
来源:互联网 发布:歧视中国人 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 14:23





# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from PIL import Imagefrom PIL import ImageFontfrom PIL import ImageDrawimport osCREATE_PATH = 'F:/img_test/create_train_image/'WIDTH = 700HEIGHT = 900# 正常字体的大小# FONT_SIZE = 40# FONT_SIZE = 16# FONT_SIZE = 20FONT_SIZE = 25FONT_SIZE = 36FONT_SIZE = 45# 空格的大小,换行的时候也是要大小的不然,两行的距离太紧FONT_BLANK_SIZE = 10BEG_POINT = 5BLACK_COLOR = 0 + 0 * 256 + 0 * 256 * 256FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\FZSTK.TTF'  # 方正舒体# FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc'  # 常规简体   done 16 25# FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.TTF'  # heiti     done 16 25FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\STHUPO.TTF'  # 实心黑粗体  字体太大不好看有些字显示不正常FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\simkai.TTF'  # 楷体 常规    done 16 25FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\simfang.TTF'  # 仿宋 常规 常规  done 16 25FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\FZYTK.TTF'    # 方正 姚体 常规FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINWEI.TTF'    # 华文新魏常规 done 25 36FONT_TYPE = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\STCAIYUN.TTF'   #空心体FONT_TYPE = 'F:\img_test\dahei\da_gei.TTF'    #自己下载的打黑 done  50out_dir = 'F:/img_test/create_train_image/'output_txt = 'output1.txt'output_img = 'F:/img_test/create_train_image/output2.jpg'# input_text = 'F:/img_test/create_train_image/common_word.txt'input_text = 'F:/img_test/create_train_image/common_word2.txt'input_text = 'F:/img_test/create_train_image/all_chinese.txt'page_num = 47def get_text_from_file():    with open(input_text, 'r') as file:        # decode('utf-8') 不行不知道为什么非要 'gbk'        # print file.read().decode('gbk')        return file.read().decode('gbk')def get_page_num(text):    textLen = len(text)    rowLen = WIDTH / FONT_SIZE - 1    columnLen = HEIGHT / (FONT_SIZE + FONT_BLANK_SIZE)    if HEIGHT % (FONT_SIZE + FONT_BLANK_SIZE) > FONT_SIZE:        columnLen += 1    pageWordsNum = rowLen * columnLen    pageNum = float(textLen) / (pageWordsNum)    pageNum = int(round(pageNum + 0.499))    textLst = str_to_strlist_by_nth(text, pageWordsNum)    # for item in textLst:    #     print item    return pageNum, textLstdef do_All_Task():    text = get_text_from_file()    pageNum, textLst = get_page_num(text)    baseFileName = get_filename_without_extension(input_text)    baseFontName = get_filename_without_extension(FONT_TYPE)    for i in range(0, pageNum):        global output_txt, output_img, page_num        output_txt = '%s%d%s%s%spage%d%s%s%s%d.txt' % (out_dir, page_num, '_', baseFileName, '_', i, '_', baseFontName, '_', FONT_SIZE)        output_img = '%s%d%s%s%spage%d%s%s%s%d.jpg' % (out_dir, page_num, '_', baseFileName, '_', i, '_', baseFontName, '_', FONT_SIZE)        print (output_txt, output_img)        write_text2img(textLst[i])        page_num += 1def get_filename_without_extension(fullPath):    base = os.path.basename(fullPath)    return os.path.splitext(base)[0]def process_text(text):    # num of character in each line    row_size = WIDTH / FONT_SIZE - 1    # print row_len    LEN = len(text)    # print LEN    count = LEN / row_size    # for i in range(0, count):    #     text = insert_character(text, i * row_size + i)    textLst = str_to_strlist_by_nth(text, row_size)    # print text    return textLstdef write_text2img(text):    # img = np.zeros([WIDTH, HEIGHT, 3], dtype=np.uint8)    # img.fill(255) # or