解析表达式 四则运算

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝宝贝产品参数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 08:14

解析表达式 四则运算



//Expression.h#pragma onceclass Expression{public:    int isNum(char c);    int canInStack(char old, char in);    double twoMenCalc(char f, double old, double top);    int strPro(char * str);    double calculate(Expression* content, int signnum);    double calculateAll();private:    char m_cont[20];            //存放表达式的操作符.    double m_num;               //存放数字,为方便识别,在对应的cont[]中存放'n'.};//Expression.cpp#include <math.h>#include <conio.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include<iostream>#include "Expression.h"using namespace std;Expression content[100];                //定义结构体数组.用来存放扫描分割的表达式.int signnum = 0;                        //记录表达式长度.(重要的全局变量)//找出数字.int Expression::isNum(char c){    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')    {        return 1;    }    else    {        return 0;    }}//判断优先级.int Expression::canInStack(char old, char in){    if ((old == '*' || old == '/') && (in == '^'))    {        return 1;    }    if ((old == '+' || old == '-') && (in == '*' || in == '/' || in == '^'))    {        return 1;    }    return 0;}//二元运算符的计算.double Expression::twoMenCalc(char f, double old, double top){    double out = 0;    switch (f)    {    case '+':        out = old + top;        break;    case '-':        out = old - top;        break;    case '*':        out = old * top;        break;    case '/':        out = old / top;        break;    case '^':        out = pow(old, top);;        break;    case '.':        int decPos = 0;        int sign = 0;        cout << ecvt(top, 0, &decPos, &sign);        double xiaoshu = double(top / pow(10, decPos));        out = old + xiaoshu;    }    return out;}//扫描分割表达式,存入相应的数组中.int Expression::strPro(char * str){    signnum = 0;    //初步判断,如果末尾不是x或者)或者末尾是操作符就报错.    if ((str[strlen(str) - 1] != ')' && str[strlen(str) - 1] != 'x' && !isNum(str[strlen(str) - 1])) || str[0] == '+'  || str[0] == '*' || str[0] == '/' || str[0] == '^') {        return -1;    }    int i = 0;      //表达式字符串下标    int flag = 0;   //标志位    //解决负数.    char str1[100] = {NULL};    if (str[0] == '-') {        str1[0] = '0';        strcat(str1, str);    }    else {        strcat(str1, str);    }    while (i < strlen(str1))//i小于这个表达式的长度的时候.    {        if (str1[i] == '+')        {            content[signnum].m_cont[0] = str1[i];            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += 1;        }        else if (str1[i] == '-')        {               content[signnum].m_cont[0] = str1[i];            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += 1;        }        else if (str1[i] == '*')        {                   content[signnum].m_cont[0] = str1[i];            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += 1;        }        else if (str1[i] == '/')        {                       content[signnum].m_cont[0] = str1[i];            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += 1;        }        else if (str1[i] == '^')        {                               content[signnum].m_cont[0] = str1[i];            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += 1;        }        else if (str1[i] == '(')        {                           content[signnum].m_cont[0] = str1[i];            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += 1;        }        else if (str1[i] == ')')        {                           content[signnum].m_cont[0] = str1[i];            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += 1;        }        else if (isNum(str1[i]))        {                       int number = 0;            int j;            for (j = i; j < strlen(str1); j++)            {                               //将数字找出                if (isNum(str1[j]))                {                    number = number * 10 + str1[j] - '0';//输入的是字符串,转化成数字                }                                       //迭代计算出数字.                else {                    break;                }            }            content[signnum].m_num = number;            //将number值赋给结构体变量.            content[signnum].m_cont[0] = 'n';            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += (j - i);        }        else if (str1[i] == '.') {            content[signnum].m_cont[0] = str1[i];            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            signnum++;            i += 1;            int number = 0;            int j;            for (j = i + 1; j < strlen(str1); j++)            {                               //将数字找出                if (isNum(str1[j]))                {                    number = number * 10 + str1[j] - '0';//输入的是字符串,转化成数字                }                                       //迭代计算出数字.                