
来源:互联网 发布:vb api浏览器 user32 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 16:59

















seeta::FaceDetection detector("seeta_fd_frontal_v1.0.bin");bool procFaceImage(string fullpath, string path, string filename, string ext, string dst_path, string in_size){  // 人脸识别模型初始化  detector.SetMinFaceSize(40);  detector.SetScoreThresh(2.f);  detector.SetImagePyramidScaleFactor(0.8f);  detector.SetWindowStep(4, 4);  // 人脸对齐模型初始化  seeta::FaceAlignment point_detector((MODEL_DIR + "seeta_fa_v1.1.bin").c_str());  //加载参数传入的图像,灰度图,用于人脸识别  IplImage *img_grayscale = NULL;  img_grayscale = cvLoadImage(/*(DATA_DIR + "image_0001.jpg")*/fullpath.c_str(), 0);  if (img_grayscale == NULL)  {    printf("%s\n", fullpath.c_str());    printf("[0]img_grayscale == NULL\n");    return false;  }//缩小尺寸过大的图像,如果图像像素太大的话,会影响识别效果。  IplImage *outImg = NULL;  while(img_grayscale->width  > 1024 + 1024 || img_grayscale->height > 768 + 512 ){    outImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img_grayscale->width / 2, img_grayscale->height / 2),                                      img_grayscale->depth,                                      img_grayscale->nChannels);    cvPyrDown(img_grayscale, outImg);    img_grayscale = outImg;  }//调用FaceDetection做人脸识别,支持一张图多个人脸  printf("detectFace now!\n");  seeta::ImageData image_data;  std::vector<seeta::FaceInfo> faces = detectFace(img_grayscale, &image_data);  if (faces.size() == (0)) {  printf("[1]detectFace error!\n");  return false;  }  printf("face number = %d\n",faces.size());  printf("PointDetectLandmarks now!\n");//准备好要保存的位置和文件名  string result_path = (/*path*/dst_path + "/" + filename + "_result." + ext);  // Detect 5 facial landmarks  seeta::FacialLandmark points[5];//又一次加载参数传入的图像,彩色图,大图缩减  {    IplImage *img_color = cvLoadImage(/*(DATA_DIR + "image_0001.jpg")*/fullpath.c_str(), 1);    while(img_color->width  > 1024 + 1024 || img_color->height > 768 + 512 ){    outImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img_color->width / 2, img_color->height / 2),                                      img_color->depth,                                      img_color->nChannels);    cvPyrDown(img_color, outImg);    img_color = outImg;  }//将找到的人脸位置在彩色图上画出矩形框,保存图片,图片名称类似于:IMG_3001_result.JPG    for(int idx = 0;idx < faces.size(); idx++){      cvRectangle(img_color, cvPoint(faces[idx].bbox.x, faces[idx].bbox.y), cvPoint(faces[idx].bbox.x + faces[idx].bbox.width - 1, faces[idx].bbox.y + faces[idx].bbox.height - 1), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));    }    cvSaveImage(result_path.c_str(), img_color);    //printf("Show result image\n");    //cvShowImage("result", img_color);  }//主循环,开始处理每一张脸  for(int idx = 0;idx < faces.size(); idx++){    printf("Proc No.%d\n", idx);//对每张脸找出landmarks(保存到points)  point_detector.PointDetectLandmarks(image_data, faces[idx], points);  IplImage *img_color = cvLoadImage(/*(DATA_DIR + "image_0001.jpg")*/fullpath.c_str(), 1);  int pts_num = 5;  cv::Mat img = cv::cvarrToMat(img_color);//仿射变换,根据眼睛坐标进行人脸对齐。利用landmarks算出要旋转的角度,对彩色图做旋转(人脸对齐),然后将旋转后的landmarks坐标保存到points中//后面要抠图,把人脸保存下来  Mat retImg = getwarpAffineImg(img, points);    Mat dstResizeImg;IplImage* dstimg_tmp = NULL;int resize_num = 0;  IplImage qImg = IplImage(retImg);  char ch_idx[3] ={0};  sprintf(ch_idx, "%d", idx);  char ch_size[5] = {0};  sprintf(ch_size, "%d", atoi(in_size.c_str()));//把旋转后的图片创建灰度图,下面要做一次人脸识别,用来抠图将人脸保存下来//这里的代码各种图片格式转换,确实很绕:P  IplImage *dst_gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(&qImg), qImg.depth, 1);//  cvCvtColor(&qImg, dst_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);//  seeta::ImageData image_data_inner;//对旋转后的图片做人脸识别  std::vector<seeta::FaceInfo> faces_inner = detectFace(dst_gray, &image_data_inner);  if (faces_inner.size() == (0)) {  printf("[2]detectFace error!\n");  return false;  }  char ch_x1[5] = {0};  char ch_y1[5] = {0};  char ch_x2[5] = {0};  char ch_y2[5] = {0};//idx下标是主循环中的下标,这里默认对旋转后图片人脸识别出的人脸顺序,跟主循环识别出的人脸顺序是一致的//因为两次人脸识别输入的图像不是同一个,一个是原图像,一个是旋转后的,可能会有不一致的情况,不过目前还没出现过//所以暂时就默认这样做了,偷个懒~~~~  sprintf(ch_x1, "%d", faces_inner[idx].bbox.x);  sprintf(ch_y1, "%d", faces_inner[idx].bbox.y);  sprintf(ch_x2, "%d", faces_inner[idx].bbox.x + faces_inner[idx].bbox.width);  sprintf(ch_y2, "%d", faces_inner[idx].bbox.y + faces_inner[idx].bbox.height);  string save_path = (/*path*/dst_path + "/" + filename + "_crop_" + ch_size + "_" + ch_idx + "_" + ch_x1 + "_" + ch_y1 + "_" + ch_x2 + "_" + ch_y2 +"." + ext);  try{//根据这张脸的BBox位置设置ROI,下面要开始抠图了    cvSetImageROI(&qImg, cvRect(faces_inner[idx].bbox.x, faces_inner[idx].bbox.y, faces_inner[idx].bbox.width, faces_inner[idx].bbox.height));    CvSize dst_size;    if(in_size != ""){    resize_num = atoi(in_size.c_str());    }//支持抠图的自定义大小,抠图并保存,文件名类似:IMG_3588_crop_224_0_145_460_652_967.JPG    if(resize_num != 0){  dst_size.height = resize_num;  dst_size.width = resize_num;  dstimg_tmp = cvCreateImage(dst_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);  cvResize(&qImg, dstimg_tmp);  cvSaveImage(save_path.c_str(), dstimg_tmp);    } else {  cvSaveImage(save_path.c_str(), &qImg);    }//复位ROI    cvResetImageROI(&qImg);  }catch(...){    printf("Exception occured!\n");//异常时的抠图处理        cvSetImageROI(img_grayscale, cvRect(faces[idx].bbox.x, faces[idx].bbox.y, faces[idx].bbox.width, faces[idx].bbox.height));    CvSize dst_size;    if(in_size != ""){    resize_num = atoi(in_size.c_str());    }    if(resize_num != 0){  dst_size.height = resize_num;  dst_size.width = resize_num;  dstimg_tmp = cvCreateImage(dst_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);  cvResize(img_grayscale, dstimg_tmp);  cvSaveImage(save_path.c_str(), dstimg_tmp);    } else {  cvSaveImage(save_path.c_str(), img_grayscale);    }    cvResetImageROI(img_grayscale);  }//释放资源  // Release memory  cvReleaseImage(&img_color);  delete[] image_data_inner.data;  }    //cvSaveImage(result_path, &qImg);  cvReleaseImage(&img_grayscale);  //delete[]data;  delete[] image_data.data;  return true;}






