
来源:互联网 发布:郭襄 金轮法王 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:01

最近在写文件的下载服务,主要功能是将请求URL调用业务接口进行解析,解析到真实的下载地址,然后将下载流透传出去。这一部分之前使用nginx-lua实现,由于维护过于困难(优雅上下线、截流、熔断能力缺乏, 证书相关运维支持缺失),因此改用Java实现。本文也主要论述如何依赖Jetty实现流转发功能。由于对Jetty的依赖非常深,建议使用EmbeddedJettyServer以引入和统一Jetty依赖。


  1. 下载服务必须采用AIO,以避免客户端或存储端带宽对服务表现的影响。
  2. 对于AIO机制,servlet-api中并没有相关标准。
  3. 自建AIO事件循环或自实现Http协议难度大,而且需要较长时间测试以保证代码健壮性。
  4. Jetty作为被依赖Web容器,本身就具有AIO能力。


首先,需要在HttpServletRequest中开启异步支持,如果不开启异步支持,会造成请求提前被返回引起流中断(servlet-api 3.1.0版本以上支持此功能)。

private void startAsync(HttpServletRequest request) {    AsyncContext asyncContext = request.startAsync();    // 异步任务设为不会超时    asyncContext.setTimeout(0);} 






 /** * Asynchronous send of whole content. * * @param content  The whole content to send * @param callback The callback to use to notify success or failure */public void sendContent(ByteBuffer content, final Callback callback){    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())        LOG.debug("sendContent(buffer={},{})", BufferUtil.toDetailString(content), callback);    _written += content.remaining();    write(content, true, new Callback.Nested(callback)    {        @Override        public void succeeded()        {            closed();            super.succeeded();        }        @Override        public void failed(Throwable x)        {            abort(x);            super.failed(x);        }    });}/** * Asynchronous send of stream content. * The stream will be closed after reading all content. * * @param in       The stream content to send * @param callback The callback to use to notify success or failure */public void sendContent(InputStream in, Callback callback){    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())        LOG.debug("sendContent(stream={},{})", in, callback);    new InputStreamWritingCB(in, callback).iterate();}/** * Asynchronous send of channel content. * The channel will be closed after reading all content. * * @param in       The channel content to send * @param callback The callback to use to notify success or failure */public void sendContent(ReadableByteChannel in, Callback callback){    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())        LOG.debug("sendContent(channel={},{})", in, callback);    new ReadableByteChannelWritingCB(in, callback).iterate();}



/** * <p>Non-Blocking write, committing the response if needed.</p> * Called as last link in HttpOutput.Filter chain * @param content  the content buffer to write * @param complete whether the content is complete for the response * @param callback Callback when complete or failed */@Overridepublic void write(ByteBuffer content, boolean complete, Callback callback)



@Overrideprotected Action process() throws Exception{    // Only return if EOF has previously been read and thus    // a write done with EOF=true    if (_eof)    {        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())            LOG.debug("EOF of {}", this);        // Handle EOF        _in.close();        closed();        _channel.getByteBufferPool().release(_buffer);        return Action.SUCCEEDED;    }    // Read until buffer full or EOF    int len = 0;    while (len < _buffer.capacity() && !_eof)    {        int r = _in.read(_buffer.array(), _buffer.arrayOffset() + len, _buffer.capacity() - len);        if (r < 0)            _eof = true;        else            len += r;    }    // write what we have    _buffer.position(0);    _buffer.limit(len);    _written += len;    write(_buffer, _eof, this);    return Action.SCHEDULED;}



protected Action process() throws Exception{    // Only return if EOF has previously been read and thus    // a write done with EOF=true    if (_eof)    {        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())            LOG.debug("EOF of {}", this);        _in.close();        closed();        _channel.getByteBufferPool().release(_buffer);        return Action.SUCCEEDED;    }    // Read from stream until buffer full or EOF    BufferUtil.clearToFill(_buffer);    while (_buffer.hasRemaining() && !_eof)        _eof = (_in.read(_buffer)) < 0;    // write what we have    BufferUtil.flipToFlush(_buffer, 0);    _written += _buffer.remaining();    write(_buffer, _eof, this);    return Action.SCHEDULED;}


public HttpChannel getHttpChannel(){    return _channel;}




import com.meituan.xm.mbox.utils.response.RequestContext;import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Response;import org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput;import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback;import java.io.IOException;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;public class StreamReadListener extends Response.Listener.Adapter {    private HttpOutput httpOutput;    public StreamReadListener(RequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {        httpOutput = (HttpOutput) requestContext.getResponse().getOutputStream();    }    @Override    public void onContent(Response response, ByteBuffer content, Callback callback) {        httpOutput.getHttpChannel().write(content, false, callback);    }}

不愧是原装的HttpClient,自己的Server调用自己Client的回调,自己解决调用异常,连透传都不用适配, 6的飞起。至此,所有关键问题已全部解决。