
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝直播招聘主播吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 16:33


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  • 操作系统:WINDOWS 10
  • 软件版本:python-3.6.2-amd64
  • 编  者:WordZzzz

  • Python3机器学习实战之决策树算法2画个儿时的树
    • 前言
    • Matplotlib注解
    • 构造注解树







'''Created on Aug 14, 2017@author: WordZzzz'''import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#定义文本框和箭头格式decisionNode = dict(boxstyle="sawtooth", fc="0.8")leafNode = dict(boxstyle="round4", fc="0.8")arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle="<-")def plotNode(nodeTxt, centerPt, parentPt, nodeType):    """    Function:   绘制带箭头的注解    Args:       nodeTxt:文本注解                centerPt:箭头终点坐标                parentPt:箭头起始坐标                nodeType:文本框类型    Returns:    无    """    #在全局变量createPlot0.ax1中绘图    createPlot0.ax1.annotate(nodeTxt, xy=parentPt,  xycoords='axes fraction',             xytext=centerPt, textcoords='axes fraction',             va="center", ha="center", bbox=nodeType, arrowprops=arrow_args )def createPlot0():    """    Function:   使用文本注解绘制树节点    Args:       无    Returns:    无    """    #创建一个新图形    fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white')    #清空绘图区    fig.clf()    #给全局变量createPlot0.ax1赋值    createPlot0.ax1 = plt.subplot(111, frameon=False) #ticks for demo puropses     #绘制第一个文本注解    plotNode('a decision node', (0.5, 0.1), (0.1, 0.5), decisionNode)    #绘制第二个文本注解    plotNode('a leaf node', (0.8, 0.1), (0.3, 0.8), leafNode)    #显示最终绘制结果


>>> import treePlotter>>> treePlotter.createPlot0()





def getNumLeafs(myTree):    """    Function:   获取叶节点的数目    Args:       myTree:树信息    Returns:    numLeafs:叶节点的数目    """    #初始化叶节点数目    numLeafs = 0    #第一个关键字为第一次划分数据集的类别标签,附带的取值表示子节点的取值    firstStr = myTree.keys()[0]    #新的树,相当于脱了一层皮    secondDict = myTree[firstStr]    for key in secondDict.keys():        #判断子节点是否为字典类型        if type(secondDict[key]).__name__=='dict':            #是的话表明该节点也是一个判断节点,递归调用getNumLeafs()函数            numLeafs += getNumLeafs(secondDict[key])        else:            numLeafs += 1    #返回叶节点数目    return numLeafsdef getTreeDepth(myTree):    """    Function:   获取树的层数    Args:       myTree:树信息    Returns:    maxDepth:最大层数    """    #初始化最大层数    maxDepth = 0    #第一个关键字为第一次划分数据集的类别标签,附带的取值表示子节点的取值    firstStr = myTree.keys()[0]    #新的树,相当于脱了一层皮    secondDict = myTree[firstStr]    for key in secondDict.keys():        #判断子节点是否为字典类型        if type(secondDict[key]).__name__=='dict':            #是的话表明该节点也是一个判断节点,递归调用getTreeDepth()函数            thisDepth = 1 + getTreeDepth(secondDict[key])        else:               thisDepth = 1        if thisDepth > maxDepth: maxDepth = thisDepth    #返回最大层数    return maxDepth


def retrieveTree(i):    """    Function:   创建树    Args:       i:要输出的树在里列表中的位置    Returns:    listOfTrees[i]:输出预先存储的树    """    listOfTrees =[{'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}}},                  {'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: {'head': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}, 1: 'no'}}}}                  ]    return listOfTrees[i]


>>> reload(treePlotter)<module 'treePlotter' from 'E:\\机器学习实战\\mycode\\Ch03\\'>>>> treePlotter.retrieveTree(1){'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: {'head': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}, 1: 'no'}}}}>>> treePlotter.retrieveTree(0){'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}}}>>> myTree = treePlotter.retrieveTree(0)>>> treePlotter.getNumLeafs(myTree)3>>> treePlotter.getTreeDepth(myTree)2


TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

Probably this was written with python2.x (when d.keys() returned a list). With python3.x, d.keys() returns a dict_keys object which behaves a lot more like a set than a list. As such, it can’t be indexed.

