
来源:互联网 发布:如何摆脱网络成瘾 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 19:57

原文:Techniques for Clearing Floats


  • The Empty Div Method:


<div style="clear: both;"></div>



<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <style>        #main {            float: left;            width: 50%;            height: 400px;            background: plum;        }        #sidebar {            height: 200px;            float: left;            width: 20%;            background: red;        }        #footer {            height: 200px;            width: 20%;            background: greenyellow;        }    </style></head><body>    <div id="main">        this is main    </div>    <div id="sidebar">        this is sidebar    </div>    <div style="clear: both;"></div>    <div id="footer">        this is footer    </div>    <script></script></body></html>
  • The Overflow Method

这个方法依赖于在父元素上设置overflow属性。如果这个属性设置成auto或者hidden,那么父元素会扩展以包含浮动的元素(正常下,父元素是坍塌的),有效地为后继元素清除了浮动。这种方法从语义学上将是优雅的,因为它没有要求额外的元素。然而,如果你发现:你需要增加一个父元素以实现这个方法,那么这个方法就和上一个方法是一样非语义化的,而且适应性更差。我们需要记住,overflow property不是专门用于清除浮动。小心不要因此隐藏内容或者触发不需要的滚动条。


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <style>        #parent {            overflow: hidden;            /* or overflow-auto */            border: 1px solid black;        }        #main {            float: left;            width: 50%;            height: 400px;            background: plum;        }        #sidebar {            height: 200px;            float: right;            width: 50%;            background: red;        }        #footer {            width: 20%;            background: greenyellow;            height: 200px;            /* height is not allowed here  */        }    </style></head><body>    <div id="parent">        <div id="main">            this is main        </div>        <div id="sidebar">            this is sidebar        </div>    </div>    <div id="footer">        this is footer    </div>    <script></script></body></html>
  • The Easy Clearing Method


.clearfix:after {    content: ".";    visibility: hidden;    display: block;    height: 0;    clear: both;}



<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <style>        #parent {            border: 1px solid black;        }        #main {            float: left;            width: 50%;            height: 400px;            background: plum;        }        #sidebar {            height: 200px;            float: left;            width: 20%;            background: red;        }        #footer {            width: 20%;            background: greenyellow;            height: 200px;        }        #parent:after {            content: ".";            visibility: hidden;            display: block;            height: 0;            clear: both;        }    </style></head><body>    <div id="parent">        <div id="main">            this is main        </div>        <div id="sidebar">            this is sidebar        </div>    </div>    <div id="footer">        this is footer    </div>    <script></script></body></html>