
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝排查店铺申诉入口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 21:36

1. 题意:

给定一个英文段落(包含 n 个句子)和 m 次查询(每次查询给一个句子),求与段落中单词匹配量最多的查询。

重要: 1. 保证大小写不敏感;2. 不包含标点。


"A bad beginning makes a bad ending",                 "A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years",          "A friend exaggerates a man virtue an enemy his crimes",                  "A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land",                  "Always taking out of the meal and never putting in soon comes to the bottom"


"man of gold makes worth land seldom falls ending madness industrious",                 "An enemy idle youth exaggerates his friend a needy age",                     "bottom A poor man who taking a comes rich wife has never a ruler not a wife"

2. 解题思路:

由于是找单词匹配量,因此尝试将段落中单词全部存为一个 map 的 key(s) ,


(由于没看清上面 “重要” 提示,此版本适用包含标点符号的场景)

3. C++代码:

#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <string.h>#include <map>#define GetStrArrLen(strArr) (sizeof(strArr)/sizeof(strArr[0]))#define TESTusing namespace std;const int WORDLEN= 48;bool IsAlpha(char a){return ( (a>='A' && a<='Z') || (a>='a' && a<='z') )? true : false;}void GetMatchList(map<string, string> &wordsList, string query[], size_t queryLen, map<size_t, int> &matchList){size_t strs_len = queryLen;char word[WORDLEN];for(size_t idx = 0; idx < strs_len; idx++){matchList.insert(pair<size_t, int>(idx, 0));size_t j = 0;size_t str_len = query[idx].length();int widx = 0;memset(word, 0, WORDLEN);while(j < str_len){if(IsAlpha(query[idx][j])){word[widx++] = query[idx][j];j++;continue;}if(0 != strlen(word)){if(wordsList.end() != wordsList.find(word)){matchList[idx]++;}}widx = 0;memset(word, 0, WORDLEN);j++;}if(0 != strlen(word)){if(wordsList.end() != wordsList.find(word)){matchList[idx]++;}}}}void ExtractWords(string paragraph[], size_t paraLen, map<string, string> &wordsList){size_t strs_len = paraLen;char word[WORDLEN];memset(word, 0, WORDLEN);for(size_t idx = 0; idx < strs_len; idx++){size_t j = 0;size_t str_len = paragraph[idx].length();int widx = 0;memset(word, 0, WORDLEN);while(j < str_len){if(IsAlpha(paragraph[idx][j])){word[widx++] = paragraph[idx][j];j++;continue;}if(0 != strlen(word)){if(wordsList.end() == wordsList.find(word)){wordsList.insert(pair<string, string>(word, word));}}memset(word, 0, WORDLEN);widx = 0;j++;}if(0 != strlen(word)){if(wordsList.end() == wordsList.find(word)){wordsList.insert(pair<string, string>(word, word));}}}}void ToLower(string strings[], size_t strsLen){size_t strs_len = strsLen;for(size_t idx = 0; idx < strs_len; idx++){size_t j = 0;size_t str_len = strings[idx].length();while(j < str_len){if (strings[idx][j] >= 'A' && strings[idx][j] <= 'Z'){strings[idx][j] += 32;}j++;}}}void Print(string strings[], size_t strsLen, string infoName){cout<< "****************"<< infoName << "********************" << endl;size_t strs_len = strsLen;for(size_t idx = 0; idx < strs_len; idx++){cout << strings[idx] << endl;}cout<< "**********************************************" << endl;cout << endl;}void PrintMap(map<string, string> wordsList){map<string, string>::iterator iter = wordsList.begin();int count = 0;for(; iter != wordsList.end(); iter++ ){cout << iter->second << '\t' ;if (0 == ++count % 10){cout << endl;}}cout << endl;}int main(){size_t strArrLen = 0;string paragraph[] = {"A bad beginning makes a bad ending","A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years","A friend exaggerates a man virtue an enemy his crimes","A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land","Always taking out of the meal and never putting in soon comes to the bottom"};strArrLen = GetStrArrLen(paragraph);#ifdef TESTPrint(paragraph, strArrLen, "Paragraph");#endifToLower(paragraph, strArrLen);#ifdef TESTPrint(paragraph, strArrLen, "Paragraph");#endifmap<string, string> wordsList;ExtractWords(paragraph, strArrLen, wordsList);string query[] = {"man of gold makes worth land seldom falls ending madness industrious","An enemy idle youth exaggerates his friend a needy age","bottom A poor man who taking a comes rich wife has never a ruler not a wife"};strArrLen = GetStrArrLen(query);#ifdef TESTPrint(query, strArrLen, "Query");#endifToLower(query, strArrLen);#ifdef TESTPrint(query, strArrLen, "Query");#endif#ifdef TESTPrintMap(wordsList);#endifmap<size_t, int> matchList;GetMatchList(wordsList, query, strArrLen, matchList);map<size_t, int>::iterator start = matchList.begin();size_t ridx = 0;int maxCount = 0;for(; start != matchList.end(); start++){if (maxCount < start->second){ridx = start->first;maxCount = start->second;}}cout << maxCount << " Matched" << endl;cout << query[ridx] << endl;return 0;}

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