
来源:互联网 发布:小米note双卡设置网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 08:46



struct class {          const char      *name;          struct module       *owner;          struct class_attribute      *class_attrs;          struct device_attribute     *dev_attrs;          struct kobject          *dev_kobj;          int (*dev_uevent)(struct device *dev, struct kobj_uevent_env *env);          char *(*devnode)(struct device *dev, mode_t *mode);          void (*class_release)(struct class *class);          void (*dev_release)(struct device *dev);          int (*suspend)(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state);          int (*resume)(struct device *dev);          const struct dev_pm_ops *pm;          struct class_private *p;     };  

struct class就是设备驱动模型中通用的设备类结构。

  • name代表类名称,但和bus/device/driver中的名称一样,是初始名称,实际使用的是内部kobj包含的动态创建的名称。
  • owner是class所属的模块,虽然class是涉及一类设备,但也是由相应的模块注册的。比如usb类就是由usb模块注册的。
  • class_attrs是class给自己添加的属性,dev_attrs是class给所包含的设备添加的属性。这里就像bus中一样,只是bus是bus、driver、device全部包含的。
  • dev_kobj是一个kobject指针。如果你的记性很好(至少要比我好得多),你应该记得在device注册时,会在/sys/dev下创建名为自己设备号的软链接。但设备不知道自己属于块设备还是字符设备,所以会请示自己所属的class,class就是用dev_kobj记录本类设备应属于的哪种设备。
  • dev_uevent()是在设备发出uevent消息时添加环境变量用的。还记得在core.c中的dev_uevent()函数,其中就包含对设备所属bus或class中dev_uevent()方法的调用,只是bus结构中定义方法用的函数名是uevent。
  • devnode()返回设备节点的相对路径名。在core.c的device_get_devnode()中有调用到。
  • class_release()是在class释放时调用到的。类似于device在结构中为自己定义的release函数。
  • dev_release()自然是在设备释放时调用到的。具体在core.c的device_release()函数中调用。
  • suspend()是在设备休眠时调用。
  • resume()是恢复设备时调用。
  • pm是电源管理用的函数集合,在bus、driver、class中都有看到,只是在device中换成了dev_pm_info结构,但device_type中还是隐藏着dev_pm_ops的指针。可见电源管理还是很重要的,只是这些东西都要结合具体的设备来分析,这里的设备驱动模型能给的,最多是一个函数指针与通用数据的框架。
  • p是指向class_private结构的指针。
 /**      * struct class_private - structure to hold the private to the driver core portions of the class structure.      *      * @class_subsys - the struct kset that defines this class.  This is the main kobject      * @class_devices - list of devices associated with this class      * @class_interfaces - list of class_interfaces associated with this class      * @class_dirs - "glue" directory for virtual devices associated with this class      * @class_mutex - mutex to protect the children, devices, and interfaces lists.      * @class - pointer back to the struct class that this structure is associated      * with.      *      * This structure is the one that is the actual kobject allowing struct      * class to be statically allocated safely.  Nothing outside of the driver      * core should ever touch these fields.      */      struct class_private {          struct kset class_subsys;          struct klist class_devices;          struct list_head class_interfaces;          struct kset class_dirs;          struct mutex class_mutex;          struct class *class;      };      #define to_class(obj)   \          container_of(obj, struct class_private, class_subsys.kobj)  
  • struct class_private,是class连接到系统中的重要结构。

  • class_subsys是kset类型,代表class在sysfs中的位置。

  • class_devices是klist类型,是class下的设备链表。

  • class_interfaces是list_head类型的类接口链表,设备类接口稍后会介绍。

  • class_dirs也是kset类型,它并未实际在sysfs中体现,反而是其下链接了一系列胶水kobject。记得在core.c中的get_device_parent()函数,好像小蝌蚪找妈妈一样,我们在为新注册的设备寻找sysfs中可以存放的位置。如果发现dev->class存在,而dev->parent->class不存在,就要建立一个胶水目录,在sysfs中隔离这两个实际上有父子关系的设备。linux这么做也是为了在sysfs显示时更清晰一些。但如果父设备下有多个属于同一类的设备,它们需要放在同一胶水目录下。怎么寻找这个胶水目录有没有建立过,就要从这里的class_dirs下的kobject中找了。

