
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝模板制作教程视频 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 07:49

1 用法

Usage: vwload [options] database file ...
-a --attributes attr,...        List of attributes to load (default: all)
-B --rollback on/off            Roll back on failure
-c --cluster                    Cluster mode
-C --charset s                  Input character set (default: no conversion)
-d --dateformat format|attr=format,...
                                Set date format for attribute
-e --escape c                   Escape character to use (default: none)
-E --escapes                    Interpret data escape sequences
-f --fdelim c                   Field delimiter to use (default: "|")
-F --frequency frequency        Frequency of progress reports
-h --help                       Print this help text
-H --header                     Skip header line in file(s)
-i --ignfirst                   Ignore first field
-I --ignlast                    Ignore last field
-l --log path                   Log failed records to a file (cluster mode off)
                                or to multiple files in specified directory (cluster mode on)
-n --nullvalue s                NULL value string to use
-N --strictnulls                use strict NULL value checking
-m --timing                     Show timing info
-p --profile file               write server side profiling data to file
-P --password password          Password to use (default: prompt when needed)
-q --quote c                    Quote character(s) to use (default: none)
-r --rdelim c                   Record delimiter to use (default: "\n")
-R --rowmode                    Use insertmode row for loaded data.
-s --skip n                     Skip the first n records
-S --substitute c               Substitute invalid input characters with c
-t --table table                Table to load to
-T --textmode                   Open files in text mode
-u --user user                  Effective user
+user=authuser[,password]       Authentication user
-v --verbose                    Print verbose progress info
-x --errcount n                 Terminate after n errors in total (cluster mode off)
                                or n errors in any file (cluster mode on)
-z --stats                      Create histograms on all columns

2,字段分割符是,行分隔符是\n ,引用符号",当某个字段里面有“时候,vwload报错,解析出来的字段变少,怎么解析的?