仿射变换将原坐标(x, y)变换为新坐标(x', y')的计算方法: 
通过上面的公式, 可计算出原图像经过变换后的新图像。 


  1. Mat getRotationMatrix2D( Point2f center, double angle, double scale );

根据旋转中心, 旋转角度,缩放因子计算仿射变换矩阵。 

Mat getwarpAffineImg(Mat &src, /*vector<Point2d>*/seeta::FacialLandmark* landmarks){Mat oral; src.copyTo(oral);//计算两眼中心点,按照此中心点进行旋转, 第0个为左眼坐标,1为右眼坐标Point2d eyesCenter = Point2d((landmarks[0].x + landmarks[1].x) * 0.5f, (landmarks[0].y + landmarks[1].y) * 0.5f);//计算两个眼睛间的角度double dy = (landmarks[1].y - landmarks[0].y);double dx = (landmarks[1].x - landmarks[0].x);double angle = atan2(dy, dx) * 180.0 / CV_PI; // Convert from radians to degrees.//由eyesCenter, angle, scale按照公式计算仿射变换矩阵,此时1.0表示不进行缩放Mat rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D(eyesCenter, angle, 1.0);Mat rot;//进行仿射变换,变换后大小为src的大小warpAffine(src, rot, rot_mat, src.size());vector<Point2d> marks;//使用仿射变换矩阵,计算变换后各关键点在新图中所对应的位置坐标。for (int n = 0; n<5/*landmarks.size()*/; n++){Point2d p = Point2d(0, 0);p.x = rot_mat.ptr<double>(0)[0] * landmarks[n].x + rot_mat.ptr<double>(0)[1] * landmarks[n].y + rot_mat.ptr<double>(0)[2];p.y = rot_mat.ptr<double>(1)[0] * landmarks[n].x + rot_mat.ptr<double>(1)[1] * landmarks[n].y + rot_mat.ptr<double>(1)[2];marks.push_back(p);landmarks[n].x = p.x;landmarks[n].y = p.y;}return rot;}