  • class_mutex是互斥信号量,用于保护class内部的数据结构。

class是指回struct class的指针。

    struct class_interface {          struct list_head    node;          struct class        *class;          int (*add_dev)      (struct device *, struct class_interface *);          void (*remove_dev)  (struct device *, struct class_interface *);      };  
  • struct class_interface就是之前被串在class->p->class_interface上的类接口的结构。用于描述设备类对外的一种接口。
  • node就是class->p->class_interface链表上的节点。
  • class是指向所属class的指针。
  • add_dev()是在有设备添加到所属class时调用的函数。当然,如果class_interface比设备更晚添加到class,也会补上的。
  • remove_dev()是在设备删除时调用的。


class_interface。    struct class_attribute {          struct attribute attr;          ssize_t (*show)(struct class *class, char *buf);          ssize_t (*store)(struct class *class, const char *buf, size_t count);      };      #define CLASS_ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store)         \      struct class_attribute class_attr_##_name = __ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store)  

从bus_attribute,到driver_attribute,到device_attribute,当然也少不了这里的class_attribute。struct attribute封装这种东西,既简单又耐用,何乐而不为?


    #define to_class_attr(_attr) container_of(_attr, struct class_attribute, attr)      static ssize_t class_attr_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,                         char *buf)      {          struct class_attribute *class_attr = to_class_attr(attr);          struct class_private *cp = to_class(kobj);          ssize_t ret = -EIO;          if (class_attr->show)              ret = class_attr->show(cp->class, buf);          return ret;      }      static ssize_t class_attr_store(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,                      const char *buf, size_t count)      {          struct class_attribute *class_attr = to_class_attr(attr);          struct class_private *cp = to_class(kobj);          ssize_t ret = -EIO;          if (class_attr->store)              ret = class_attr->store(cp->class, buf, count);          return ret;      }      static struct sysfs_ops class_sysfs_ops = {          .show   = class_attr_show,          .store  = class_attr_store,      };  


    static void class_release(struct kobject *kobj)      {          struct class_private *cp = to_class(kobj);          struct class *class = cp->class;          pr_debug("class '%s': release.\n", class->name);          if (class->class_release)              class->class_release(class);          else              pr_debug("class '%s' does not have a release() function, "                   "be careful\n", class->name);      }      static struct kobj_type class_ktype = {          .sysfs_ops  = &class_sysfs_ops,          .release    = class_release,      };  



    /* Hotplug events for classes go to the class class_subsys */      static struct kset *class_kset;      int __init classes_init(void)      {          class_kset = kset_create_and_add("class", NULL, NULL);          if (!class_kset)              return -ENOMEM;          return 0;      }  



    int class_create_file(struct class *cls, const struct class_attribute *attr)      {          int error;          if (cls)              error = sysfs_create_file(&cls->p->class_subsys.kobj,                            &attr->attr);          else              error = -EINVAL;          return error;      }      void class_remove_file(struct class *cls, const struct class_attribute *attr)      {          if (cls)              sysfs_remove_file(&cls->p->class_subsys.kobj, &attr->attr);      }  



    static struct class *class_get(struct class *cls)      {          if (cls)              kset_get(&cls->p->class_subsys);          return cls;      }      static void class_put(struct class *cls)      {          if (cls)              kset_put(&cls->p->class_subsys);      }  



