
来源:互联网 发布:视频大数据什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 12:23


vector是C++ STL 中的一种数据结构,可以理解为“向量”或者是“可变长数组”。vector比普通的数组更加节省空间,但是它的时间效率显然不如普通的数组。我曾经听学长说vector 的push_back 操作的总复杂度为O(NlogN),但我不这么认为(或许是我得了幻听,没有学长说过这话)。为此我按照类似vector的原理仿写了一个简易的“vector类”。


#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>namespace std{    template<class VarType>class vector //try to write a "vector" myslef    {        //made by NEYC GGN -2017.9.2, for study only        //only has "some basic functions" of STL"vector"        int len,siz;     //len: the length of memory, siz: the amount of elments        VarType* bgn;    //the head of the array        void swap(VarType*& A,VarType*& B){            VarType* t;            t=A;A=B;B=t; //swap two pointer        }        public:            vector(int Len=1){                             //constructor                siz=0;len=Len;                             //at first, len= basic Length                bgn=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new memory            }            ~vector(){     //destructor                free(bgn); //free the memory when delete the whole vector            }            void clear(){                free(bgn);                                 //free the last array                siz=0;len=1;                               //set len= 1                bgn=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new memory            }            int push_back(VarType itm){ //add an element at back                if(!(siz<len)){         //if the vector is full                    len<<=1;            //double the length of array                    VarType* new_s=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new array                    memcpy(new_s,bgn,sizeof(VarType)*siz);                //copy the elments before                    swap(new_s,bgn);free(new_s);                          //free the last array                }                bgn[siz]=itm; //add an element                return ++siz; //return the size of elements            }            int pop_back(){              //delete an element at back                if(siz==0)return 0;      //siz=0 can not pop_back                if(siz<=(len>>1)){       //if can delete right half                    len>>=1;             //decline the length of array                    VarType* new_s=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new array                    memcpy(new_s,bgn,sizeof(VarType)*siz);                //copy the elments before                    swap(new_s,bgn);free(new_s);                          //free the last array                }                return --siz;            }            VarType* begin(){   //return head pointer                return bgn;            }            VarType* end(){     //return tail pointer                return bgn+siz; //vector => [ vec.begin(), vec.end() )            }            VarType& operator[](int index){ //index a position in vector                return bgn[index];          //attention! 0 <= index < vec.size()            }            int size(){     //return the count of elements invector                return siz; //return "siz"            }//          int length(){   //get the length of the vector//              return len; //for debug only, return len//          }    };}//test part of the algorithm:#include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;int main() //debug my vector's function{    vector<int>vec;        //define a vector (as STL)    printf("input n=? ");  //input the siz of elements    int n;scanf("%d",&n);    printf("input array[0..%d]=? ",n-1);    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ //input all the elements        int a;scanf("%d",&a);        vec.push_back(a);  //push_back an element    }    sort(vec.begin(),vec.end());   //sort the vector    for(int i=0;i<vec.size();i++)  //output sorted vector        printf("%d ",vec[i]);    printf("\n");    while(vec.size()!=0){ //pop the whole vector        vec.pop_back();   //attention! do not use the method to clear        printf("siz=%d \n",vec.size());    }                     //if you want to clear, use "vec.clear()"    return 0; //debug end}


