
来源:互联网 发布:禁止在淘宝网上发布 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 16:59
当然,最直接有效的方法是sudo安装(sudo apt-get install + softwarename)

1.sac/sac2000     install in: /opt/sac####################change the install position#########################   install in: /usr/local/sac             procedures:vi .bashrc                               export PATH=/usr/local/sac/bin:$PATH                          export SACAUX=/usr/local/sac/aux                         Esc + :wq                        source .bashrc    #save the .bashrc########################################################################---------------------------------------------------------------------

2.GMT     install in: apt-get install GMT 
3.pssac2   copy the 'pssac2' to '/opt' (#'recf' is the name of the source document)

4.Installing the source code of the 'recf'   input the following command:     $cd recFunc/RForward/    $cd Subs    $make     (modified the 'Makefile' is needed,                 because 'sac' install in 'usr')    $cd ../Decon     $make     (same with up)    $cd ../RespKennett    $make     (same with up)    $cd ../Utilities    $make     (same with up)   -----this procedure isn't complete yet.

5.Creat the document '/opt'    $cd ~    $mkdir bin

6.lupei.o   $cd ~   $cp -a /home/rongtao/Desktop/software/recf/lupeiStack bin     get in the 'bin' you just built  ($cd---)   $gcc -o lupei.o lupeiStack.c -lm     copy the 'lupei.o' to 'bin' ,so that other shell can use it.

7.ttimes and evt2sac     copy these two to 'bin','ttimes' doesn't need configure,'evt2sac' need.   $cd evt2sac   $make 
3.rdseed   insrall in: /usr/local/rdseed             procedure:make clean + vi Makefile +                       change the "#" between 32 and 64 +                       vi .bashrc +                       export PATH=/usr/local/rdseed +                       Esc + :wq

4.Madagascar   (wrong install,so make installing again,see in the following part)           sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev g++ gfortran libgd2-xpm-dev libglew1.5-dev                            there are some problems about installing (suggested packages:                                                                         libxcb-doc                                                                            .....           sudo apt-get install libjpeg62-dev libx11-dev           sudo apt-get install libxaw7-dev libnetpbm10-dev swig python-dev python-scipy python-numpy           sudo apt-get install libtiff4-dev scons units libblas-dev           sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libavcodec-dev libplplot-dev                            there are some problem too.           cp -a /Desktop/madagascar /usr           cd madagascar           scons    (problem?)           scons install           vi .bashrc +

5.Madagascar(try installing again,follow the 'INSTALL.txt')                        (c complier and Python interpreter have not ready yet)             cd /usr/madagascar             ./configure --prefix=/usr/madagascar/install              ./configure --prefix=/usr/madagascar/install \API fortran-90             make   ...Done             make install             source /usr/madagascar/install/share/madagascar/etc/             #source /usr/madagascar/install/share/madagascar/etc/env.csh             install is Done,the following code is try to test the installing successfully or not.             (sfin     sfattr     sfspike     sfbandpass     sfwiggle)

6.Seismic Unix             sometimes when i use the Madagascar smoothly,and consider the SU is necessary or not...         2015/10/30         installing the sesmic unix today,           修改~/.bashrc           export CWPROOT=/home/rongtao/su                       export PATH=$PATH:/home/rongtao/su/bin            make install           make xtinstall           make finstall           make mglinstall       There still some thing wrong!
7.mpich2          installing in '/home/mpi/mpich/src'        procedure:           ./configure -prefix=/home/mpi/mpich2           sudo make           sudo make install           modify the '~/.bashrc'                   +export MPI_ROOT=/home/mpi/mpich2                 +export PATH=$MPI_ROOT/bin:$PATH                 +export MANPATH=$MPI_ROOT/man:$MANPATH           (then you can configure your own code)           mpicc -o hello hello.c           mpirun -np 4 ./hello                  How to run the hello?           cd $HOME           touch .mpd.conf           chmod 600 .mpd.conf          (then )           mpdboot           cd ~           touch .mpd.conf           chmod 600 .mpd.conf          (then )           mpirun -np 4 ./hello         (come from internet:  )

*******************there a code you can learn**************************
#include "mpi.h"int main (int argc, char **argv){int myid, numprocs;int namelen;char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);MPI_Get_processor_name (processor_name, &namelen);fprintf (stderr, "Hello World! Process %d of %d on %s\n", myid, numprocs, processor_name);MPI_Finalize ();return 0;}