global net;net = caffe.Classifier('/home/chengstone/Downloads/caffe/VGGFace/VGG_FACE_deploy.prototxt', '/home/chengstone/Downloads/caffe/VGGFace/VGG_FACE.caffemodel');def compare_pic(feature1, feature2):    predicts = pw.cosine_similarity(feature1, feature2);    return predicts;def get_feature_new(path):    global net;    X = read_image_new(path);    # test_num = np.shape(X)[0];    # print test_num;    out = net.forward_all(data = X);    #print out    feature = np.float64(out['fc7']);    feature = np.reshape(feature, (1, 4096));    return feature;def read_image_new(filepath):    averageImg = [129.1863, 104.7624, 93.5940];    X = np.empty((1,3,224,224));    filename = filepath.split('\n');    filename = filename[0];    im = skimage.io.imread(filename, as_grey=False);    image = skimage.transform.resize(im, (224, 224))*255;    #mean_blob.shape = (-1, 1);     #mean = np.sum(mean_blob) / len(mean_blob);    X[0,0,:,:] = image[:,:,0] - averageImg[0];    X[0,1,:,:] = image[:,:,1] - averageImg[1];    X[0,2,:,:] = image[:,:,2] - averageImg[2];    return X;## __Author__ chengstone# __WeChat__ 15041746064# __e-Mail__ 69558140@163.com# #'max accuracy: 0.894666666667', #'max threshold: 0.769', #'Max Precision: 0.919472913616 599', #'Max Recall: 1.0 0', #'Final F1Score: 0.224185221039', #'Final Precision: 0.868980612883', #'Final Recalls: 0.926333333333', #'Best Accuracy: 0.893333333333', #'Best Thershold: 0.753'def face_recog_test():    thershold = 0.85;    DATA_BASE = "/home/chengshd/ML/caffe-master/examples/VGGFace/";    POSITIVE_TEST_FILE = "positive_pairs_path.txt";        thresholds = np.zeros(len(np.arange(0.4,1,0.05)))    Accuracys = np.zeros(len(np.arange(0.4,1,0.05)))    Precisions = np.zeros(len(np.arange(0.4,1,0.05)))        Recalls = np.zeros(len(np.arange(0.4,1,0.05)))    F1Score = np.zeros(len(np.arange(0.4,1,0.05)))    tick = 0    for thershold in np.arange(0.4, 1, 0.05):        True_Positive = 0;        True_Negative = 0;       False_Positive = 0;       False_Negative = 0;   print "==============================================="        # Positive Test        f_positive = open(DATA_BASE + POSITIVE_TEST_FILE, "r");        PositiveDataList = f_positive.readlines();         f_positive.close( );                labels = np.zeros(len(PositiveDataList))        results = np.zeros(len(PositiveDataList))   thresholds[tick] = thershold        for index in range(len(PositiveDataList)):            filepath_1 = PositiveDataList[index].split(' ')[0];            filepath_2 = PositiveDataList[index].split(' ')[1];            labels[index] = PositiveDataList[index].split(' ')[2][:-2];            feature_1 = get_feature_new(DATA_BASE + filepath_1);            feature_2 = get_feature_new(DATA_BASE + filepath_2);            result = compare_pic(feature_1, feature_2);            #print "Two pictures similarity is:%f\n\n"%(result)            print "%s and %s Two pictures similarity is : %f\n\n"%(filepath_1,filepath_2,result)            #print "thershold: " + str(thershold);            if result>=thershold:                print 'Same person!!!!\n\n'            else:                print 'Different person!!!!\n\n'            if result >= thershold:                #  print 'Same Guy\n\n'                #True_Positive += 1;      results[index] = 1            else:                #  wrong                #False_Positive += 1;      results[index] = 0                       if labels[index] == 1:      if results[index] == 1:         True_Positive += 1;      else:         False_Negative += 1;       else:      if results[index] == 1:         False_Positive += 1;      else:         True_Negative += 1;           if True_Positive + False_Positive == 0:      Precisions[tick] = 0   else:      Precisions[tick] = float(True_Positive) / (True_Positive + False_Positive)      if True_Positive + False_Negative == 0:      Recalls[tick] = 0   else:      Recalls[tick] = float(True_Positive) / (True_Positive + False_Negative)       if Precisions[tick] + Recalls[tick] == 0:      F1Score[tick] = 0   else:      F1Score[tick] = (Precisions[tick] * Recalls[tick]) / (2 * (Precisions[tick] + Recalls[tick]))   acc = float(np.sum((labels == results))) / len(PositiveDataList)   print 'labels = ',labels   print 'results = ',results   Accuracys[tick] = acc   tick = tick + 1   print "Accuracy: " + str(float(acc));                print "thershold: " + str(thershold);            print 'Accuracys: ', Accuracys    print 'Thresholds: ', thresholds    print 'Precisions: ', Precisions    print 'Recalls: ', Recalls    print 'F1Score: ', F1Score        print 'Max Precision: ', np.max(Precisions), np.where(Precisions == np.max(Precisions))[0][0]    print 'Max Recall: ', np.max(Recalls), np.where(Recalls == np.max(Recalls))[0][0]    print "Final Accuracy: ", np.max(Accuracys)    re = np.where(Accuracys == np.max(Accuracys))    print 'Final Thershold: ', thresholds[re[0][0]]    print 'Final F1Score: ', np.max(F1Score)    re = np.where(F1Score == np.max(F1Score))    print 'Final Precision: ',Precisions[re[0][0]]    print 'Final Recalls: ',Recalls[re[0][0]]    print 'Best Accuracy: ',Accuracys[re[0][0]]    print 'Best Thershold: ',thresholds[re[0][0]]






