EU4-51: Describing a business situation

来源:互联网 发布:mac 搜狗输入法切换 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 10:52


[JOAN] The purpose of this meeting is to give you an update about IXW's purchase of Sunset Computers. I know you must have a lot of questions. Well, now is the time for answers.[JOAN] Let's start with the good news. Due to the purchase of Sunset, our market share in Asia has increased to 23 percent, And our revenue form the region has increased to nearly 25 percent. This is mainly because of Sunset's strength in China and Korea.[JOAN] However, sales in Europe have decreased slightly. As a result, revenue there fell by 8 percent. while sales in North and South America have been flat. Overall, revenue is up by 5 percent, but our costs have also risen. Consequently, our profits are going to decrease slightly.[JOAN] Let me assure you, we're not looking at layoffs to save money. But it is possible that we'll delay some projects. In the few weeks, you will be working with your managers to find opportunities to cut expenses. Does anyone have any questions?

Key words

  • The purpose of this meeting is to …
  • layoffs to save money
  • opportunities to cut expenses


1. Special infinitive phrases


1. Noun+infinitive

This meeting is an opportunity to give you some answers.
We’re not looking at layoffs to save money.

2. Noun phrases + be + infinitive

The purpose of today’s meeting is to give you a company update.

2. 表达原因与结果

使用due to 和 because of 表示从句。 这些表达是从属子句的一部分。 注意,当从属子句在独立子句之前出现需要用逗号隔开。

Because of our purchase of Sunset Computers, they have some questions.
They have some questions because of our purchase of Sunset Computers.
Due to the purchase of Sunset Computers, our market share has increased.
Our market share has increased due to the purchase of Sunset Computers.

使用as a resultconsequently描述一个结果。这些表达紧接前一句描述的原因。注意这些表达后接逗号。

Sales in Europe have decreased slightly. As a result, revenue there fell by 8%.
Our costs have risen. Consequently, our profits are going to decrease slightly.

3. Talking about increase and decrease


Our market share has increased to 23 percent.
Profits have decreased by 15 percent.


Sales have been flat.


Revenue fell by 8% last year.
Our market share rose to 35% last quarter.

使用nearly, slightly和significantly等副词表达不那么精确的信息。

Prices rose by nearly 20%.
Sales have decreased slightly.
Revenue has increased significantly.
