
来源:互联网 发布:jsp和javascript的用途 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 11:08

xspace:      “在你读到这封信的时候,我已经痛恨自己不解风情好多遍了。请原谅我这个一天到晚只会低头写代码的程序猿,没好好照顾你的感受,不小心将你喜欢的自定义表情弄丢了。我不会说什么花言巧语,只希望能在情人节前送你一份礼物--自定义表情想怎么加就怎么加!嗯,为了这份礼物,我继续敲代码了……


While you are reading this message, I have kicked my ass for a few times.  Please forgive me as a pure programmer who only knows how to dive into the code while not able to take care of your feelings of using your lovely self defined expression icons. All I can do is to give you a gift before next Valentine's Day, and then you will be able to add and use whatever expression icons! Ok, just for making this happen, I will go back to work ......”
