
来源:互联网 发布:linux 重启网络服务 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 16:32

使用了0 1 2 3 4 15号声纳,基本依靠机器人左前方的声纳数据数值,来决定小车朝向,再设置左右轮车速。
→Wall Following Using Sonars
Local To Global Frame Mapping



当机器人与墙体平行且左侧靠近墙体时(与墙体的距离可事先由操作者任意确定),可以根据0#和15#两个声纳探测到的机器人与墙的距离(分别用d0和d15来表示),来设定机器人的左右轮速:当d0 〉d15(或d15小于某一定值)时,意味着机器人的头部发生远离墙的偏转,为保持机器人与墙体的平行,则需在程序中设定右轮速度大于左轮速度,即robot->setvel(200,300);同样当d0 〈 d15(或d0小于某一定值)时,需右轮速度小于左轮速度,程序中用robot->setvel(300,200);来设定。


# include "Aria.h"# include <cstdlib># include <iostream># include <iomanip># include <fstream># include <ctime># include <math.h># include <cmath>       using namespace std;// the robotArRobot *robot;ArSonarDevice sonar;   // sonar, must be added to the robot/*********************************************************************************Files for logging position and sensor data*********************************************************************************/ofstream positionData("positionvals.txt");ofstream sonarVals("sonarvals.txt");ofstream globalFrame("globalFrame.txt");//sonar sensor offset positions with respect to robot local coordinate frame//这部分数据见aria/param/p3dx.p或者针对你的机器人,表示声纳在机器人相对其坐标原点的位置。double robotSonarX[8] = {69,114,148,166,166,148,114,69};double robotSonarY[8] = {136,119,78,27,-27,-78,-119,-136};double robotSonarTh[8] = {90.0, 50.0, 30.0, 10.0, -10.0, -30.0, -50.0, -90.0};double sonarData[5][16];        // last 5 sets of sonar readingsdouble posData[5];      // odometry readings,robot.getX();long    frameCount = -1;        //how many iterations of the sensor grabbing functions have been run/*********************************************************************************Function Definitions*********************************************************************************/void grabNewPositionData(void);void logPositionData(void);void grabNewSonarData(void);void logRawSonarData(void);void MapToGlobalFrame(void);double d0,d1,d3,d2,d4,d15;//用于得到对应声纳得到的距离,rangedouble th,r,PI=3.1415926;double minimum=0;         //用于比较0 1 2 3 4声纳最小值,为了判断车辆与墙壁朝向往哪边偏//主函数,void update(void)     {    // Your Code Here    grabNewSonarData();    grabNewPositionData();    logPositionData();    logRawSonarData();    MapToGlobalFrame();    d0=sonarData[0][0];d1=sonarData[0][1];d2=sonarData[0][2];d3=sonarData[0][3];d4=sonarData[0][4];    d15=sonarData[0][15];    int n;int j=0;    th=atan((sonarData[0][0]-sonarData[1][0])/1);    r=(180*th)/PI;    minimum=((d1<d2)?d1:d2)<d3?((d1<d2)?d1:d2):d3;    double d[8];    //double sonarData[0][];    double min=sonarData[0][0];    /*for( int  i=0;i<16;i++)    {d[i]=sonarData[0][i];    if(sonarData[0][i]<min)    {min=sonarData[0][i];    j++;    }    }    if(sonarData[0][3]<300&&sonarData[0][4]<250)    {   robot->setVel2(0,0);    }   if(j==0||j==7||j==15)   {robot->setVel2(300,200);}   else robot->setVel2(300,300);*/         if(d0<d15)         {             robot->setVel2(300,200);         }         else if(d0>d15)         {             robot->setVel2(200,300);         }     if((d0>600)&&(d1>900)&&(d2>800)&&(d3>700))             {                 robot->setVel2(100,300);             }      else      {        if(d3<900)         {             robot->setVel2(300,50);         }         if(d2<800)         {             robot->setVel2(300,80);         }         if(d1<700)         {             robot->setVel2(300,100);         }      }}/**************************************Log the current Raw Sonar Range data **************************************/void logRawSonarData(){     if(frameCount==0){        sonarVals << "No.