Java 源码分析(三)

来源:互联网 发布:手机抢号软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:26



public final class Byte extends Number implements Comparable<Byte> {    public static final byte   MIN_VALUE = -128;    public static final byte   MAX_VALUE = 127;    public static final Class<Byte>     TYPE = (Class<Byte>) Class.getPrimitiveClass("byte");    public static String toString(byte b) {        return Integer.toString((int)b, 10);    }    private static class ByteCache {        private ByteCache(){}        static final Byte cache[] = new Byte[-(-128) + 127 + 1];        static {            for(int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++)                cache[i] = new Byte((byte)(i - 128));        }    }    public static Byte valueOf(byte b) {        final int offset = 128;        return ByteCache.cache[(int)b + offset];    }    public static byte parseByte(String s, int radix)        throws NumberFormatException {        int i = Integer.parseInt(s, radix);        if (i < MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)            throw new NumberFormatException(                "Value out of range. Value:\"" + s + "\" Radix:" + radix);        return (byte)i;    }    public static byte parseByte(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        return parseByte(s, 10);    }    public static Byte valueOf(String s, int radix)        throws NumberFormatException {        return valueOf(parseByte(s, radix));    }    public static Byte valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        return valueOf(s, 10);    }    public static Byte decode(String nm) throws NumberFormatException {        int i = Integer.decode(nm);        if (i < MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)            throw new NumberFormatException(                    "Value " + i + " out of range from input " + nm);        return valueOf((byte)i);    }    private final byte value;    public Byte(byte value) {        this.value = value;    }    public Byte(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        this.value = parseByte(s, 10);    }    public byte byteValue() {        return value;    }    public short shortValue() {        return (short)value;    }    public int intValue() {        return (int)value;    }    public long longValue() {        return (long)value;    }    public float floatValue() {        return (float)value;    }    public double doubleValue() {        return (double)value;    }    public String toString() {        return Integer.toString((int)value);    }    public int hashCode() {        return (int)value;    }    public boolean equals(Object obj) {        if (obj instanceof Byte) {            return value == ((Byte)obj).byteValue();        }        return false;    }    public int compareTo(Byte anotherByte) {        return compare(this.value, anotherByte.value);    }    public static int compare(byte x, byte y) {        return x - y;    }    public static final int SIZE = 8;}



public final class Short extends Number implements Comparable<Short> {    public static final short   MIN_VALUE = -32768;    public static final short   MAX_VALUE = 32767;    public static final Class<Short>    TYPE = (Class<Short>) Class.getPrimitiveClass("short");    public static String toString(short s) {        return Integer.toString((int)s, 10);    }    public static short parseShort(String s, int radix)        throws NumberFormatException {        int i = Integer.parseInt(s, radix);        if (i < MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)            throw new NumberFormatException(                "Value out of range. Value:\"" + s + "\" Radix:" + radix);        return (short)i;    }    public static short parseShort(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        return parseShort(s, 10);    }    public static Short valueOf(String s, int radix)        throws NumberFormatException {        return valueOf(parseShort(s, radix));    }    public static Short valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        return valueOf(s, 10);    }    private static class ShortCache {        private ShortCache(){}        static final Short cache[] = new Short[-(-128) + 127 + 1];        static {            for(int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++)                cache[i] = new Short((short)(i - 128));        }    }    public static Short valueOf(short s) {        final int offset = 128;        int sAsInt = s;        if (sAsInt >= -128 && sAsInt <= 127) {            return ShortCache.cache[sAsInt + offset];        }        return new Short(s);    }    public static Short decode(String nm) throws NumberFormatException {        int i = Integer.decode(nm);        if (i < MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)            throw new NumberFormatException(                    "Value " + i + " out of range from input " + nm);        return valueOf((short)i);    }    private final short value;    public Short(short value) {        this.value = value;    }    public Short(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        this.value = parseShort(s, 10);    }    public byte byteValue() {        return (byte)value;    }    public short shortValue() {        return value;    }    public int intValue() {        return (int)value;    }    public long longValue() {        return (long)value;    }    public float floatValue() {        return (float)value;    }    public double doubleValue() {        return (double)value;    }    public String toString() {        return Integer.toString((int)value);    }    public int hashCode() {        return (int)value;    }    public boolean equals(Object obj) {        if (obj instanceof Short) {            return value == ((Short)obj).shortValue();        }        return false;    }    public int compareTo(Short anotherShort) {        return compare(this.value, anotherShort.value);    }    public static int compare(short x, short y) {        return x - y;    }    public static final int SIZE = 16;    public static short reverseBytes(short i) {        return (short) (((i & 0xFF00) >> 8) | (i << 8));    }}



