九度1453:Greedy Tino

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝号怎么看注册时间 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 17:43
题目1453:Greedy Tino

时间限制:1 秒

内存限制:128 兆





 Tino wrote a long long story. BUT! in Chinese...
So I have to tell you the problem directly and discard his long long story. That is tino want to carry some oranges with "Carrying pole", and he must make two side of the Carrying pole are the same weight. Each orange have its' weight. So greedy tino want to know the maximum weight he can carry.


The first line of input contains a number t, which means there are t cases of the test data.
for each test case, the first line contain a number n, indicate the number of oranges.
the second line contains n numbers, Wi, indicate the weight of each orange
n is between 1 and 100, inclusive. Wi is between 0 and 2000, inclusive. the sum of Wi is equal or less than 2000.


For each test case, output the maximum weight in one side of Carrying pole. If you can't carry any orange, output -1. Output format is shown in Sample Output.

151 2 3 4 5
Case 1: 7




#include <cstdio>#define OFFSET 2000#define INF 0x7fffffffusing namespace std;int dp[101][4001];      //重量差可正可负,而且注意,这里数组下标是有实际意义的,如dp[i][4000]                        //就代表第一堆比第二堆重2000的情况,因此必须4001列,而不能是4000列。int list[101];int main(){    int T;    int cas=0;    scanf("%d",&T);    while(T--){        int n;        scanf("%d",&n);        int cnt=0;        bool Havezero=false;                    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){            scanf("%d",&list[++cnt]);            if(list[cnt]==0){                cnt--;                Havezero=true;            }                   //去除重量为0的柑橘        }        n=cnt;        int i,j;        for(i=-2000;i<=2000;i++){            dp[0][i+OFFSET]=-INF;        }        dp[0][0+OFFSET]=0;        for(i=1;i<=n;i++){              //遍历每个柑橘            for(j=-2000;j<=2000;j++){   //遍历每种重量差。但是重量差受到下面if的条件限制                int tmp1=-INF,tmp2=-INF;                if(j+list[i]<=2000&&dp[i-1][j+list[i]+OFFSET]!=-INF){                    tmp1=dp[i-1][j+list[i]+OFFSET]+list[i];         //情况1:把第i个柑橘放在第二堆中                }                if(j-list[i]>=-2000&&dp[i-1][j-list[i]+OFFSET]!=-INF){                    tmp2=dp[i-1][j-list[i]+OFFSET]+list[i];         //情况2:把第i个柑橘放在第一堆中                }                if(tmp1<tmp2)                    tmp1=tmp2;                if(tmp1<dp[i-1][j+OFFSET])                    tmp1=dp[i-1][j+OFFSET];                         //情况3:第i个柑橘不放在任何一堆中                    //保证tmp1中存的是最大重量的情况                dp[i][j+OFFSET]=tmp1;            }        }        printf("Case %d: ",++cas);        if(dp[n][0+OFFSET]==0){            puts(Havezero==true?"0":"-1");        }        else            printf("%d\n",dp[n][0+OFFSET]/2);               //最后处理柑橘重量为0的情况    }    return 0;}


