
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝性价比高包包店铺 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 19:11



一、什么是Immutable collections

Immutable data cannot be changed once created . Persistent data presents a mutative API which does not update the data in-place, but instead always yields new updated data.

Immutable.js provides many Persistent Immutable data structures including: List, Stack, Map, OrderedMap, Set, OrderedSet and Record.

These data structures are highly efficient on modern JavaScript VMs .

Keywords:cannot be changedyields new updated dataefficient



2.1 npm方式
npm install immutable


const { Map } = require('immutable');const map = Map({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });map.get('a');       // 1
2.2 浏览器方式


<script src="immutable.min.js"></script><script>    var map = Immutable.Map({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });    map.get('a');       // 1</script>


3.1 Collection

Immutable中的Collection是一个基类,放在后端语言Java中来说就是一个抽象类,其中定义了很多方法,提供给子类来实现。因此Collection不能直接使用其构造函数。其中它又分成了几个子类,分别是Collection.Keyed,Collection.Indexed, or Collection.SetList/Map/Set/Stack分别都是继承他们而来。

提供的基本操作 (例如:get/set/update/map/filter之类的) 这里将不会被讲到,想要了解的可以具体去官网看API。


Also, an important relationship between these methods must be upheld: if two values are equal, theymust return the same hashCode. If the values are not equal, they might have the same hashCode; this is called a hash collision,


// src/is.jsexport function is(valueA, valueB) {    //...    return !!(isValueObject(valueA) && isValueObject(valueB) && valueA.equals(valueB));}// src/Predicates.jsexport function isValueObject(maybeValue) {    return !!(maybeValue &&               typeof maybeValue.equals === 'function' &&               typeof maybeVaule.hashCode === 'function');}// src/CollectionImpl.js 315行equals(other) {    return deepEqual(this, other);}// src/utils/deepEqual.jsexport default function deepEqual(a, b) {    // 这里的算法略,如果感兴趣看是如何比较的可以自己去看    // 这里主要看一个关键词    // ...    if (        !isCollection(b) ||        (a.size !== undefined && b.size !== undefined && a.size !== b.size) ||        (a.__hash !== undefined && b.__hash !== undefined && a.__hash !== b.__hash)         // ...    ) {        return false;    }    // 这里看到 __hash 这个属性从哪来,因此我们这回去看}// src/CollectionImpl.js 532行hashCode() {    return this.__hash || (this.__hash = hashCollection(this));}



const Immutable = require('./lib/immutable.js');let a = 1;let b = '1';let c = 1;let d = { a: 1 };let e = { a: 1 };let f = NaN;let g = NaN;let h = function() { console.log('h'); }let i = function() { console.log('h'); }let j = 0;let k = -0;let l = Immutable.Map({ a: 1 });let m = Immutable.Map({ a: 1 });let n = {    a: 1,     hashCode: function() {        return Immutable.hash('immutable');    },    equals: function() {        return true;    }};let o = {    a: 1,     hashCode: function() {        return Immutable.hash('immutable');    },    equals: function() {        return true;    }};console.log(, b));  // falseconsole.log(, c));  // trueconsole.log(, e));  // falseconsole.log(, g));  // trueconsole.log(, i));  // falseconsole.log(, k));  // trueconsole.log(, m));  // trueconsole.log(, o));  // trueconsole.log(Immutable.isValueObject(n));  // trueconsole.log(Immutable.isImmutable(n));    // falseconsole.log(Immutable.isCollection(n));   // false