 static int add_class_attrs(struct class *cls)      {          int i;          int error = 0;          if (cls->class_attrs) {              for (i = 0; attr_name(cls->class_attrs[i]); i++) {                  error = class_create_file(cls, &cls->class_attrs[i]);                  if (error)                      goto error;              }          }      done:          return error;      error:          while (--i >= 0)              class_remove_file(cls, &cls->class_attrs[i]);          goto done;      }      static void remove_class_attrs(struct class *cls)      {          int i;          if (cls->class_attrs) {              for (i = 0; attr_name(cls->class_attrs[i]); i++)                  class_remove_file(cls, &cls->class_attrs[i]);          }      }  




    static void klist_class_dev_get(struct klist_node *n)      {          struct device *dev = container_of(n, struct device, knode_class);          get_device(dev);      }      static void klist_class_dev_put(struct klist_node *n)      {          struct device *dev = container_of(n, struct device, knode_class);          put_device(dev);      }  



    /* This is a #define to keep the compiler from merging different      * instances of the __key variable */      #define class_register(class)           \      ({                      \          static struct lock_class_key __key; \          __class_register(class, &__key);    \      })      int __class_register(struct class *cls, struct lock_class_key *key)      {          struct class_private *cp;          int error;          pr_debug("device class '%s': registering\n", cls->name);          cp = kzalloc(sizeof(*cp), GFP_KERNEL);          if (!cp)              return -ENOMEM;          klist_init(&cp->class_devices, klist_class_dev_get, klist_class_dev_put);          INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cp->class_interfaces);          kset_init(&cp->class_dirs);          __mutex_init(&cp->class_mutex, "struct class mutex", key);          error = kobject_set_name(&cp->class_subsys.kobj, "%s", cls->name);          if (error) {              kfree(cp);              return error;          }          /* set the default /sys/dev directory for devices of this class */          if (!cls->dev_kobj)              cls->dev_kobj = sysfs_dev_char_kobj;      #if defined(CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED) && defined(CONFIG_BLOCK)          /* let the block class directory show up in the root of sysfs */          if (cls != &block_class)              cp->class_subsys.kobj.kset = class_kset;      #else          cp->class_subsys.kobj.kset = class_kset;      #endif          cp->class_subsys.kobj.ktype = &class_ktype;          cp->class = cls;          cls->p = cp;          error = kset_register(&cp->class_subsys);          if (error) {              kfree(cp);              return error;          }          error = add_class_attrs(class_get(cls));          class_put(cls);          return error;      }  








    void class_unregister(struct class *cls)      {          pr_debug("device class '%s': unregistering\n", cls->name);          remove_class_attrs(cls);          kset_unregister(&cls->p->class_subsys);      }  




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 /* This is a #define to keep the compiler from merging different      * instances of the __key variable */      #define class_create(owner, name)       \      ({                      \          static struct lock_class_key __key; \          __class_create(owner, name, &__key);    \      })      /**      * class_create - create a struct class structure      * @owner: pointer to the module that is to "own" this struct class      * @name: pointer to a string for the name of this class.      * @key: the lock_class_key for this class; used by mutex lock debugging      *      * This is used to create a struct class pointer that can then be used      * in calls to device_create().      *      * Note, the pointer created here is to be destroyed when finished by      * making a call to class_destroy().      */      struct class *__class_create(struct module *owner, const char *name,                       struct lock_class_key *key)      {          struct class *cls;          int retval;          cls = kzalloc(sizeof(*cls), GFP_KERNEL);          if (!cls) {              retval = -ENOMEM;              goto error;          }          cls->name = name;          cls->owner = owner;          cls->class_release = class_create_release;          retval = __class_register(cls, key);          if (retval)              goto error;          return cls;      error:          kfree(cls);          return ERR_PTR(retval);      }  



    static void class_create_release(struct class *cls)      {          pr_debug("%s called for %s\n", __func__, cls->name);          kfree(cls);      }      /**      * class_destroy - destroys a struct class structure      * @cls: pointer to the struct class that is to be destroyed      *      * Note, the pointer to be destroyed must have been created with a call      * to class_create().      */      void class_destroy(struct class *cls)      {          if ((cls == NULL) || (IS_ERR(cls)))              return;          class_unregister(cls);      }  