img[:] = 255    # cv2.imwrite('F:/img_test/create_train_image/1215.jpg', img)    # text = get_text_from_file()    text_lst = process_text(text)    blank = Image.new("RGB", [WIDTH, HEIGHT], "white")    # blank = Image.new("L", [WIDTH, HEIGHT], "white")    drawObject = ImageDraw.Draw(blank)    # font = ImageFont.truetype()    # Font1 = ImageFont.truetype("C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc", 36)    Font1 = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_TYPE, FONT_SIZE)    Font2 = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_TYPE, FONT_BLANK_SIZE)    # text = u"我草草草草\n\n草我草草草草"    # text = u"我草草草草草我草草草草"    drawObject.ink = BLACK_COLOR    lst_coord = []    dic_word2coord = {}    lst_word2coord = []    size = len(text_lst)    for i in range(0, size):        row_text = text_lst[i]        y = BEG_POINT + i * (FONT_SIZE + FONT_BLANK_SIZE)        drawObject.text([BEG_POINT, y], row_text, font=Font1)        drawObject.text([BEG_POINT, BEG_POINT + (i + 1) * FONT_SIZE + i * FONT_BLANK_SIZE], '\n', font=Font2)        for j in range(0, len(row_text)):            x = BEG_POINT + j * FONT_SIZE            # drawObject.rectangle((x, y, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE + 2), outline="red")            lst_coord.append((x, y, x + FONT_SIZE, y + FONT_SIZE + 2))            dic_word2coord[row_text[j]] = (x, y, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE + 2)            # lst_item = [row_text[j].encode('utf-8'), x, y, x + FONT_SIZE, y + FONT_SIZE + 2, 9]            lst_item = [row_text[j].encode('utf-8'), x, HEIGHT - y - FONT_SIZE - 2, x + FONT_SIZE, HEIGHT - y, page_num]            lst_word2coord.append(lst_item)    blank.save(output_img)    for j in range(0, len(lst_coord)):        drawObject.rectangle(lst_coord[j], outline="red")    # print dic_word2coord    blank.show()    # dict2txt(dic_word2coord)    lst2txt(lst_word2coord)def lst2txt(lst):    filepath = output_txt    with open(filepath, "w") as f:        for item_lst in lst:            # f.write(item[0].encode('utf-8') + str(item[1]) + ' ' + str(item[2]) + ' ' + str(item[3]) + '\n')            # f.write(" ".join(item) + '\n')            f.write(" ".join(str(item) for item in item_lst) + '\n')def dict2txt(d):    # txtfile = os.path.join(out_dir, output_txt)    filepath = 'F:/img_test/create_train_image/output1.txt'    with open(filepath, "w") as f:        for (k, v) in d.items():            k = k.encode('utf-8')            # f.write(k + v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3])            f.write(k + ' ' + str(v[0]) + ' ' + str(v[1]) + ' ' + str(v[2]) + ' ' + str(v[3]) + '\n')            # for p in d.items():            #     f.write("%s:%s\n" % p)def str_to_strlist_by_nth(str, nth):    return [str[i:i + nth] for i in range(0, len(str), nth)]def insert_character(string, index):    return string[:index] + '\n' + string[index:]def test():    text = get_text_from_file()    print process_text(text)if __name__ == '__main__':    do_All_Task()    # print '%s%d%s%s.jpg' % (out_dir, 1, '_', 'abc')    # print(os.path.splitext(FONT_TYPE)[0])    # print(os.path.splitext(output_img)[0])    # base = os.path.basename(FONT_TYPE)    # print os.path.splitext(base)[0]    # write_text2img()    # print int(round(0.4))    # print int(round(0.1 + 0.49))    # test()    # d = {u'\u7981': (205, 425, 255, 477), u'\u5c04': (5, 365, 55, 417)}    # dict2txt(d)    # print len(get_text_from_file())    # str = u'1234我的5'    # print str_to_strlist_by_nth(str, 3)

