来源:互联网 发布:iphone7 二次曝光软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 23:00




1.1 VideoSource
1.2 VideoParser
VideoParser中最重要的是三个回调函数,static int CUDAAPI HandleVideoSequence(void *pUserData, CUVIDEOFORMAT *pFormat), HandlePictureDecode(void *pUserData, CUVIDPICPARAMS *pPicParams),HandlePictureDisplay(void *pUserData, CUVIDPARSERDISPINFO *pPicParams),实现对视频格式变换、视频解码、解码后显示等处理功能。HandleVideoSequence主要负责视频格式进行校验,没有实现其他功能,解码函数HandlePictureDecode调用的就是VideoDecoder的解码函数(CUDA的接口),显示函数HandlePictureDisplay完成了解码后GPU图像进入FrameQueue。
1.3 VideoDecoder
该类是最核心的硬件解码功能类,CUVIDDECODECREATEINFO oVideoDecodeCreateInfo_是创建解码信息结构体,CUvideodecoder oDecoder_是最内核的CUDA硬件解码器,VideoParser的解码功能实际上是在CUvideodecoder解码内核上封装实现的(层层封装导致源码有点复杂,所以想看懂实现机制需要有点耐心)。

2 核心解码模块的实现

bool copyDecodedFrameToTexture(unsigned int &nRepeats, int bUseInterop, int *pbIsProgressive){    CUVIDPARSERDISPINFO oDisplayInfo;    if (g_pFrameQueue->dequeue(&oDisplayInfo))    {    CCtxAutoLock lck(g_CtxLock);    // Push the current CUDA context (only if we are using CUDA decoding path)    CUresult result = cuCtxPushCurrent(g_oContext);    //创建解码图像的显存指针,注意存储的是NV12格式的    CUdeviceptr  pDecodedFrame[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };     //用于解码图像后进行格式转换    CUdeviceptr  pInteropFrame[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };    *pbIsProgressive = oDisplayInfo.progressive_frame;    g_bIsProgressive = oDisplayInfo.progressive_frame ? true : false;    int num_fields = 1;    if (g_bUseVsync) {                    num_fields = std::min(2 + oDisplayInfo.repeat_first_field, 3);                }    nRepeats = num_fields;    CUVIDPROCPARAMS oVideoProcessingParameters;    memset(&oVideoProcessingParameters, 0, sizeof(CUVIDPROCPARAMS));    oVideoProcessingParameters.progressive_frame = oDisplayInfo.progressive_frame;    oVideoProcessingParameters.top_field_first = oDisplayInfo.top_field_first;    oVideoProcessingParameters.unpaired_field = (oDisplayInfo.repeat_first_field < 0);    for (int active_field = 0; active_field < num_fields; active_field++)    {        unsigned int nDecodedPitch = 0;        unsigned int nWidth = 0;        unsigned int nHeight = 0;        oVideoProcessingParameters.second_field = active_field;        // map decoded video frame to CUDA surfae        // 调用Videodecoder中映射功能,找到解码后图像的显存地址,并得到Pitch关键参数        if (g_pVideoDecoder->mapFrame(oDisplayInfo.picture_index, &pDecodedFrame[active_field], &nDecodedPitch, &oVideoProcessingParameters) != CUDA_SUCCESS)        {            // release the frame, so it can be re-used in decoder            g_pFrameQueue->releaseFrame(&oDisplayInfo);            // Detach from the Current thread            checkCudaErrors(cuCtxPopCurrent(NULL));            return false;        }        nWidth  = g_pVideoDecoder->targetWidth();        nHeight = g_pVideoDecoder->targetHeight();        // map DirectX texture to CUDA surface        size_t nTexturePitch = 0;        // If we are Encoding and this is the 1st Frame, we make sure we allocate system memory for readbacks        if (g_bReadback && g_bFirstFrame && g_ReadbackSID)        {            CUresult result;            checkCudaErrors(result = cuMemAllocHost((void **)&g_pFrameYUV[0], (nDecodedPitch * nHeight + nDecodedPitch*nHeight/2)));            checkCudaErrors(result = cuMemAllocHost((void **)&g_pFrameYUV[1], (nDecodedPitch * nHeight + nDecodedPitch*nHeight/2)));            checkCudaErrors(result = cuMemAllocHost((void **)&g_pFrameYUV[2], (nDecodedPitch * nHeight + nDecodedPitch*nHeight/2)));            checkCudaErrors(result = cuMemAllocHost((void **)&g_pFrameYUV[3], (nDecodedPitch * nHeight + nDecodedPitch*nHeight/2)));            checkCudaErrors(result = cuMemAllocHost((void **)&g_pFrameYUV[4], (nDecodedPitch * nHeight + nDecodedPitch*nHeight / 2)));            checkCudaErrors(result = cuMemAllocHost((void **)&g_pFrameYUV[5], (nDecodedPitch * nHeight + nDecodedPitch*nHeight / 2)));            g_bFirstFrame = false;            if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS)            {                printf("cuMemAllocHost returned %d\n", (int)result);                checkCudaErrors(result);            }        }        // If streams are enabled, we can perform the readback to the host while the kernel is executing        if (g_bReadback && g_ReadbackSID)        {            CUresult result = cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(g_pFrameYUV[active_field], pDecodedFrame[active_field], (nDecodedPitch * nHeight * 3 / 2), g_ReadbackSID);            if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS)            {                printf("cuMemAllocHost returned %d\n", (int)result);                checkCudaErrors(result);            }        }#if ENABLE_DEBUG_OUT        printf("%s = %02d, PicIndex = %02d, OutputPTS = %08d\n",               (oDisplayInfo.progressive_frame ? "Frame" : "Field"),               g_DecodeFrameCount, oDisplayInfo.picture_index, oDisplayInfo.timestamp);#endif        if (g_pImageDX)        {            // map the texture surface            g_pImageDX->map(&pInteropFrame[active_field], &nTexturePitch, active_field);        }        else        {            pInteropFrame[active_field] = g_pInteropFrame[active_field];            nTexturePitch = g_pVideoDecoder->targetWidth() * 2;        }        // perform post processing on the CUDA surface (performs colors space conversion and post processing)        // comment this out if we inclue the line of code seen above        //调用CUDA功能模块,完成从NV12格式到ARGB格式的转换,该功能模块比较复杂,后面我将给出一个简单的实现方式        cudaPostProcessFrame(&pDecodedFrame[active_field], nDecodedPitch, &pInteropFrame[active_field],                              nTexturePitch, g_pCudaModule->getModule(), g_kernelNV12toARGB, g_KernelSID);        if (g_pImageDX)        {            // unmap the texture surface            g_pImageDX->unmap(active_field);        }        // unmap video frame        // unmapFrame() synchronizes with the VideoDecode API (ensures the frame has finished decoding)        g_pVideoDecoder->unmapFrame(pDecodedFrame[active_field]);                          g_DecodeFrameCount++;        if (g_bWriteFile)        {            checkCudaErrors(cuStreamSynchronize(g_ReadbackSID));            SaveFrameAsYUV(g_pFrameYUV[active_field + 3],                g_pFrameYUV[active_field],                nWidth, nHeight, nDecodedPitch);        }    }    // Detach from the Current thread    checkCudaErrors(cuCtxPopCurrent(NULL));    // release the frame, so it can be re-used in decoder    g_pFrameQueue->releaseFrame(&oDisplayInfo);}else{    // Frame Queue has no frames, we don't compute FPS until we start    return false;}// check if decoding has come to an end.// if yes, signal the app to shut down.if (!g_pVideoSource->isStarted() && g_pFrameQueue->isEndOfDecode() && g_pFrameQueue->isEmpty()){    // Let's free the Frame Data    if (g_ReadbackSID && g_pFrameYUV)    {        cuMemFreeHost((void *)g_pFrameYUV[0]);        cuMemFreeHost((void *)g_pFrameYUV[1]);        cuMemFreeHost((void *)g_pFrameYUV[2]);        cuMemFreeHost((void *)g_pFrameYUV[3]);        cuMemFreeHost((void *)g_pFrameYUV[4]);        cuMemFreeHost((void *)g_pFrameYUV[5]);        g_pFrameYUV[0] = NULL;        g_pFrameYUV[1] = NULL;        g_pFrameYUV[2] = NULL;        g_pFrameYUV[3] = NULL;        g_pFrameYUV[4] = NULL;        g_pFrameYUV[5] = NULL;    }    // Let's just stop, and allow the user to quit, so they can at least see the results    g_pVideoSource->stop();    // If we want to loop reload the video file and restart    if (g_bLoop && !g_bAutoQuit)    {        HRESULT hr = reinitCudaResources();        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))        {            g_FrameCount = 0;            g_DecodeFrameCount = 0;            g_pVideoSource->start();        }    }    if (g_bAutoQuit)    {        g_bDone = true;    }}return true;}

