oracle表达式之“ora-0079”不是group by表达式分析(未完待续。。。)

来源:互联网 发布:网络编辑培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:33
with tab as (select t.object_pid,         t.mesh,         round(x, 8) x,         round(y, 8) y,         round(z, 3) z,         id    from had_object_box_pole t, table(sdo_util.GetVertices(t.geometry)) g),tab1 as (select t.object_pid,         t.mesh,         t.x,         t.y,         t.z,,         count(*) over(partition by t.object_pid, t.x, t.y, t.z) num,         row_number() over(partition by t.object_pid, t.x, t.y, t.z order by sq    from tab t   where > 1),tab2 as (select t.object_pid,         t.mesh,         t.x,         t.y,         t.z,,         t.num,         t.sq,         (t.x || ',' || t.y || ',' || t.z) str    from tab1 t   where num > 1),tab3 as (select object_pid,,         mesh,        substr(sys_connect_by_path(str,'|'),2) strVal,         wm_concat( strid    from tab2 t   where connect_by_isleaf = 1   start with sq = 1  connect by sq = PRIOR sq + 1         and object_pid = PRIOR object_pid         and sq < =(select max(sq) from tab2) group by object_pid,,mesh)select * from tab3 t3
在进行数据库操作时,进行tab3的选取时出现如题的错误,起初按照网上说的在select 列表项中出现的列必须出现在group by后面(聚合函数除外),但是不能正确,找到的替代件决办法还是采用substr(sys_connect_by_path)将id进行拼串。但是这个问题解决不了是心中的一块结啊。
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