Pointers on C——6 Pointers.4

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​6.4 Indirection Operator

The process of following a pointer to the location to which it points is called indirection or dereferencing the pointer. The operator that performs indirection is the unary *. Here are some examples using the declarations in the previous section.

通过一个指针访问它所指向的地址的过程称为间接访问(indirection)或解引用指针(dereferencing the pointer) 。这个用于执行间接访问的操作符是单目操作符*。这里有一些例子,它们使用了前面小节里的一些声明。

The value of d is 100. When we apply the indirection operator to d, it means to go to location 100 in memory and look there instead. Thus, the R‐value of *d is 112—the contents of location 100. The L‐value would be location 100 itself.

d 的值是100 。当我们对d 使用间接访问操作符时,它表示访问内存位置100 并察看那里的值。因此, *d 的右值是112——位置100 的内容,它的左值是位置100 本身。

    Note the types of the expressions in the list above: d is a pointer to an integer and dereferencing it produces an integer. Similarly, applying indirection to a float *produces a float.

注意上面列表中各个表达式的类型: d 是一个指向整型的指针,对它进行解引用操作将产生一个整型值。类似,对float *进行间接访问将产生一个float 型值。

Normally, we donʹt know which location the compiler will choose for each variable, so we cannot predict their addresses in advance. Thus, when drawing pictures of pointers in memory, it is inconvenient to use the actual numbers for addresses, so most books use arrows instead, like this:


    However, this notation can be misleading because the arrows can trick you into doing indirection even when there is no indirection to be done. For example, what is the value of the expression d from the diagram above?

但是,这种记法可能会引起误解,因为箭头可以会使你误以为执行了间接访问操作,但事实上它并不一定会进行这个操作。例如,根据上图,你会推断表达式d 的值是什么?

If you answered 112, then you were tricked by the arrow. The correct answer is the address of a, not its contents. The arrow, though, seems to pull our eyes to a. It is hard not to follow the arrow and that is the problem: you must not follow the arrow unless there is an indirection operator.

如果你的答案是112 ,那么你就被这个箭头误导了。正确的答案是a 的地址,而不是它的内容。但是,这个箭头似乎会把你的注意力吸引到a 上。要使你的思维不受箭头影响是不容易的,这也是问题所在:除非存在间接引用操作符,否则不要被箭头所误导。

The modified arrow notation shown below tries to eliminate this problem.


The intent is to show the value of the pointer without the strong visual cue that the arrow is a path that must be followed. Indeed, the value of a pointer variable is simply a collection of bits until an indirection is performed on it. When indirection is performed, a solid arrow is used to show what actually took place.


Note that the arrow originates inside of the box because it represents the value stored in that variable. Also, the arrow points to a location, not to the value in the location. This notation implies that following the arrow with indirection produces an L‐value. It does, as we shall see later.


Although the arrow notation is useful, in order to be able to use it properly you must remember that the value of a pointer variable is just a number. The arrow shows the value of this number, but the arrow notation does not change the fact that it is just a number. A pointer has no built‐in property of indirection, so you must not follow the arrow unless there is art indirection operator that tells you to do so.


上一章 Pointers on C——6 Pointers.3