else {                    break;                }            }            content[signnum].m_num = number;            //将number值赋给结构体变量.            content[signnum].m_cont[0] = 'n';            content[signnum].m_cont[1] = '\0';            //twoMenCalc('.', content[signnum - 1].m_num, number);            signnum++;            i += (j - i);        }        else        {                           //如果输入出错,保险起见.            flag = 1;            break;        }    }    if (flag>0)    {                               //出错        return -1;    }    else    {        return 0;    }}//计算子式.double Expression::calculate(Expression * content, int signnum){    double output = 0;      //输出值    double opns[100];       //操作数    int opnsi = 0;          //计数操作数    char opss[100];         //操作符、+-    int opssi = 0;          //计数操作符、+-    memset(opss, '\0', 100);    memset(opns, NULL, 100);    //不考虑输入有问题的情形,第一个肯定是二元操作数.    opns[opnsi++] = content[0].m_num;    //i=1;    for (int i = 1; i < signnum; i++)    {        if (content[i].m_cont[0] == 'n')        {            opns[opnsi++] = content[i].m_num;        }        if (strcmp(content[i].m_cont, "+") == 0){            if (opssi == 0)            {                opss[opssi++] = '+';            }            else            {                if (opssi != 0 && canInStack(opss[opssi - 1], '+'))     //opss[opssi - 1]注意位置                {                                                       //可以入栈                    opss[opssi++] = '+';                }                else                {                                               //出栈                    double temp;                    if (opnsi > 1)                    {                        //弹出两个操作数,进行二元计算之后放入栈顶.                        opns[opnsi - 2] = twoMenCalc(opss[opssi - 1], opns[opnsi - 2], opns[opnsi - 1]);                        opns[opnsi - 1] = NULL;                        opnsi--;                        opss[opssi - 1] = '+';                    }                }            }    }        if (strcmp(content[i].m_cont, "-") == 0)        {            if (opssi == 0)            {                opss[opssi++] = '-';            }            else {                if (opssi != 0 && canInStack(opss[opssi - 1], '-'))                {       //可以入栈                    opss[opssi++] = '-';                }                else {      //出栈                    double temp;                    //运算                    if (opnsi > 1)                    {                        opns[opnsi - 2] = twoMenCalc(opss[opssi - 1], opns[opnsi - 2], opns[opnsi - 1]);                        opns[opnsi - 1] = NULL;                        opnsi--;                        opss[opssi - 1] = '-';                    }                }            }        }        if (strcmp(content[i].m_cont, "*") == 0)        {            if (opssi == 0)            {                opss[opssi++] = '*';            }            else {                if (opssi != 0 && canInStack(opss[opssi - 1], '*'))                {       //可以入栈                    opss[opssi++] = '*';                }                else {      //出栈                    double temp;                    //运算                    if (opnsi > 1)                    {                        opns[opnsi - 2] = twoMenCalc(opss[opssi - 1], opns[opnsi - 2], opns[opnsi - 1]);                        opns[opnsi - 1] = NULL;                        opnsi--;                        opss[opssi - 1] = '*';                    }                }            }        }        if (strcmp(content[i].m_cont, "/") == 0)        {            if (opssi == 0)            {                opss[opssi++] = '/';            }            else            {                if (opssi != 0 && canInStack(opss[opssi - 1], '/'))                {       //可以入栈                    opss[opssi++] = '/';                }                else                {       //出栈                    double temp;                    //运算                    if (opnsi > 1)                    {                        opns[opnsi - 2] = twoMenCalc(opss[opssi - 1], opns[opnsi - 2], opns[opnsi - 1]);                        opns[opnsi - 1] = NULL;                        opnsi--;                        opss[opssi - 1] = '/';                    }                }            }        }        if (strcmp(content[i].m_cont, "^") == 0)        {            if (opssi == 0)            {                opss[opssi++] = '^';            }            else            {                if (opssi != 0 && canInStack(opss[opssi - 1], '^')) {       //可以入栈                    opss[opssi++] = '^';                }                else                {   //出栈                    double temp;                    //运算                    if (opnsi > 1)                    {                        opns[opnsi - 2] = twoMenCalc(opss[opssi - 1], opns[opnsi - 2], opns[opnsi - 1]);                        opns[opnsi - 1] = NULL;                        opnsi--;                        opss[opssi - 1] = '^';                    }                }            }        }    }    //最后的计算.    