
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客服规范 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:53





When one looks back upon the fifteen hundred years that are the life span of the English language, he should be able to notice a number of significant truths. The history of our language has always been a history of constant change—at times a slow, almost imperceptible change, at other times a violent collision between two languages. Our language has always been a living growing organism, it has never been static. Another significant truth that emerges from such a study is that language at all times has been the possession not of one class or group but of many. 『At one extreme it has been the property of the common, ignorant folk, who have used it in the daily business of their living, much as they have used their animals or the kitchen pots and pans.』① At the other extreme it has been the treasure of those who have respected it as an instrument and a sign of civilization, and who have struggled by writing it down to give it some permanence, order, dignity, and if possible, a little beauty.



public static String    read(String filename) throws IOException{        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(                new FileReader(filename)) ;        String s;        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        while((s = in.readLine())!= null)          sb.append(s + "\n");        in.close();        return sb.toString();    }


readen(String filename) throws IOException{        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(                new FileReader(filename)) ;        String s;        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        while((s = in.readLine())!= null)          sb.append(s);        in.close();        return sb.toString();    }


read(String filename,String sep) throws IOException{        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(                new FileReader(filename)) ;        String s;        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        while((s = in.readLine())!= null)          sb.append(s + sep);        in.close();        return sb.toString();    }


 cet = cet.toLowerCase() ;               String[] cetarry = Pattern.compile("\n").split(cet); eng = eng.toLowerCase() ;               String[] enarry = Pattern.compile("\\W+").split(eng) ;


rmrep(String[] arr) {        String[] tmpArr = new String[arr.length];        int tmp = 0 ;        for(int i = 0 ; i<arr.length ; i++) {            boolean isTrue = true ;             for(int j=i+1;j<arr.length;j++){                    if(arr[i].equals(arr[j])){                        isTrue = false;                        break;                    }                }                if(isTrue){                    tmpArr[tmp] = arr[i];                    tmp++;                }            }            String[]  newArr = new String[tmp];            arraycopy(tmpArr,0,newArr,0,tmp);            return newArr;    }      String[] noRepeatArr = rmrep(enarry) ;           Arrays.sort(noRepeatArr, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);


public static double       rCet(String[] arr,String[] cetArr) {        int a1 = arr.length ;        int a2 = cetArr.length ;        int tmp = 0 ;        for(int i = 0; i<a1 ; i++) {            boolean isTrue = true ;            for(int j = 0 ; j<a2 ; j++) {                if(arr[i].equals(cetArr[j])) {                    isTrue = false;                    break;                }            }            if(isTrue) {                tmp++;            }        }        return 1-(double)tmp/a1 ;    }


for( String ar:noRepeatArr) {                   out.println(ar);               }                double dd = rCet(noRepeatArr, cetarry);                 out.println("单词超纲率:"+dd);