来源:互联网 发布:人工智能政策 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 23:36

REPEATS - Repeats

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A string s is called an (k,l)-repeat if s is obtained by concatenating k>=1 times some seed string t with length l>=1. For example, the string 

s = abaabaabaaba

is a (4,3)-repeat with t = aba as its seed string. That is, the seed string t is 3 characters long, and the whole string s is obtained by repeating t 4 times. 

Write a program for the following task: Your program is given a long string u consisting of characters ‘a’ and/or ‘b’ as input. Your program must find some (k,l)-repeat that occurs as substring within u with k as large as possible. For example, the input string

u = babbabaabaabaabab

contains the underlined (4,3)-repeat s starting at position 5. Since u contains no other contiguous substring with more than 4 repeats, your program must output the maximum k. 


In the first line of the input contains H- the number of test cases (H <= 20). H test cases follow. First line of each test cases is n - length of the input string (n <= 50000), The next n lines contain the input string, one character (either ‘a’ or ‘b’) per line, in order. 


For each test cases, you should write exactly one interger k in a line - the repeat count that is maximized. 


since a (4, 3)-repeat is found starting at the 5th character of the input string.

先穷举长度L,然后求长度为L的子串最多能连续出现几次。首先连续出现1次是肯定可以的,所以这里只考虑至少2次的情况。假设在原字符串中连续出现2次,记这个子字符串为S,那么S肯定包括了字符r[0], r[L], r[L*2],r[L*3], ……中的某相邻的两个。所以只须看字符r[L*i]和r[L*(i+1)]往前和

/*Sherlock and Watson and Adler*/#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<math.h>#include<vector>#include<map>#include<set>#include<list>#include<bitset>#include<cmath>#include<complex>#include<string>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>#define eps 1e-9#define LL long long#define PI acos(-1.0)#define bitnum(a) __builtin_popcount(a)using namespace std;const int N = 5005;const int M = 100005;const int inf = 1000000007;const int mod = 1000000007;const int MAXN = 50005;//rnk从0开始//sa从1开始,因为最后一个字符(最小的)排在第0位//height从1开始,因为表示的是sa[i - 1]和sa[i]//倍增算法 O(nlogn)int wa[MAXN], wb[MAXN], wv[MAXN], ws_[MAXN];//Suffix函数的参数m代表字符串中字符的取值范围,是基数排序的一个参数,如果原序列都是字母可以直接取128,如果原序列本身都是整数的话,则m可以取比最大的整数大1的值//待排序的字符串放在r数组中,从r[0]到r[n-1],长度为n//为了方便比较大小,可以在字符串后面添加一个字符,这个字符没有在前面的字符中出现过,而且比前面的字符都要小//同上,为了函数操作的方便,约定除r[n-1]外所有的r[i]都大于0,r[n-1]=0//函数结束后,结果放在sa数组中,从sa[0]到sa[n-1]void Suffix(int *r, int *sa, int n, int m){    int i, j, k, *x = wa, *y = wb, *t;    //对长度为1的字符串排序    //一般来说,在字符串的题目中,r的最大值不会很大,所以这里使用了基数排序    //如果r的最大值很大,那么把这段代码改成快速排序    for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) ws_[i] = 0;    for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) ws_[x[i] = r[i]]++;//统计字符的个数    for(i = 1; i < m; ++i) ws_[i] += ws_[i - 1];//统计不大于字符i的字符个数    for(i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) sa[--ws_[x[i]]] = i;//计算字符排名    //基数排序    //x数组保存的值相当于是rank值    for(j = 1, k = 1; k < n; j *= 2, m = k)    {        //j是当前字符串的长度,数组y保存的是对第二关键字排序的结果        //第二关键字排序        for(k = 0, i = n - j; i < n; ++i) y[k++] = i;//第二关键字为0的排在前面        for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) if(sa[i] >= j) y[k++] = sa[i] - j;//长度为j的子串sa[i]应该是长度为2 * j的子串sa[i] - j的后缀(第二关键字),对所有的长度为2 * j的子串根据第二关键字来排序        for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) wv[i] = x[y[i]];//提取第一关键字        //按第一关键字排序 (原理同对长度为1的字符串排序)        for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) ws_[i] = 0;        for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) ws_[wv[i]]++;        for(i = 1; i < m; ++i) ws_[i] += ws_[i - 1];        for(i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) sa[--ws_[wv[i]]] = y[i];//按第一关键字,计算出了长度为2 * j的子串排名情况        //此时数组x是长度为j的子串的排名情况,数组y仍是根据第二关键字排序后的结果        //计算长度为2 * j的子串的排名情况,保存到数组x        t = x;        x = y;        y = t;        for(x[sa[0]] = 0, i = k = 1; i < n; ++i)            x[sa[i]] = (y[sa[i - 1]] == y[sa[i]] && y[sa[i - 1] + j] == y[sa[i] + j]) ? k - 1 : k++;        //若长度为2 * j的子串sa[i]与sa[i - 1]完全相同,则他们有相同的排名    }}int Rank[MAXN], height[MAXN], sa[MAXN], r[MAXN];void calheight(int *r,int *sa,int n){    int i,j,k=0;    for(i=1; i<=n; i++)Rank[sa[i]]=i;    for(i=0; i<n; height[Rank[i++]]=k)        for(k?k--:0,j=sa[Rank[i]-1]; r[i+k]==r[j+k]; k++);}int n,minnum[MAXN][16];void RMQ()   //预处理  O(nlogn){    int i,j;    int m=(int)(log(n*1.0)/log(2.0));    for(i=1;i<=n;i++)        minnum[i][0]=height[i];    for(j=1;j<=m;j++)        for(i=1;i+(1<<j)-1<=n;i++)            minnum[i][j]=min(minnum[i][j-1],minnum[i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1]);}int Ask_MIN(int a,int b) //O(1){    int k=int(log(b-a+1.0)/log(2.0));    return min(minnum[a][k],minnum[b-(1<<k)+1][k]);}int calprefix(int a,int b){    a=Rank[a],b=Rank[b];    if(a>b)        swap(a,b);    return Ask_MIN(a+1,b);}char s[5];int main(){    int t,i,j,k,ans,Max;    scanf("%d",&t);    while(t--)    {        Max=1;        scanf("%d",&n);        for(i=0;i<n;i++)        {            scanf("%s",s);            r[i]=s[0]-'a'+1;        }        r[i]=0;        Suffix(r,sa,n+1,3);        calheight(r,sa,n);        RMQ();        //枚举重复长度        for(i=1;i<=n;i++)        {            //找到每一段            for(j=0;j+i<n;j+=i)            {                //先求出前缀                ans=calprefix(j,j+i);                                k=j-(i-ans%i);                ans=ans/i+1;                if(k>=0&&calprefix(k,k+i)>=i)                    ans++;                //printf("L=%d,R=%d\n",i,ans);                Max=max(Max,ans);            }        }        printf("%d\n",Max);    }    return 0;}