11. Container With Most Water(求能装最多水的容器)

来源:互联网 发布:js改变css display 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 07:33

Given n non-negative integers a1a2, ..., an, where each represents a point at coordinate (iai). n vertical lines are drawn such that the two endpoints of line i is at (iai) and (i, 0). Find two lines, which together with x-axis forms a container, such that the container contains the most water.

Note: You may not slant the container and n is at least 2.




1. 宽度为n,高度为a[0]和a[n-1]中较小的值;

2. 舍弃掉(i,a[i])这个点,其中i = a[0]和a[n-1]中较小的值的下标,然后在剩下的n-1个点中找得两个点,构成容积最大的容器。



class Solution {    public int findMax(int left, int right, int[] height) {if (right - left == 1) {return Math.min(height[left], height[right]);}int bigger;if (height[left] > height[right]) {bigger = findMax(left, right - 1, height);} else {bigger = findMax(left + 1, right, height);}return Math.max(Math.min(height[left], height[right]) * (right - left), bigger);}public int maxArea(int[] height) {return findMax(0, height.length - 1, height);}}

循环代码:(10ms,beats 52.47%)

class Solution {    public int maxArea(int[] height) {int len = height.length;int[] area = new int[len];int left = 0, right = len - 1;while (right > left) {area[right - left - 1] = (right - left) * Math.min(height[left], height[right]);if (height[left] > height[right]) {right--;} else {left++;}}int max = 0;for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {if (area[i] > max) {max = area[i];}}return max;}}

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