HDU 5449 Robot Dog ACM/ICPC 2015 Changchun Online(数学期望+LCA)

来源:互联网 发布:网络信息安全 电子书 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 16:58

Robot Dog

Time Limit: 3000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 351    Accepted Submission(s): 106

Problem Description

Mike has just found a dungeon. Inside there are n rooms and p treasure chests. Chests1,...,p are located in room v1,...,vp respectively. The rooms are connected by n1 passages. Any two rooms connected by a passage are considered adjacent. This dungeon is very special that there exists a path between any two rooms. Among these treasure chests, only chest 1 can be taken in the very beginning, others must be taken in order. That is, only after chest i is taken, may chest i+1 be taken as well, for every i{1,...,p1}.
Mike is lazy, so he dislikes to explore the dungeon on his own feet. Therefore, Mike sends his robot dog, Blot, to collect the treasures in the dungeon. Blot can automatically collect the treasures from the chests, and it takes Blot exactly a second to move to any adjacent room. However, Blot’s movement is uncontrollable. Blot moves to all adjacent rooms with the same probability. For example, if there arek adjacent rooms, then Blot will move to any of them with probability 1k. Please help mike to compute the expected time that Blot collects all p treasures for him.


The first line on the input contains an integer T(T10). There will be T test cases. The first line of each test case contains an integer n(2n50000) indicating the number of rooms in the dungeon. The rooms are numbered from 0 to n1. Each of the following n1 lines contains two integers u and v(u,v{0,...,n1}) indicating room u and room v are adjacent.
The next line contains an integer q(q100) indicating the number of scenarios. Each of the following q lines represents a scenario which consists of some integers p,v0,v1,...,vp separated by blanks. The first integer p(0<p500) indicates there will be p treasure chests. The second integer v0 indicates that Blot is in room v0 at the beginning. For i{1,...,p}, the ith treasure will be spawn at room vi. You may assume vi vi-1 for every i{1,...,p}.


For each test case, output q lines, and the jth of them corresponds to the jth scenario of the test case. For each scenario, output the expected time in seconds such that Blot collects all treasures. Print the answer to the fourth decimal place, and separate two consecutive test cases with a blank line.

Sample Input

231 01 221 0 12 0 2 140 12 03 013 0 1 0 1

Sample Output



2015 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Changchun Online







#include<bits/stdc++.h>#define LL long long#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f#define N 101000using namespace std;vector<int> g[N];LL up[N],down[N];int n,size[N];namespace LCA{    int dp[N][20],dep[N];    inline void dfs(int x,int fa)    {        for(int i=0;i<g[x].size();i++)        {            int y=g[x][i];            if (y==fa) continue;            dep[y]=dep[x]+1;            dp[y][0]=x; dfs(y,x);        }    }    void ST()    {        for(int j=0;j<17;j++)            for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)                dp[i][j+1]=dp[dp[i][j]][j];    }    inline int lca(int u,int v)    {        if (u==v) return u;        if (dep[v]>dep[u]) swap(u,v);        for(int i=18;i>=0;i--)            if (dep[dp[u][i]]>=dep[v]) u=dp[u][i];        if (u==v) return u;        for(int i=18;i>=0;i--)            if (dp[u][i]!=dp[v][i]) u=dp[u][i],v=dp[v][i];        return dp[u][0];    }}void getsize(int x,int fa){    size[x]=1;    for(int i=0;i<g[x].size();i++)    {        int y=g[x][i];        if (y==fa) continue;        getsize(y,x); size[x]+=size[y];    }}void dfs(int x,int fa){    if (fa!=-1)    {        up[x]=up[fa]+2LL*size[x]-1LL;        down[x]=down[fa]+2LL*(n-size[x])-1LL;    }    for(int i=0;i<g[x].size();i++)    {        int y=g[x][i];        if (y==fa) continue;        dfs(y,x);    }}void init(){    memset(g,0,sizeof(g));    memset(up,0,sizeof(up));    memset(down,0,sizeof(down));    memset(size,0,sizeof(size));}int main(){    int T_T;    cin>>T_T;    while(T_T--)    {        init();        scanf("%d",&n);        for(int i=1;i<n;i++)        {            int u,v;            scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);            g[u].push_back(v);            g[v].push_back(u);        }        LCA::dfs(0,-1);LCA::ST();        getsize(0,-1); dfs(0,-1);        int q; scanf("%d",&q);        while(q--)        {            LL ans=0;            int k,u,v;            scanf("%d%d",&k,&u);            while(k--)            {                int v; scanf("%d",&v);                int lca=LCA::lca(u,v);                ans+=up[u]-up[lca]+down[v]-down[lca];                u=v;            }            printf("%I64d.0000\n",ans);        }        if (T_T) puts("");    }}

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