#图片找人主函数,主要就是调用三个函数:getTargetFace,getDstFace,predictiondef findPersionByImage():    global targetsArr    global dstArr    getTargetFace()    #print targetsArr[0].shape    getDstFace()    # print dstArr[0].shape    prediction()    print 'done'TargetPath = MAIN_PATH + 'targets.txt'#获取目标(待查找人)的人脸(特征)。def getTargetFace():    # print 'getTargetFace IN:'    global targetsArr    if os.path.exists(TargetPath) == False:        print TargetPath + ' File not found'        exit(0)#targets.txt中保存待查找人的图片位置    fileObj = open(TargetPath)    fileObjDataList = fileObj.readlines();     fileObj.close()    #for line in fileObj:    #    print line#支持多目标查找,比如你给我甲,乙,丙三个人的照片     for index in range(len(fileObjDataList)):            line = fileObjDataList[index]        print index, line[:-1]        if os.path.exists(line[:-1]) == False:            print TargetPath + ' File not found'        else:            targetsArr.append(returnFaceImg(line[:-1], MAIN_PATH + line[:-1].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '/', 224))#SeetaFaceEngine/FaceAlignment的可执行程序路径FaceCropPath = '/home/chengstone/Downloads/SeetaFaceEngine/FaceAlignment/build/'FA_TEST = './fa_test'IMAGE_TXT = 'image.txt'#程序会给每个待查找人建立一个文件夹,文件夹名就是待查找人图片的名字命名(dstpath)def returnFaceImg(imagePath, dstpath, corp_size):    # print 'returnFaceImg IN:'#写入人脸识别的命令行,即将调用SeetaFaceEngine/FaceAlignment     imagetxt_file = open(FaceCropPath + IMAGE_TXT, 'w')    imagetxt_file.writelines(imagePath + ' ' + dstpath + ' ' + str(corp_size) + '\n')    imagetxt_file.close()#判断指定文件/目录是否存在,如果不存在则创建    checkFile(dstpath)#调用SeetaFaceEngine/FaceAlignment的开关,应该设成1    if createFaceFlag == 1:        os.chdir(FaceCropPath)        os.system(FA_TEST)    #人脸识别    #cv2.waitKey(500)    #print 'here'        t_targetsArr = []#待查找人图片命名的文件夹(dstpath)目录结构:#只有一个人的情况下,通常有两个文件,一个名字类似IMG_3588_crop_224_0_145_460_652_967.JPG,这个是人脸图片#另一个名字类似IMG_3588_result.JPG,这个是脸部用矩形框圈出的原始图片 #有可能会有多张待查找人人脸,所以做循环,将每一张人脸特征保存到数组中    for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dstpath):        for f_file in filenames:            #if "result" in filenames:            if f_file.find("result") == -1:                print parent, dirnames, f_file#调用face_recognition.py获取人脸特征                 t_targetsArr.append(get_feature_new(parent + f_file))            else:#显示脸部用矩形框圈出的图片                 img = cv2.imread(parent + f_file)                plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)                b, g, r = cv2.split(img)                img2 = cv2.merge([r, g, b])                if VIDEO_FLAG != 1:                    plt.imshow(img2)                # plt.show()                #cv2.namedWindow(f_file)                #cv2.imshow(f_file, img)                #cv2.waitKey(5)    print np.array(t_targetsArr).shape    return np.array(t_targetsArr)#获取输入图片(camPicture)中的人脸(特征)。def getDstFace():    # print 'getDstFace IN:'    global dstArr    dstArr.append(returnFaceImg_Dst(camPicture))    # print dstArrdef returnFaceImg_Dst(imagePath):    # print 'returnFaceImg_Dst IN:'    global FoundFace    global dst_rects    global g_vis    img = cv2.imread(imagePath)    print 'img.dtype = ', img.dtype    #aa = cv.CloneMat(np.fromarrays(img))    #print aa.dtype    # cv.CreateMat(img)#如果图片尺寸过大,要缩小尺寸,否则影响人脸识别效果    #print imagePath    sp = img.shape    while(sp[0] > 768 + 512 or sp[1] > 1024 + 1024):    #sp[0]: height sp[1]: width sp[3]: tongdao        img = cv2.pyrDown(img)        sp = img.shape    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)    