#include<stdlib.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>namespace std{    template<class VarType>class vector //try to write a "vector" myslef    {        //made by NEYC GGN -2017.9.2, for study only        //only has "some basic functions" of STL"vector"        int len,siz;     //len: the length of memory, siz: the amount of elments        VarType* bgn;    //the head of the array        void swap(VarType*& A,VarType*& B){            VarType* t;            t=A;A=B;B=t; //swap two pointer        }        public:            vector(int Len=1){                             //constructor                siz=0;len=Len;                             //at first, len= basic Length                bgn=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new memory            }            ~vector(){     //destructor                free(bgn); //free the memory when delete the whole vector            }            void clear(){                free(bgn);                                 //free the last array                siz=0;len=1;                               //set len= 1                bgn=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new memory            }            int push_back(VarType itm){ //add an element at back                if(!(siz<len)){         //if the vector is full                    len<<=1;            //double the length of array                    VarType* new_s=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new array                    memcpy(new_s,bgn,sizeof(VarType)*siz);                //copy the elments before                    swap(new_s,bgn);free(new_s);                          //free the last array                }                bgn[siz]=itm; //add an element                return ++siz; //return the size of elements            }            int pop_back(){              //delete an element at back                if(siz==0)return 0;      //siz=0 can not pop_back                if(siz<=(len>>1)){       //if can delete right half                    len>>=1;             //decline the length of array                    VarType* new_s=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new array                    memcpy(new_s,bgn,sizeof(VarType)*siz);                //copy the elments before                    swap(new_s,bgn);free(new_s);                          //free the last array                }                return --siz;            }            VarType* begin(){   //return head pointer                return bgn;            }            VarType* end(){     //return tail pointer                return bgn+siz; //vector => [ vec.begin(), vec.end() )            }            VarType& operator[](int index){ //index a position in vector                return bgn[index];          //attention! 0 <= index < vec.size()            }            int size(){     //return the count of elements invector                return siz; //return "siz"            }//          int length(){   //get the length of the vector//              return len; //for debug only, return len//          }    };    template<class VarType>class debug_vector //a vector with debug function    {        //made by NEYC GGN -2017.9.3, for study only        //only has "some basic functions" of STL"vector" (with debug output)        int len,siz;     //len: the length of memory, siz: the amount of elments        VarType* bgn;    //the head of the array        void swap(VarType*& A,VarType*& B){            VarType* t;            t=A;A=B;B=t; //swap two pointer        }        public:            debug_vector(int Len=1){                             //constructor                if(Len<=0){                    fprintf(stderr,"Error:(constructor)the length of vector must >= 1!\n");                    system("pause>nul");return;                }                siz=0;len=Len;                             //at first, len= basic Length                bgn=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new memory            }            ~debug_vector(){     //destructor                free(bgn); //free the memory when delete the whole vector            }            void clear(){                free(bgn);                                 //free the last array                siz=0;len=1;                               //set len= 1                bgn=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new memory            }            int push_back(VarType itm){ //add an element at back                if(!(siz<len)){         //if the vector is full                    len<<=1;            //double the length of array                    VarType* new_s=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new array                    if(new_s==NULL){                        fprintf(stderr,"Error:(push_back)can not calloc new memory!\n");                        system("pause>nul");return siz;                    }                    memcpy(new_s,bgn,sizeof(VarType)*siz);                //copy the elments before                    swap(new_s,bgn);free(new_s);                          //free the last array                }                bgn[siz]=itm; //add an element                return ++siz; //return the size of elements            }            int pop_back(){              //delete an element at back                if(siz<=0){              //siz=0 can not pop_back                    fprintf(stderr,"Error:(pop_back)size of vector <=0!\n");                    system("pause>nul");return siz;                }                if(siz<=(len>>1)){       //if can delete right half                    len>>=1;             //decline the length of array                    VarType* new_s=(VarType*)calloc(len,sizeof(VarType)); //calloc new array                    memcpy(new_s,bgn,sizeof(VarType)*siz);                //copy the elments before                    swap(new_s,bgn);free(new_s);                          //free the last array                }                return --siz;            }            VarType* begin(){   //return head pointer                return bgn;            }            VarType* end(){     //return tail pointer                return bgn+siz; //vector => [ vec.begin(), vec.end() )            }            VarType& operator[](int index){ //index a position in vector                if(index<0 || index>=siz){                    fprintf(stderr,"Error:(operator[])index(=%d) must in [1,siz(=%d)-1]!\n",index,siz);                    system("pause>nul");return bgn[0];                }                return bgn[index];          //attention! 0 <= index < vec.size()            }            int size(){     //return the count of elements invector                return siz; //return "siz"            }            int length(){   //get the length of the vector                return len; //for debug only, return len            }    };}






(1)如果N=2^b (b为整数,b>1),那么需要花费时间代价


(3)除上面两种情况的N外,不难证明: T一定在2N-1到3N-3之间。

从以上三条来看,push_back N个数的总复杂度是O(N),均摊复杂度为插入一个数O(1)(注意是均摊),均摊复杂度常数大概是普通数组直接操作的三倍(或以上),理论占用空间不超过数组的二倍,所以空间复杂度也是O(N)。




STL(Standard Template Library)为我们提供了很多很优秀的数据结构和算法模板,虽然可以直接使用,但我还是觉得应该了解一下各种STL的实现原理(意思就是不一定要会写,但是要“了解”)。


上文中仿写的vector的算法并不一定就是真正STL vector中的写法,但我觉得原理应该是类似的。