\t";    }    sonarVals << frameCount << "\t" ;    for (int i=0; i<16; i++)    {        sonarVals<< sonarData[0][i] <<"\t";        //cout<< sonarData[0][i] <<"\t";    }    sonarVals<< endl;    //cout<< endl;}/************************************************************************************ Saves a snapshot of the sonar readings at the start of each cycle to ensure both efficiency and consistancy. For use in the rest of a processing cycle. ************************************************************************************/void grabNewSonarData(){    int i;    //get the current range readings for each of the 8 sonar sensors     for (i=0; i<16; i++)        sonarData[0][i] = robot->getSonarRange(i);}/********************************************************************************** Saves the current global frame odometry readings for use by other parts of the program ***********************************************************************************/void grabNewPositionData(){    frameCount++;    posData[0] = robot->getX();    posData[1] = robot->getY();    posData[2] = robot->getTh();    posData[3] = robot->getLeftVel();    posData[4] = robot->getRightVel();}/**************************************Log the current Odometry values**************************************/void logPositionData(){    if(frameCount==0){        positionData << "X\tY\tTh\tlVel\trVel" << endl;     }    positionData << posData[0] << "\t" <<                    posData[1] << "\t" <<                    posData[2] << "\t" <<                    posData[3] << "\t" <<                    posData[4] << endl;}void MapToGlobalFrame(){    double r,u,v,th;    double Xr,Yr,Thr;    double Xo,Yo,Xg,Yg;    for(int i=0; i<1; i++)    {        r = sonarData[0][i];        u = robotSonarX[i];        v = robotSonarY[i];        th = (robotSonarTh[i]*PI)/180;        Xr = posData[0];        Yr = posData[1];        Thr = (posData[2]*PI)/180;        double u2 =u*cos(Thr)-v*sin(Thr);        double v2 =u*sin(Thr)+v*cos(Thr);        double a=r*cos(th+Thr);        double b=r*sin(th+Thr);        Xg = a+u2+Xr;        Yg = b+v2+Yr;/*        Xo = u + r*cos(th);        Yo = v + r*sin(th);        Xg = (Xo*cos(Thr) - Yo*sin(Thr)) + Xr;        Yg = (Xo*sin(Thr) + Yo*cos(Thr)) + Yr;*/              cout << r <<  "\tx:\t" << Xg << "y:\t"  <<Yg << endl;        globalFrame  << Xg << "\t"  <<Yg << endl;    }}int main(int argc, char **argv){  int ret;  std::string str;  // the connection for Remote Host and Simulator //ArTcpConnection con;  // the connection through Serial Link to the robot  ArSerialConnection con;  ArGlobalFunctor updateCB(&update);  robot = new ArRobot;  // mandatory init  Aria::init();  // open the connection, if this fails exit  if ((ret = != 0)  {    str = con.getOpenMessage(ret);    printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str());    Aria::shutdown();    return 1;  }  // set the device connection on the robot  robot->setDeviceConnection(&con);  // try to connect, if we fail exit  if (!robot->blockingConnect())  {    printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n");    Aria::shutdown();    return 1;  }// add the sonar to the robot  robot->addRangeDevice(&sonar);  // user task  robot->addUserTask("update", 50, &updateCB);  // turn on the motors, turn off amigobot sounds  robot->comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 1);  //robot->comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1);  robot->comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0);  // start the robot running, true so that if we lose connection the run stops  robot->run(true);  robot->lock();  robot->disconnect();  robot->unlock();  // now exit  Aria::shutdown();  return 0;}




X0= U + r* cos(th)
Y0= v + r* sin(th)
X0 Y0 表示障碍物在机器人坐标系下位置
Xr Yr 表示机器人里程计读数;


Xg = X0 * cos(Thr) - Y0 * sin(Thr) + Xr;
Yg = X0 * sin(Thr) - Y0 * cos(Thr) + Yr;
