;i<rhs.s.size();++i)        {            BigInteger lans;            for(int k=0;k<i;++k) lans.s.push_back(0);            int carry=0;            for(int j=0;j<s.size();++j)            {                int result=rhs.s[i]*s[j]+carry;                carry=result/BASE;                lans.s.push_back(result%BASE);            }            while(carry>0)            {                lans.s.push_back(carry%BASE);                carry/=BASE;            }            ans=ans+lans;        }        return ans;    }    BigInteger operator - (const BigInteger& rhs) const    {        BigInteger ans;        int carry=0;        for(int i=0;i<s.size();++i)        {            int diff=s[i]-carry;            if(i<rhs.s.size()) diff-=rhs.s[i];            carry=0;            while(diff<0)            {                ++carry;                diff+=BASE;            }            ans.s.push_back(diff);        }        ans.standardize();        return ans;    }    BigInteger operator / (int rhs) const    {        BigInteger ans;        vector<int> t;        long long rmder=0;        for(int i=s.size()-1;i>=0;--i)        {            long long temp=rmder*BASE+s[i];            long long div=temp/rhs;            rmder=temp%rhs;            t.push_back(div);        }        for(int i=t.size()-1;i>=0;--i)            ans.s.push_back(t[i]);        ans.standardize();        return ans;    }    friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out,const BigInteger& rhs)    {        out<<rhs.s.back();        for(int i=rhs.s.size()-2;i>=0;--i)        {            char buf[5];            sprintf(buf,"%04d",rhs.s[i]);            cout<<string(buf);        }        return out;    }    bool operator < (const BigInteger& rhs) const    {        if(s.size()!=rhs.s.size()) return s.size()<rhs.s.size();        for(int i=s.size()-1;i>=0;--i)        {            if(s[i]!=rhs.s[i])                return s[i]<rhs.s[i];        }        return false;    }};//The function below need more tests.//This function is generally the most difficult. Meanwhile, that means it is rarely used.BigInteger operator / (const BigInteger& a,const BigInteger& b){    BigInteger rmder,x,xbk,rslt;    rmder=a;    x=xbk=b;    int baseNum=0;    while(1)    {        x=x*10;        if(x<rmder)        {            ++baseNum;            xbk=x;            continue;        }        int div=0;        while(xbk<=rmder)        {            ++div;            rmder=rmder-xbk;        }        if(div==0)            break;        BigInteger t;        for(int i=0;i<baseNum;++i)        {            t.number.push_back(0);        }        t.number.push_back(div);        rslt=rslt+t;        baseNum=0;        x=xbk=b;    }    rslt.rmZero();    return rslt;}int main(){    BigInteger A,B,C,D;    A="100";    B=1;    int t=10;    cout<<A<<endl;    cout<<B<<endl;    cout<<t<<endl;    cout<<"A+B:"<<A+B<<endl;    if(B<A)        cout<<"A-B:"<<A-B<<endl;    else        cout<<"B-A:"<<B-A<<endl;    cout<<"A*B:"<<A*B<<endl;    cout<<"A/t:"<<A/t<<endl;    return 0;}