The solution is to pass list(d.keys()) (or simply list(d)) to shuffle.



def plotMidText(cntrPt, parentPt, txtString):    """    Function:   在父子节点间填充文本信息    Args:       cntrPt:树信息                parentPt:父节点坐标                txtString:文本注解    Returns:    无    """    xMid = (parentPt[0]-cntrPt[0])/2.0 + cntrPt[0]    yMid = (parentPt[1]-cntrPt[1])/2.0 + cntrPt[1]    createPlot.ax1.text(xMid, yMid, txtString, va="center", ha="center", rotation=30)def plotTree(myTree, parentPt, nodeTxt):#if the first key tells you what feat was split on    """    Function:   创建数据集和标签    Args:       myTree:树信息                parentPt:箭头起始坐标                nodeTxt:文本注解    Returns:    无    """    #计算树的宽    numLeafs = getNumLeafs(myTree)  #this determines the x width of this tree    #计算树的高    depth = getTreeDepth(myTree)    #第一个关键字为第一次划分数据集的类别标签,附带的取值表示子节点的取值    firstStr = list(myTree.keys())[0]     #the text label for this node should be this    #下一个节点的位置    cntrPt = (plotTree.xOff + (1.0 + float(numLeafs))/2.0/plotTree.totalW, plotTree.yOff)    #计算父节点和子节点的中间位置,并在此处添加简单的文本信息    plotMidText(cntrPt, parentPt, nodeTxt)    #绘制此节点带箭头的注解    plotNode(firstStr, cntrPt, parentPt, decisionNode)    #新的树,相当于脱了一层皮    secondDict = myTree[firstStr]    #按比例减少全局变量plotTree.yOff    plotTree.yOff = plotTree.yOff - 1.0/plotTree.totalD    #    for key in secondDict.keys():        #判断子节点是否为字典类型        if type(secondDict[key]).__name__=='dict':            #是的话表明该节点也是一个判断节点,递归调用plotTree()函数             plotTree(secondDict[key],cntrPt,str(key))        else:            #不是的话更新x坐标值            plotTree.xOff = plotTree.xOff + 1.0/plotTree.totalW            #绘制此节点带箭头的注解            plotNode(secondDict[key], (plotTree.xOff, plotTree.yOff), cntrPt, leafNode)            #绘制此节点带箭头的注解            plotMidText((plotTree.xOff, plotTree.yOff), cntrPt, str(key))    #按比例增加全局变量plotTree.yOff    plotTree.yOff = plotTree.yOff + 1.0/plotTree.totalD#if you do get a dictonary you know it's a tree, and the first element will be another dictdef createPlot(inTree):    """    Function:   使用文本注解绘制树节点    Args:       inTree:    Returns:    无    """    #创建一个新图形    fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white')    #清空绘图区    fig.clf()    #创建一个字典    axprops = dict(xticks=[], yticks=[])    #给全局变量createPlot.ax1赋值    createPlot.ax1 = plt.subplot(111, frameon=False, **axprops)    #no ticks    #createPlot.ax1 = plt.subplot(111, frameon=False) #ticks for demo puropses     #取得叶节点数目    plotTree.totalW = float(getNumLeafs(inTree))    #取得树最大层    plotTree.totalD = float(getTreeDepth(inTree))    #设置起点值    plotTree.xOff = -0.5/plotTree.totalW; plotTree.yOff = 1.0;    #绘制数    plotTree(inTree, (0.5,1.0), '')    #显示最终绘制结果


>>> reload(treePlotter)<module 'treePlotter' from 'E:\\机器学习实战\\mycode\\Ch03\\'>>>> myTree = treePlotter.retrieveTree(0)>>> treePlotter.createPlot(myTree)




>>> myTree['no surfacing'][3] = 'maybe'>>> myTree{'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}, 3: 'maybe'}}>>> treePlotter.createPlot(myTree)

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