double temp = 0;    //+、-、*、/、^    if (opnsi >= 2)//如果操作数大于等于2,同样也可以做如果二元运算符符号数大于等于1    {        for (int mm = opnsi; mm > 1; mm--)        {            if (opssi > 0)            {                temp = twoMenCalc(opss[opssi - 1], opns[mm - 2], opns[mm - 1]);                opns[mm - 1] = NULL;                opns[mm - 2] = temp;                opss[opssi - 1] = '\0';                opssi--;                opnsi--;            }        }    }    output = opns[opnsi - 1];    //输出返回值    return output;}//括号处理double Expression::calculateAll(){    double out = 0;    Expression contentT[100];           //临时结构体变量.    int signnumT = 0;                   //括号内表达式长度.    Expression contentOut[100];         //最终版结构体变量.    int signnumOut = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < signnum; i++)    {        if (content[i].m_cont[0] != ')')        {            //strcpy是遇到'\0'就停止.            strcpy(contentOut[signnumOut].m_cont, content[i].m_cont);            contentOut[signnumOut].m_num = content[i].m_num;            signnumOut++;        }        else            //找到(的位置        {            int t = 0;            double temp = 0;            for (int j = signnumOut - 1; j >= 0; j--)            {                if (contentOut[j].m_cont[0] == '(')                {                    t = j;                    break;                }            }            //定义临时结构体变量存放括号内的表达式.            signnumT = 0;            //将结构体清零操作,便于每次输入不同的表达式进行操作.            memset(contentT, 0, sizeof(Expression) * 100);            for (int j = t + 1; j < signnumOut; j++)            {                strcpy(contentT[signnumT].m_cont, contentOut[j].m_cont);                contentT[signnumT].m_num = contentOut[j].m_num;                signnumT++;            }            temp = calculate(contentT, signnumT);//递归            int t2 = signnumOut;        //位置就是signnumOut                for (int j = t; j < t2; j++)            {                strcpy_s(contentOut[j].m_cont, "\0");                contentOut[j].m_num = NULL;                signnumOut--;                         //对括号内部的进行清零处理            }            //将之前的递归得到的结果存进去.            strcpy(contentOut[signnumOut].m_cont, "n");            contentOut[signnumOut].m_num = temp;            signnumOut++;        }    }    out = calculate(contentOut, signnumOut);//最后用一次递归!    return out;}//main.cpp#include"Expression.h"#include<iostream>#include<string>#include <conio.h>using namespace std;void main() {    double y = 0;    char charget;    do {        printf("1.解析表达式\n");        printf("2.退出\n");        do {            printf("请输入你要使用的功能编号:");            charget = getchar();        } while ((charget != '1') && (charget != '2'));        switch (charget)        {        case '1':            Expression A;            //char str[100] = "3*(4+7)-6*2";//"3x+sin(3+x)-sin3x";//"x+1+22*3-4/2+tansincoslnsqrtx-4^2";            char str[100];            cout << "请输入你要解析的表达式:" << endl;            cin >> str;            if (A.strPro(str) == -1) {                cout << "输入有误请检查" << endl;            }            cout << "计算结果为:" << endl;            y = A.calculateAll();            //用cout输出,因为cout是重载了的,所以会自动判断是什么类型。            cout << y << endl;            cout << endl;            printf("按任意键即可返回主菜单\n");            cout << endl;            getch();            break;        case '2':            exit(0);        }    } while (charget != '2');    system("pause");}


#include <stack>#include <cstring>#include <cstdio>#include <stdio.h>#include<cstring>#include <cstdlib>#include <cmath>#include<iostream>using namespace std;char Precede(char a, char b){    int i, j;    char table[8][8] = {        { ' ','+','-','*','/','(',')','=' },        { '+','>','>','<','<','<','>','>' },        { '-','>','>','<','<','<','>','>' },        { '*','>','>','>','>','<','>','>' },        { '/','>','>','>','>','<','>','>' },        { '(','<','<','<','<','<','=',' ' },        { ')','>','>','>','>',' ','>','>' },        { '=','<','<','<','<','<',' ','=' }    };    for (i = 0; i<8; i++)        if (table[0][i] == a)            break;    for (j = 0; j<8; j++)        if (table[j][0] == b) // the first column, different rows            break;    return table[j][i]; // locate the row, and column}bool Calcu_temp(double a, char theta, double b, double &r){    if (theta == '+')        r = a + b;    else        if (theta == '-')            r = a - b;    else        if (theta == '*')            r = a * b;        else        {            if (abs(b - 0.0)<1e-8)                return false;            else                r = a / b;        }    return true;}bool IsOper(char ch){    char ptr[7] = { '+','-','*','/','(',')','=' };    int i;    for (i = 0; i<7; i++)    {        if (ch == ptr[i])            return true;    }    return false;}bool Calculate(char s[], double &result) //计算表达式的结果{    char theta;    int i = 0, j, point = 0;    double a, b, r, num = 0;    //在此开辟两个栈.    