gray = cv2.equalizeHist(gray)#使用cv2.CascadeClassifier做人脸识别    rects = detect(gray, cascade)    vis = img.copy()    g_vis = vis    print 'dst rects =',rects,vis.dtype,vis.shape    if len(rects) != 0:        print imagePath + ' Face found'        FoundFace = 1#处理人脸Bbox重叠的情况        new_rects = procOverlap(rects)        print new_rects.shape#循环获取每张脸的特征,并保存到数组        t_dstsArr = []        for rect in new_rects:            print rect[0], rect[1], rect[2]-rect[0], rect[3]-rect[1]                        print imagePath.split('/')[-2]            vis2 = vis[rect[1]:rect[3], rect[0]:rect[2], :]            # vis2 = vis[rect[2]:rect[0], rect[3]:rect[1], :]            cv2.imwrite("./tmp.jpg", vis2)            # aaa = cv2.imread("./tmp.jpg")            # plt.imshow(aaa)            # plt.show()            t_dstsArr.append(get_feature_new("./tmp.jpg"))#在输入图片上用矩形框圈出识别出的人脸        if DEBUG_FLAG == 1:            draw_rects(vis, new_rects, (255, 0, 0))            # plt.imshow(vis)            # plt.show()        dst_rects = new_rects        print np.array(t_dstsArr).shape        return np.array(t_dstsArr)    else:        FoundFace = 0        print imagePath + ' Face not found'        return []#人脸识别,scaleFactor=1.06559这个数是经过很多次测试得出的def detect(img, cascade):    # print 'detect IN:'    rects = cascade.detectMultiScale(img, scaleFactor=1.06559, minNeighbors=4, minSize=(5, 5), flags = cv.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE)    if len(rects) == 0:        return []    rects[:,2:] += rects[:,:2]    return rects#人脸特征都准备好了,现在开始预测。def prediction():    print 'prediction IN:'    global targetsArr    global dstArr    global dst_rects    # t_dstArr = np.array(dstArr)    # print dstArr    # try:    if 1 == 1:        if FoundFace == 1:        # if len(dstArr[0]) != 0:            dstShape = dstArr[0].shape            print 'dst shape: ', dstShape[0]            targetShape = targetsArr[0].shape            print 'target shape: ', targetShape[0]            results = np.zeros([dstShape[0], targetShape[0]])#双层循环,输入图片和待查找人都可能是多个,将每一次相似度结果保存起来             print '===========predict results: ==========='            for i in range(dstShape[0]):                for j in range(targetShape[0]):                    # print results[i][j]                    results[i][j] = compare_pic(dstArr[0][i], targetsArr[0][j])                    print results[i][j]#将每一个相似度与阈值比较,超出VGG_THRESHOLD阈值就换个颜色在人脸上画矩形框,并标出相似度,最终图像保存到tmp.jpg            # print dstArr[0][0].shape, dstArr[0][0]            # result = compare_pic(feature_1, feature_2);            for i in range(dstShape[0]):                for j in range(targetShape[0]):                    if results[i][j] >= VGG_THRESHOLD:                        draw_single_rect(g_vis, dst_rects[i], (0, 255, 0))                    if DEBUG_FLAG == 1:                        if results[i][j] >= VGG_THRESHOLD:                            pen = (0, 255, 0)                        else:                            pen = (255, 0, 0)                        cv2.putText(g_vis, str(round(results[i][j], 2)), (dst_rects[i][0], dst_rects[i][1] - 7), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.8, pen)            cv2.imwrite(MAIN_PATH + "tmp.jpg", g_vis)            plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)            b, g, r = cv2.split(g_vis)            img2 = cv2.merge([r, g, b])            # plt.figure(num=1)            plt.imshow(img2)            if VIDEO_FLAG != 1:                plt.show()



