
来源:互联网 发布:职业经理人 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:06

创建了各种形式的常量和变量后,但TensorFlow 同样还支持占位符。占位符并没有初始值,它只会分配必要的内存。在会话中,占位符可以使用 feed_dict 馈送数据。

feed_dict是一个字典,在字典中需要给出每一个用到的占位符的取值。在训练神经网络时需要每次提供一个批量的训练样本,如果每次迭代选取的数据要通过常量表示,那么TensorFlow 的计算图会非常大。因为每增加一个常量,TensorFlow 都会在计算图中增加一个结点。所以说拥有几百万次迭代的神经网络会拥有极其庞大的计算图,而占位符却可以解决这一点,它只会拥有占位符这一个结点。


其中 y_1 的计算过程使用占位符,而 y_2 的计算过程使用常量。


list_of_points1_ = [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8]]list_of_points2_ = [[15,16], [13,14], [11,12], [9,10]]list_of_points1 = np.array([np.array(elem).reshape(1,2) for elem in list_of_points1_])list_of_points2 = np.array([np.array(elem).reshape(1,2) for elem in list_of_points2_])graph = tf.Graph()with graph.as_default():       #我们使用 tf.placeholder() 创建占位符 ,在 session.run() 过程中再投递数据     point1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, 2))    point2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, 2))    def calculate_eucledian_distance(point1, point2):        difference = tf.subtract(point1, point2)        power2 = tf.pow(difference, tf.constant(2.0, shape=(1,2)))        add = tf.reduce_sum(power2)        eucledian_distance = tf.sqrt(add)        return eucledian_distance    dist = calculate_eucledian_distance(point1, point2)with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session:    tf.global_variables_initializer().run()       for ii in range(len(list_of_points1)):        point1_ = list_of_points1[ii]        point2_ = list_of_points2[ii]        #使用feed_dict将数据投入到[dist]中        feed_dict = {point1 : point1_, point2 : point2_}        distance = session.run([dist], feed_dict=feed_dict)        print("the distance between {} and {} -> {}".format(point1_, point2_, distance))#输出:>>> the distance between [[1 2]] and [[15 16]] -> [19.79899]>>> the distance between [[3 4]] and [[13 14]] -> [14.142136]>>> the distance between [[5 6]] and [[11 12]] -> [8.485281]>>> the distance between [[7 8]] and [[ 9 10]] -> [2.8284271]

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