3.2 Hash


/** * hash(val) * hash接受一个参数,这个值是任意的,返回一个31位的整数 * 作用:当使用is()函数比较时,通过返回相同的hash值来判断两个值是否相等 * 技巧:equals函数返回true, hashCode函数返回相同的hash值来设计两个值是否相等 */const Immutable = require('./lib/immutable.js');let seed1 = 'seed';let seed2 = { a: 1, b: 2 };let seed3 = [1, 2, 3, 4];let seed4 = [1, 2, 3];let seed5 = Immutable.List([435, 235, 1]);console.log(Immutable.hash(seed1));     // 3526257console.log(Immutable.hash(seed1));     // 3526257console.log(Immutable.hash(seed2));     // 1console.log(Immutable.hash(seed3));     // 2console.log(Immutable.hash(seed4));     // 3console.log(Immutable.hash(seed5));     // -53036292
3.3 List

List继承自Collection.Indexed,同时实现了Deque,能够高效地从首部或者尾部添加或者删除数据。基本操作与javascript Array类似。更多操作请参看List API

// javascript 数组const plainArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];const listFormPlainArray = Immutable.List(plainArray);// iteratorconst listFromIterator = Immutable.List(plainArray[Symbol.iterator]());console.log(listFormPlainArray.toJS());     // [1, 2, 3, 4]console.log(listFromIterator.toJS());       // [1, 2, 3, 4]


const oList = Immutable.List([0, 1, 2]);const addFormLast = oList.set(-1, -1);console.log(addFormLast.toJS());            // [0, 1, -1]const deleteList1 = oList.delete(0);console.log(deleteList1.toJS());            // [1, 2]const deleteList2 = oList.delete(-1);console.log(deleteList2.toJS());            // [0, 1]


// unset & undefinedconst originList = [1, 2, , 4];const collectionList = Immutable.List(originList);collectionList.forEach(function(v, i) {    console.log(`${i} ${v}`);    // 0 1    // 1 2    // 2 undefined    // 3 4});originList.forEach(function(v, i) {    console.log(`${i} ${v}`);    // 0 1    // 1 2    // 3 4});
3.4 Map

Map 继承自 Collection.keyedMap是无序的,如果需要有序Map 请使用OrderedMap。更多操作请参看官网API Map API


const anyKeyMap = Immutable.Map();console.log(anyKeyMap.set(key1, 'hello1').get(key1));   // hello1console.log(anyKeyMap.set(key2, 'hello2').get(key2));   // hello2console.log(anyKeyMap.set(key3, 'hello3').get(key3));   // hello3console.log(anyKeyMap.set(key4, 'hello4').get(key4));   // hello4console.log(anyKeyMap.set(key5, 'hello5').get(key5));   // hello5// don't initial with a obj like this// { NaN: 'hello' }// Map<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): Map<string, V>let key = NaN;const initMap = Immutable.Map({ key: 'hello' });console.log(initMap.get(key));      // undefined


let obj = { 1: 'hello' };console.log(Object.keys(obj));  // ['1']console.log(obj['1']);          // helloconsole.log(obj[1]);            // helloconst mapObj = Immutable.Map(obj);console.log(mapObj.get("1"));   // helloconsole.log(mapObj.get(1));     // undefined


// update// update([key, newVal,] callback)// 1.传入key值与回调改变值// 2.传入回调函数可以返回当前值// 3.传入key值与新设置的值以及回调函数,注意,如果新值与原来的值不相等,会返回当前值const originMap = Immutable.Map({ 'key': 'value' });const newMap1 = originMap.update('key', function(value) {    return value + value;});const newMap2 = originMap.update(function(value) {    return value;});const newMap3 = originMap.update('key1', 'one', function(value) {    return value + value;});const newMap4 = originMap.update('key1', 'one', function(value) {    return value;});console.log(newMap1.toJS());        // { key: 'valuevalue' }console.log(newMap2.toJS());        // { key: 'value' }console.log(newMap3.toJS());        // { key: 'value', key1: 'oneone' }console.log(newMap4.toJS());        // { key: 'value' }// merge// 后面的值覆盖前面的值const one = Immutable.Map({ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 });const two = Immutable.Map({ a: 40, b: 60, c: 90, d: 100 });const mergeMap1 = one.merge(two);const mergeMap2 = two.merge(one);console.log(mergeMap1.toJS());      // { a: 40, b: 60, c: 90, d: 100 }console.log(mergeMap2.toJS());      // { a: 10, b: 20, c: 30, d: 100 } // mergeWithconst mergeWithMap = one.mergeWith(function(oldVal, newVal) {    return oldVal / newVal;}, two);console.log(mergeWithMap.toJS());   // { a: 0.25, b: 0.3333333333333333, c: 0.3333333333333333, d: 100 }
3.5 Set


