
来源:互联网 发布:黎东方知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 08:58

安装数据库:# yum -y install mysql mysl-server mysql-devel
查看是否安装成功:# rmp -qa |grep mysql
卸载数据库:# rmp -e mysql 和 #rmp –nodeps mysql

启动数据库服务:# serice mysqld start
设置开机自启:# chkconfig mysqld on
查看开机自启:# chkconfig –list|grep mysqld

修改密码:# mysqladmin -u root -p password ‘root’(把密码设置成root)
数据库配置文件修改:# vi /etc/my.cnf
进入数据库: mysql -u root -p (输入root密码进入)



创建数据库:mysql>create database mytest;
显示数据库:mysql>show databases;
删除数据库:mysql>drop database mytest;
连接数据库:mysql>use mytest;
显示当前选择数据库:mysql>select database();

显示当前时间:mysql>select now();
显示字符串:mysql>select “welcome to my blog!”;
计算:mysql>select (4*4)/10+25;

创建数据表:mysql>create table mytable(
id int(4) not null primary key auto_increment,
name char(20) not null,
sex int(4) not null default ‘0’,
degree double(16,2));
显示数据表:mysql>show tables;
展示数据表内容:mysql>describe mytable;
删除数据表:mysql>drop table mytable;
给数据表添加列:mysql>alter table mytable add myc1 int(11) not null default 1;
删除数据表列:mysql>alter table mytable drop myc1;

修改表列信息:mysql>alter table mytable change myc1 newmyc1 varchar(255);
修改表名:mysql>alter table mytable rename newmytable;
查看表数据(全部):mysql>select * from mytable;
查看表数据(选列):mysql>select mytitle,mycontent from mytable;
插入表数据:insert into mytable values(3, ‘t’,’c’);
插入指定列数据:mysql>insert into mytable(mycontent) values(‘c’);

条件查询where:mysql>select * from mytable where mytitle = ‘t’;
组合条件查询where:mysql>select * from mytable where mytitle = ‘t’ and mycol =’x’;
null判断:select * from mytable where id is null;(is 不是=)
☆distinct(去重查询):mysql>select distinct from mytable;

select结果按列排序:mysql>select * from mytable where mypages>0 order by myid asc,mypages desc;
select结果limit截取:mysql>select * from mytable where mypages>0 order by myid asc,mypages desc limit 0,2;
从另一张表插入数据:mysql>insert into mytable2(mytitle) select mycontent from mytable1 where id !=1;


更新表数据update:mysql>update mytable set mycol = ‘niceday’ ,mytitle = ‘nicetree’ where myid =3;