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    struct class_dev_iter {          struct klist_iter       ki;          const struct device_type    *type;      };      /**      * class_dev_iter_init - initialize class device iterator      * @iter: class iterator to initialize      * @class: the class we wanna iterate over      * @start: the device to start iterating from, if any      * @type: device_type of the devices to iterate over, NULL for all      *      * Initialize class iterator @iter such that it iterates over devices      * of @class.  If @start is set, the list iteration will start there,      * otherwise if it is NULL, the iteration starts at the beginning of      * the list.      */      void class_dev_iter_init(struct class_dev_iter *iter, struct class *class,                   struct device *start, const struct device_type *type)      {          struct klist_node *start_knode = NULL;          if (start)              start_knode = &start->knode_class;          klist_iter_init_node(&class->p->class_devices, &iter->ki, start_knode);          iter->type = type;      }      struct device *class_dev_iter_next(struct class_dev_iter *iter)      {          struct klist_node *knode;          struct device *dev;          while (1) {              knode = klist_next(&iter->ki);              if (!knode)                  return NULL;              dev = container_of(knode, struct device, knode_class);              if (!iter->type || iter->type == dev->type)                  return dev;          }      }      void class_dev_iter_exit(struct class_dev_iter *iter)      {          klist_iter_exit(&iter->ki);      }  