public final class Short extends Number implements Comparable<Short> {    public static final short   MIN_VALUE = -32768;    public static final short   MAX_VALUE = 32767;    public static final Class<Short>    TYPE = (Class<Short>) Class.getPrimitiveClass("short");    public static String toString(short s) {        return Integer.toString((int)s, 10);    }    public static short parseShort(String s, int radix)        throws NumberFormatException {        int i = Integer.parseInt(s, radix);        if (i < MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)            throw new NumberFormatException(                "Value out of range. Value:\"" + s + "\" Radix:" + radix);        return (short)i;    }    public static short parseShort(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        return parseShort(s, 10);    }    public static Short valueOf(String s, int radix)        throws NumberFormatException {        return valueOf(parseShort(s, radix));    }    public static Short valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        return valueOf(s, 10);    }    private static class ShortCache {        private ShortCache(){}        static final Short cache[] = new Short[-(-128) + 127 + 1];        static {            for(int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++)                cache[i] = new Short((short)(i - 128));        }    }    public static Short valueOf(short s) {        final int offset = 128;        int sAsInt = s;        if (sAsInt >= -128 && sAsInt <= 127) {            return ShortCache.cache[sAsInt + offset];        }        return new Short(s);    }    public static Short decode(String nm) throws NumberFormatException {        int i = Integer.decode(nm);        if (i < MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)            throw new NumberFormatException(                    "Value " + i + " out of range from input " + nm);        return valueOf((short)i);    }    private final short value;    public Short(short value) {        this.value = value;    }    public Short(String s) throws NumberFormatException {        this.value = parseShort(s, 10);    }    public byte byteValue() {        return (byte)value;    }    public short shortValue() {        return value;    }    public int intValue() {        return (int)value;    }    public long longValue() {        return (long)value;    }    public float floatValue() {        return (float)value;    }    public double doubleValue() {        return (double)value;    }    public String toString() {        return Integer.toString((int)value);    }    public int hashCode() {        return (int)value;    }    public boolean equals(Object obj) {        if (obj instanceof Short) {            return value == ((Short)obj).shortValue();        }        return false;    }    public int compareTo(Short anotherShort) {        return compare(this.value, anotherShort.value);    }    public static int compare(short x, short y) {        return x - y;    }    public static final int SIZE = 16;    public static short reverseBytes(short i) {        return (short) (((i & 0xFF00) >> 8) | (i << 8));    }}


public final class Boolean implements,                                      Comparable<Boolean>{    public static final Boolean TRUE = new Boolean(true);    public static final Boolean FALSE = new Boolean(false);    public static final Class<Boolean> TYPE = Class.getPrimitiveClass("boolean");    private final boolean value;    public Boolean(boolean value) {        this.value = value;    }    public Boolean(String s) {        this(toBoolean(s));    }    public static boolean parseBoolean(String s) {        return toBoolean(s);    }    public boolean booleanValue() {        return value;    }    public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b) {        return (b ? TRUE : FALSE);    }    public static Boolean valueOf(String s) {        return toBoolean(s) ? TRUE : FALSE;    }    public static String toString(boolean b) {        return b ? "true" : "false";    }    public String toString() {        return value ? "true" : "false";    }    public int hashCode() {        return value ? 1231 : 1237;    }    public boolean equals(Object obj) {        if (obj instanceof Boolean) {            return value == ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();        }        return false;    }    public static boolean getBoolean(String name) {        boolean result = false;        try {            result = toBoolean(System.getProperty(name));        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {        } catch (NullPointerException e) {        }        return result;    }    public int compareTo(Boolean b) {        return compare(this.value, b.value);    }    public static int compare(boolean x, boolean y) {        return (x == y) ? 0 : (x ? 1 : -1);    }    private static boolean toBoolean(String name) {        return ((name != null) && name.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));    }}


private final boolean value;



public static final Boolean TRUE = new Boolean(true);public static final Boolean FALSE = new Boolean(false);



public Boolean(boolean value) {this.value = value;}public Boolean(String s) {this(toBoolean(s));}


private static boolean toBoolean(String name) {return ((name != null) && name.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));}



public int hashCode() {return value ? 1231 : 1237;}



public int compareTo(Boolean b) {return compare(this.value, b.value);}public static int compare(boolean x, boolean y) {return (x == y) ? 0 : (x ? 1 : -1);}