const set = Immutable.Set([1, 2, 1, 4]);console.log(set.toJS());        // [1, 2, 4]// 去除list中的相同值const list = Immutable.List([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 9, 0]);const setList = Immutable.Set(list);console.log(list);          // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 9, 0 ]console.log(setList);       // Set { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 0 }

既然继承自Collection,那么就会存在Collection中的一些方法。具体操作方法参看官网Set API

// fromKeys const originObj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, a: 5 };const mapIterator = Immutable.Map(originObj)[Symbol.iterator]();const iterator2 = [ ['key', 'value'], ['key1', 'value2'], ['key', 'value3'] ];console.log(Immutable.Set.fromKeys(mapIterator));   // Set { "a", "b", "c", "d" }console.log(Immutable.Set.fromKeys(iterator2));     // Set { "key", "key1" }console.log(Immutable.Set.fromKeys(originObj));     // Set { "a", "b", "c", "d" }// 交集// intersectconst set1 = Immutable.Set(['a', 'b', 'c']);const set2 = Immutable.Set(['a', 'c', 'd']);    const intersected = Immutable.Set.intersect([set1, set2]);console.log(intersected);   // Set { "a", "c" }// 并集// unionconst unioned = Immutable.Set.union([set1, set2]);console.log(unioned);       // Set { "a", "c", "d", "b" }// addconst addSet = Immutable.Set([1, 2, 3, 4]);const newSet = addSet.add(5);console.log(newSet.toJS());     // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
3.6 Stack

Stack 继承自 Collection.Indexed。在添加和删除数据上有非常高的效率。操作总是从栈顶开始,提供的push/pop/peek方法只是因为我们熟悉了这些API。不建议使用reverse() 效率不高。具体操作方法参看官网Stack API

const Immutable = require('./lib/immutable.js');// peek// similar to firstconst stack = Immutable.Stack([1, 2, 3, 4]);console.log(stack.peek());          // 1console.log(stack.first());         // 1// hasconsole.log(stack.has(2));          // true// includes// similar to containsconsole.log(stack.includes(3));     // true// lastconsole.log(stack.last());
3.7 Seq

Seq 继承自 CollectionSeq是不可变的,一旦被创建就不可修改,由一些函数引起的变化将会返回一个新的SeqSeq的一个重要特性就是懒计算。只有当被调用时才会开始计算。具体看以下例子:

const Immutable = require('./lib/immutable.js');// 在未调用时并不会执行// 不信可以将Seq换成List试试,会全部执行const oddSquares = Immutable.Seq([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]).filter(function(x) {    console.log('filter', x);    return x % 2 !== 0;}).map(function(x) {    console.log('map', x);    return x * x;});// filter 1// map 1// 1console.log(oddSquares.get(0));     // 调用发现,filter中只执行一次,map中也执行了一次
3.8 其他
3.8.1 fromJS

fromJS(val[, callback(key, value, path)])

fromJS有两个参数,其中回调函数可选,作用是将原始值类型转换为Immutable的集合。如果不提供回调,默认的转换行为是:Array -> Lists, Object -> Maps