以上功能模块与D3D掺和在一起,难以找到解码后取图像数据功能的核心模块,下面我给出基于opencv Mat的取图像数据方法,代码如下:
bool GetGpuDecodeFrame(shared_ptr ptr_video_stream, Mat &frame)

if (ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_frame_queue){    if (ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_frame_queue->FrameNumInQueue()>0 && ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_frame_queue->dequeue(&oDisplayInfo))    {        CCtxAutoLock lck(cuvideo_ctx_lock_);        CUresult result = cuCtxPushCurrent(cuda_context_);        CUdeviceptr  pDecodedFrame = 0;        int num_fields = 1;        CUVIDPROCPARAMS oVideoProcessingParameters;        memset(&oVideoProcessingParameters, 0, sizeof(CUVIDPROCPARAMS));        oVideoProcessingParameters.progressive_frame = oDisplayInfo.progressive_frame;        oVideoProcessingParameters.top_field_first = oDisplayInfo.top_field_first;        oVideoProcessingParameters.unpaired_field = (oDisplayInfo.repeat_first_field < 0);        oVideoProcessingParameters.second_field = 0;        unsigned int nDecodedPitch = 0;        unsigned int nWidth = 0;        unsigned int nHeight = 0;        //找到图像数据GPU显存地址        if (ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_video_decoder->mapFrame(oDisplayInfo.picture_index, &pDecodedFrame, &nDecodedPitch, &oVideoProcessingParameters) != CUDA_SUCCESS)        {            // release the frame, so it can be re-used in decoder            ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_frame_queue->releaseFrame(&oDisplayInfo);            // Detach from the Current thread            checkCudaErrors(cuCtxPopCurrent(NULL));            return false;        }        nWidth = ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_video_decoder->targetWidth();        nHeight = ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_video_decoder->targetHeight();        Mat raw_frame = Mat::zeros(cvSize(nWidth, nHeight), CV_8UC3);        //直接对显存图像数据进行NV12到RGB格式的转换,并将转换后的数据拷贝到内存        VasGpuBoost::ColorConvert::Get()->ConvertD2HYUV422pToRGB24((uchar*)pDecodedFrame,, nWidth, nHeight, nDecodedPitch);        resize(raw_frame, frame, cvSize(ptr_video_stream->decode_param_.dst_width(), ptr_video_stream->decode_param_.dst_height()));        raw_frame.release();        ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_video_decoder->unmapFrame(pDecodedFrame);        checkCudaErrors(cuCtxPopCurrent(NULL));        ptr_video_stream->p_cuda_frame_queue->releaseFrame(&oDisplayInfo);        pts = 0;        No = 0;        return true;    }    else return false;}else return false;}


__global__ void DevYuv420iToRgb(const uchar* yuv_data, uchar *rgb_data, const int width, const int height, const int pitch, const uchar *table_r, const uchar *table_g, const uchar *table_b){    int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;    int64 size = pitch*height;    int64 compute_size = width*height;    int x, y;    x = i % width;    y = i / width;    CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(i, compute_size)    {        int y_offset = pitch * y + x;        int nv_index = y / 2 * pitch + x - x % 2;        int v_offset = size + nv_index;        int u_offset = v_offset + 1;        int Y = *(yuv_data + y_offset);        int U = *(yuv_data + u_offset);        int V = *(yuv_data + v_offset);        *(rgb_data + 3 * i) = table_r[(Y << 8) + V];        *(rgb_data + 3 * i + 1) = table_g[(Y << 16) + (U << 8) + V];        *(rgb_data + 3 * i + 2) = table_b[(Y << 8) + U];    }}

本文旨在揭示CUDA的硬件框架,通过对比实验发现硬件解码还是强大的,GTX970能够做到720p视频大约800fps的速度。我也是基于此框架,实现了一套基于cuda的多路视频硬件解码C++接口,输出opencv mat格式图像,做后续视频分析。