①先判断两个矩形是否相交。相交条件是:P2点坐标大于P3点坐标 并且 P4点坐标大于P1点坐标。


def isOverlap(tmp_rect, rects):    i = 0    for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rects:        if(tmp_rect[0] != x1 and tmp_rect[1] != y1 and tmp_rect[2] != x2 and tmp_rect[3] != y2):            if(tmp_rect[2] > x1 and x2 > tmp_rect[0] and tmp_rect[3] > y1 and y2 > tmp_rect[1]):                return i        i = i + 1    return -1


def computeRectJoinUnion(rect1, rect2):#x1,y1为相交位置的左上角坐标,x2,y2为相交位置的右下角坐标     x1 = max(rect1[0], rect2[0])    y1 = max(rect1[1], rect2[1])    x2 = min(rect1[2], rect2[2])    y2 = min(rect1[3], rect2[3])#判断是否相交,如果相交,求出相交面积    AJoin = 0    if(x2 > x1 and y2 > y1):        AJoin = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)    A1 = (rect1[2] - rect1[0]) * (rect1[3] - rect1[1])    A2 = (rect2[2] - rect2[0]) * (rect2[3] - rect2[1])#两矩形组合的面积    AUnion = A1 + A2 - AJoin#返回相交面积与组合面积的比例    if(AUnion > 0):        return float(AJoin) / AUnion    return 0