const Immutable = require('./lib/immutable.js');let obj = { a: { b: [10, 20, 30] }, c: 40 };let iObj = Immutable.fromJS(obj, function(key, value, path) {    let isIdxed = Immutable.isIndexed(value);    console.log(key, value, path, isIdxed);    return isIdxed ? value.toList() : value.toOrderedMap();});/** * b Seq [ 10, 20, 30 ] [ 'a', 'b' ] true * a Seq { "b": List [ 10, 20, 30 ] } [ 'a' ] false * b Seq [ 10, 20, 30 ] [ 'a', 'b' ] true *   Seq { "a": OrderedMap { "b": List [ 10, 20, 30 ] }, "c": 40 } [] false * b Seq [ 10, 20, 30 ] [ 'a', 'b' ] true * a Seq { "b": List [ 10, 20, 30 ] } [ 'a' ] false * b Seq [ 10, 20, 30 ] [ 'a', 'b' ] true */console.log(Immutable.isCollection(iObj));  // trueconsole.log(Immutable.isCollection(obj));   // false
3.8.2 Range 区间选择器

Range([start, end, step])

返回一个区间的List,若step有值,则在此区间上按照step来划分值,默认值:start=1, end=infinity, step=1,if start === end returns []

const Immutable = require('./lib/immutable.js');console.log(Immutable.Range());             // Range [ 0...Infinity ]console.log(Immutable.Range(10));           // Range [ 10...Infinity ]console.log(Immutable.Range(10, 30, 5));    // Range [ 10...30 by 5 ]console.log(Immutable.Range(10, 10));       // Range []console.log(Immutable.isImmutable(Immutable.Range()));  // true
3.8.3 Record 记录时光机

Record(defaultVal[, description])

  • Record必须要有默认值,如果不传直接报错,如果传值为空对象,后续任何操作将会无效
  • isRecord方法用来判断当前对象是否是Record的一个实例
  • 多次remove掉的记录会变为初始值,之后删除多次将会变得无效
  • Record可以添加描述
  • Record可以被继承,可以添加自己的方法赋予更多功能
const Immutable = require('./lib/immutable.js');const DefaultRecord = Immutable.Record({ a: 1, b: 2 }); const RewriteRecord = new DefaultRecord({ b: 3 });console.log(Immutable.Record.isRecord(DefaultRecord));      // falseconsole.log(Immutable.Record.isRecord(RewriteRecord));      // trueconst ReRewriteRecord = new DefaultRecord({ b: 4 });console.log(ReRewriteRecord.get('a'));                  // 1console.log(ReRewriteRecord.get('b'));                  // 4const removeRecord = ReRewriteRecord.remove('b');console.log(removeRecord.get('b'));                     // 2const reRemoveRecord = removeRecord.remove('b');console.log(reRemoveRecord.get('b'));                   // 2// getDescriptiveName()const Person = Immutable.Record({ name: null }, 'Person');const me = Person({ name: 'Ryn' });console.log(me.toString());                             // Person { name: "Ryn" }console.log(Immutable.Record.getDescriptiveName(me));   // Person// no-defaultconst NoDefaultRecord = Immutable.Record({});const writeRecord = new NoDefaultRecord({ a: 1 });console.log(writeRecord.get('a'));                      // undefined// extendsclass ClassRecord extends Immutable.Record({ a: 1, b: 2 }) {    getSum() {        return this.a + this.b;    }}const myClassRecord = new ClassRecord({ b: 3 });console.log(myClassRecord.getSum());
3.8.4 Repeat

Repeat(val[, times])

const Immutable = require('./lib/immutable.js');console.log(Immutable.Repeat('hello'));         // Repeat [ hello Infinity times ]console.log(Immutable.Repeat('hello', 4));      // Repeat [ hello 4 times ] 


Javascript中对象都是参考类型,也就是a = { a: 1 }; b = a; b.a = 10;你发现a.a也变成10了。可变的好处是节省内存或是利用可变性做一些事情,但是,在复杂的开发中它的副作用远比好处大的多。于是才有了浅copy和深copy,就是为了解决这个问题。Immutable.js的应用主要是在其不变性上,这对于层次比较深的值比较、拷贝上面将会变得十分有用处。