    int class_for_each_device(struct class *class, struct device *start,                    void *data, int (*fn)(struct device *, void *))      {          struct class_dev_iter iter;          struct device *dev;          int error = 0;          if (!class)              return -EINVAL;          if (!class->p) {              WARN(1, "%s called for class '%s' before it was initialized",                   __func__, class->name);              return -EINVAL;          }          class_dev_iter_init(&iter, class, start, NULL);          while ((dev = class_dev_iter_next(&iter))) {              error = fn(dev, data);              if (error)                  break;          }          class_dev_iter_exit(&iter);          return error;      }<pre class="cpp" name="code">struct device *class_find_device(struct class *class, struct device *start,                       void *data,                       int (*match)(struct device *, void *))      {          struct class_dev_iter iter;          struct device *dev;          if (!class)              return NULL;          if (!class->p) {              WARN(1, "%s called for class '%s' before it was initialized",                   __func__, class->name);              return NULL;          }          class_dev_iter_init(&iter, class, start, NULL);          while ((dev = class_dev_iter_next(&iter))) {              if (match(dev, data)) {                  get_device(dev);                  break;              }          }          class_dev_iter_exit(&iter);          return dev;      }
  • class_for_each_device()是对class的设备链表上的每个设备调用指定的函数。
  • class_find_device()查找class设备链表上的某个设备,使用指定的匹配函数。
int class_interface_register(struct class_interface *class_intf)      {          struct class *parent;          struct class_dev_iter iter;          struct device *dev;          if (!class_intf || !class_intf->class)              return -ENODEV;          parent = class_get(class_intf->class);          if (!parent)              return -EINVAL;          mutex_lock(&parent->p->class_mutex);          list_add_tail(&class_intf->node, &parent->p->class_interfaces);          if (class_intf->add_dev) {              class_dev_iter_init(&iter, parent, NULL, NULL);              while ((dev = class_dev_iter_next(&iter)))                  class_intf->add_dev(dev, class_intf);              class_dev_iter_exit(&iter);          }          mutex_unlock(&parent->p->class_mutex);          return 0;      }
  • class_interface_register()把class_interface添加到指定的class上。
  • 调用class_get()获取class的引用计数。
  • 使用class->class_mutex进行保护。
  • 将classs_intf添加到class的接口列表中。
  • 对已经添加到class上的设备补上add_dev()操作。
  • 这里使用的class->class_mutex是用来保护class的类接口链表。对于简单的list_head来说,这种mutex保护是应该的。但对于武装到牙齿的klist来说,就完全不必要了,因为klist内置了spinlock来完成互斥的操作。所以之前其它的klist链表操作都没有mutex保护。
  • 比较spinlock和mutex的话,spinlock操作要比mutex快很多,因为对mutex的操作本身就需要spinlock来保护。但mutex的好处是它可以阻塞。使用spinlock时间太长的话,一是浪费cpu时间,二是禁止了任务抢占。klist是使用spinlock来保护的,这适合大部分情况,但在klist遍历时也可能调用一些未知的操作,它们可能很耗时,甚至可能阻塞,这时最好能使用mutex加以替换。
void class_interface_unregister(struct class_interface *class_intf)      {          struct class *parent = class_intf->class;          struct class_dev_iter iter;          struct device *dev;          if (!parent)              return;          mutex_lock(&parent->p->class_mutex);          list_del_init(&class_intf->node);          if (class_intf->remove_dev) {              class_dev_iter_init(&iter, parent, NULL, NULL);              while ((dev = class_dev_iter_next(&iter)))                  class_intf->remove_dev(dev, class_intf);              class_dev_iter_exit(&iter);          }          mutex_unlock(&parent->p->class_mutex);          class_put(parent);      }
  • class_interface_unregister()从class中去除指定的class_interface。对于这些class_interface来说,自己注销和设备注销效果是一样的,都会调用相应的remove_dev()。
struct class_compat {          struct kobject *kobj;      };      /**      * class_compat_register - register a compatibility class      * @name: the name of the class      *      * Compatibility class are meant as a temporary user-space compatibility      * workaround when converting a family of class devices to a bus devices.      */      struct class_compat *class_compat_register(const char *name)      {          struct class_compat *cls;          cls = kmalloc(sizeof(struct class_compat), GFP_KERNEL);          if (!cls)              return NULL;          cls->kobj = kobject_create_and_add(name, &class_kset->kobj);          if (!cls->kobj) {              kfree(cls);              return NULL;          }          return cls;      }      void class_compat_unregister(struct class_compat *cls)      {          kobject_put(cls->kobj);          kfree(cls);      }</pre>      <p class="cpp" name="code">在/sys/class下面,除了class类型的,还有表现起来和class相同的class_compat类型。</p>      <p class="cpp" name="code">其实class_compat就是单单为了显示一个目录,不会定义对应的属性或者函数。</p>      <p class="cpp" name="code"> </p>      <pre class="cpp" name="code">/**      * class_compat_create_link - create a compatibility class device link to      *                a bus device      * @cls: the compatibility class      * @dev: the target bus device      * @device_link: an optional device to which a "device" link should be created      */      int class_compat_create_link(struct class_compat *cls, struct device *dev,                       struct device *device_link)      {          int error;          error = sysfs_create_link(cls->kobj, &dev->kobj, dev_name(dev));          if (error)              return error;          /*          * Optionally add a "device" link (typically to the parent), as a          * class device would have one and we want to provide as much          * backwards compatibility as possible.          */          if (device_link) {              error = sysfs_create_link(&dev->kobj, &device_link->kobj,                            "device");              if (error)                  sysfs_remove_link(cls->kobj, dev_name(dev));          }          return error;      }      void class_compat_remove_link(struct class_compat *cls, struct device *dev,                        struct device *device_link)      {          if (device_link)              sysfs_remove_link(&dev->kobj, "device");          sysfs_remove_link(cls->kobj, dev_name(dev));      }
  • class_compat_create_link()的目的是在class_compat目录下建立类似于class目录下的,对设备的软链接。这个不是在标准的设备注册时调用的。
  • 本节我们分析完了设备驱动模型中的class,对设备驱动模型的分析也告一段落。虽然只有五个文件,但已经基本上描绘了设备驱动模型的框架。要加深对它的认识,就要在此基础上不断充实细节,用具体的设备驱动来理解。