def procOverlap(rects):    print 'procOverlap IN:'    #print rects    i = 0    new_rects = []    del_rects = []    for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rects:        tmp_rect = rects[i]#第一步,判断是否相交         bOverlap = isOverlap(tmp_rect, rects)        if(bOverlap > -1):            print tmp_rect            print rects[bOverlap], bOverlap#第二步,计算矩形重叠比例             rectJountUnion = computeRectJoinUnion(tmp_rect, rects[bOverlap])            print 'rectJountUnion = ', rectJountUnion#第三步,与矩形重叠比例阈值做比较             if(rectJountUnion > del_threshold):                A1 = (tmp_rect[2] - tmp_rect[0]) * (tmp_rect[3] - tmp_rect[1])                A2 = (rects[bOverlap][2] - rects[bOverlap][0]) * (rects[bOverlap][3] - rects[bOverlap][1])#一旦超出阈值,留下面积小的矩形框,删除面积大的矩形框                 if(A1 < A2):                    new_rects.append(tmp_rect)                    #np.delete(rects, bOverlap, 0)                    del_rects.append(rects[bOverlap])                    print 'A1 < A2'                #else:            else:                new_rects.append(tmp_rect)        else:            new_rects.append(tmp_rect)        #print 'i = ', i        #print 'new_rects = ', new_rects        #print new_rects[i], i        i = i + 1#删除重叠矩形框        del_idx = []    for node in del_rects:        j = 0        for new_node in new_rects:            #print new_node[0],new_node[1],new_node[2],new_node[3]            if(node[0] == new_node[0] and node[1] == new_node[1] and node[2] == new_node[2] and node[3] == new_node[3]):                del_idx.append(j)            #if(node == new_node):            #    print node,' is equel.'            j = j + 1    print del_idx    for idx in del_idx:        del new_rects[idx]#返回无重叠矩形框    #print new_rects    print 'procOverlap done.'    return np.array(new_rects)
关于矩形重叠比例阈值,经过测试,最终选择了del_threshold = 0.15,意味着矩形重叠比例大于15%就可以认定两个矩形圈出的是同一个人脸。


def findPersionByVideo():    global targetsArr    global dstArr    global camPicture#获取目标(待查找人)的人脸(特征)。    getTargetFace()#打开视频文件    videoCapture = cv2.VideoCapture(videoPath)    fps = videoCapture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)    size = (int(videoCapture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(videoCapture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)))    framesCount = videoCapture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)    # videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter(MAIN_PATH + 'out/' + videoPath.split('/')[-1], cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), fps, size)    videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter(MAIN_PATH + 'out/test.avi', cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'),                                  fps, size)#处理后输出的视频文件    print 'videoWrite = ' + MAIN_PATH + 'out/test.avi'    success, frame = videoCapture.read()#开始视频每一帧的循环    print 'frame.shape = ', frame.shape    tick = 0    while success:    # and tick < 10        tick = tick + 1        print 'Current frame : ' + str(tick) + ' / ' + str(framesCount)        dstArr = []#将视频每一帧作为输入图片                cv2.imwrite(MAIN_PATH + "frame_tmp.jpg", frame)        camPicture = MAIN_PATH + "frame_tmp.jpg"#获取输入图片(camPicture)中的人脸(特征)        getDstFace()        # getDstFace_2()#开始预测        prediction()#显示处理的每一帧,并输出到处理后的视频文件中        print 'g_vis.shape = ', g_vis.shape        cv2.imshow("find persion by video", g_vis)        # cv2.imshow("find persion by video", frame)        cv2.waitKey(1000/int(fps))        videoWriter.write(g_vis)        # videoWriter.write(frame)        success, frame = videoCapture.read()    videoCapture.release()    videoWriter.release()        print 'findPersionByVideo done'




SeetaFace Engine:https://github.com/seetaface/SeetaFaceEngineDeepID-I-implementation:https://github.com/HolmesShuan/DeepID-I-Reimplementopencv 仿射变换 根据眼睛坐标进行人脸对齐 计算变换后对应坐标:http://blog.csdn.net/taily_duan/article/details/52914399判断两个矩形是否重叠:http://blog.csdn.net/qianchenglenger/article/details/50484053