来源:互联网 发布:剪辑音乐软件手机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 21:52

Counting Squares

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 2163    Accepted Submission(s): 1082

Problem Description
Your input is a series of rectangles, one per line. Each rectangle is specified as two points(X,Y) that specify the opposite corners of a rectangle. All coordinates will be integers in the range 0 to 100. For example, the line
5 8 7 10
specifies the rectangle who's corners are(5,8),(7,8),(7,10),(5,10).
If drawn on graph paper, that rectangle would cover four squares. Your job is to count the number of unit(i.e.,1*1) squares that are covered by any one of the rectangles given as input. Any square covered by more than one rectangle should only be counted once.

The input format is a series of lines, each containing 4 integers. Four -1's are used to separate problems, and four -2's are used to end the last problem. Otherwise, the numbers are the x-ycoordinates of two points that are opposite corners of a rectangle.

Your output should be the number of squares covered by each set of rectangles. Each number should be printed on a separate line.

Sample Input
5 8 7 106 9 7 86 8 8 11-1 -1 -1 -10 0 100 10050 75 12 9039 42 57 73-2 -2 -2 -2

Sample Output



求总面积,被覆盖多次的只按一次来计算,就是线段树扫描线的用法,从左往右扫,每次遇到矩形边界进行判断,若该点为矩形左边界,则接下来又有一段线段覆盖的次数+1,若为矩形右边界,则覆盖次数-1,然后计算面积,S +=(覆盖的线段长度)*(该点水平位置-上一点水平位置)。
#include<iostream>#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;int x1,x2,y1,y2,sum[450],cover[150],len,x,ans,cnt;struct node {int x,l,r,in;}line[1010];bool cmp(node a,node b) {return a.x<b.x;}void Cover(int L,int R,int l,int r,int x,int C){    if(l==r)    {        cover[l]+=C;        sum[x] = min(1,cover[l]);        return ;    }    int m = (l+r)>>1;    if(L<=m) Cover(L, R, l, m, x<<1, C);    if(R>m) Cover(L, R, m+1, r, x<<1|1, C);    sum[x] = sum[x<<1] + sum[x<<1|1];}void init(){    ans = cnt = len = x = 0;    memset(cover,0,sizeof cover);    memset(sum,0,sizeof sum);    memset(line,0,sizeof line);}int main(){    init();    while(scanf("%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2)!=EOF)    {        if(x1+x2+y1+y2<0)        {            sort(line, line+cnt, cmp);            for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++)            {                ans += len*(line[i].x-x);                x = line[i].x;                Cover(line[i].l+1, line[i].r, 0, 100, 1, line[i].in);                len = sum[1];            }            printf("%d\n",ans);            init();            if(x1+x2+y1+y2==-4) continue;            else break;        }               if(x1>x2) swap(x1,x2);        if(y1>y2) swap(y1,y2);        line[cnt].x = x1, line[cnt].l = y1, line[cnt].r = y2, line[cnt++].in = 1;        line[cnt].x = x2, line[cnt].l = y1, line[cnt].r = y2, line[cnt++].in = -1;    }    return 0;}
