
来源:互联网 发布:更改4g移动数据dns 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 20:07

startService和bindService同时调用后, 必须对应调用stop和unbind,Service才会destroy。


public boolean filterEquals(Intent other) {        if (other == null) {            return false;        }        // 比较Intent中的各项指标:Action,Uri,MIME type,包名,Component,Category        if (!Objects.equals(this.mAction, other.mAction)) return false;        if (!Objects.equals(this.mData, other.mData)) return false;        if (!Objects.equals(this.mType, other.mType)) return false;        if (!Objects.equals(this.mPackage, other.mPackage)) return false;        if (!Objects.equals(this.mComponent, other.mComponent)) return false;        if (!Objects.equals(this.mCategories, other.mCategories)) return false;        return true;    }


如果你的Service被start, 并且被bind,那么当解除所有绑定, 系统调用onUnbind的, 你可以在onUnbind中返回true, 这样你你可以在下次bindService的时候, 可以回调onRebind(不会回调onBind了, 放心吧), onRebind方法返回值void, 但是client仍然可以拿到IBinder对象(这是因为IBind对象被系统缓存起来了),onUnbind中返回false,那么依然会回调onBind.

public interface ServiceConnection {    /**     * Called when a connection to the Service has been established, with     * the {@link android.os.IBinder} of the communication channel to the     * Service.     *     * @param name The concrete component name of the service that has     * been connected.     *     * @param service The IBinder of the Service's communication channel,     * which you can now make calls on.     */    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service);    /**     * Called when a connection to the Service has been lost.  This typically     * happens when the process hosting the service has crashed or been killed.     * This does <em>not</em> remove the ServiceConnection itself -- this     * binding to the service will remain active, and you will receive a call     * to {@link #onServiceConnected} when the Service is next running.     *     * @param name The concrete component name of the service whose     * connection has been lost.     */    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name);}