stack<double> num_stack;    stack<char> oper_stack; //运算符栈    oper_stack.push('=');    while (s[i] != '=' || oper_stack.top() != '=')//对表达式a进行计算    {        if ((s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') || s[i] == '.') //字符是数字或者小数点        {            num = 0;//初始化数字为0            point = 0;//point用来标记是否出现小数点以及当前处于小数点后第x位,point==10^x            if (s[i] == '.')                point = 10;            else                num = s[i] - '0';            j = i + 1;            while (!IsOper(s[j])) //继续往后查找并记录该数字,直到该数字结束遇到运算符为止            {                if (s[j] == '.')                {                    point = 10;                    j++;                    continue;                }                if (!point)//整数部分                    num = num * 10 + (s[j] - '0');                else//小数部分                {                    num = num + 1.0 * (s[j] - '0') / point;//小数部分                    point *= 10;//小数位数后移一位                }                j++;            }            i = j;            num_stack.push(num);//将该数字压入栈中        }        else if (IsOper(s[i]))//字符是运算符        {            switch (Precede(s[i], oper_stack.top())) //该运算符和栈顶运算符进行优先级比较并做相关处理            {            case '<':                oper_stack.push(s[i++]);                break;            case '=':                oper_stack.pop();                i++;                break;            case '>':                theta = oper_stack.top();//从栈中弹出一个运算符进行计算                oper_stack.pop();                b = num_stack.top();//弹出两个数字,注意顺序,先弹出的数是第二个操作数                num_stack.pop();                a = num_stack.top();                num_stack.pop();                if (Calcu_temp(a, theta, b, r))//计算并判断是否有除数等于0的情况                    num_stack.push(r);//若正常,则将结果压入栈中                else                    return false;//出现除数为0的情况,返回错误信息                break;            }        }    }    result = num_stack.top();//最后数字栈中的数即为表达式的最终结果    return true;}bool Check(char s[])//检查表达式括号是否匹配{    int flag = 0, i;    for (i = 0; s[i] != 0; i++) {        if (s[i] == '(')            flag++;        if (s[i] == ')')            flag--;    }    if (flag != 0)        return false;    else        return true;}int main(){    //freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);    int i, j;    char s1[210], s2[210];    double result;    cout << "请输入表达式:";    cin >> s1;//输入表达式    if (strlen(s1) == 1 && s1[0] == '0') // 输入为 ‘0’或只有一个字符时,重新输入        return 0;        for (i = 0, j = 0; s1[i] != 0; i++)//将表达式转换为规格化的表达式,并在末尾加上“=”,保存在s2中        {            if (s1[i] == ' ')                continue;            s2[j++] = s1[i];        }        s2[j++] = '=';        s2[j] = '\0';        if (Check(s2)) //检查括号是否匹配        {            if (Calculate(s2, result))//计算并检查表达式中是否出现除数为0的情况                printf("%lf\n", result);            else                printf("零不能做除数!\n");        }        else            printf("括号匹配出错\n");    //system("pause");    //return 0;        main();}



#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<string>#include<cstdlib>using namespace std;double expression_value(); double term_value();double factor_value();double expression_value() {    double result = term_value();    bool flag = true;    while (flag) {        char op = cin.peek();        if (op == '+' || op == '-') {            cin.get();            double value = term_value();//取出下一项.            if (op == '+')  result += value;            else            result -= value;            }        else flag = false;    }    return result;}double term_value() {    double result = factor_value();    bool flag = true;    while (flag) {        char op = cin.peek();        if (op == '*' || op == '/') {            cin.get();            double value = factor_value();//取出下一项.            if (op == '*')  result *= value;            else            result /= value;        }        else flag = false;    }    return result;}double factor_value() {    double result = 0,xiaoshu = 0, i = 0.1;    char op = cin.peek();    if (op == '(') {        cin.get();        result = expression_value();//对括号里的表达式处理,递归!        cin.get();    }    else {        while (isdigit(op)) {            result = 10 * result + op - '0';            cin.get();            op = cin.peek();        }        //处理小数.        if (op == '.') {            cin.get();            op = cin.peek();}        while (isdigit(op)) {            xiaoshu +=(op - '0')*i;            i *= 0.1;            cin.get();            op = cin.peek();}    }    return result+xiaoshu;}void main() {    //string s;    //cin >> s;    cout << "请输入表达式:" << endl;    cout << expression_value() << endl;    system("pause");}

