
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝子账号分流设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 16:47

1、整型的Hash算法使用的是Thomas Wang's 32 Bit / 64 Bit Mix Function ,这是一种基于位移运算的散列方法。基于移位的散列是使用Key值进行移位操作。通常是结合左移和右移。每个移位过程的结果进行累加,最后移位的结果作为最终结果。这种方法的好处是避免了乘法运算,从而提高Hash函数本身的性能。

unsigned int dictIntHashFunction(unsigned int key){    key += ~(key << 15);    key ^=  (key >> 10);    key +=  (key << 3);    key ^=  (key >> 6);    key += ~(key << 11);    key ^=  (key >> 16);    return key;}

2、字符串使用的MurmurHash算法,MurmurHash算法具有高运算性能,低碰撞率的特点,由Austin Appleby创建于2008年,现已应用到Hadoop、libstdc++、nginx、libmemcached等开源系统。2011年Appleby被Google雇佣,随后Google推出其变种的CityHash算法。
murmur是 multiply and rotate的意思,因为算法的核心就是不断的乘和移位(x *= m; k ^= k >> r;)

unsigned int dictGenHashFunction(const void *key, int len) {    /* 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline.     They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well.  */    uint32_t seed = dict_hash_function_seed;    const uint32_t m = 0x5bd1e995;    const int r = 24;    /* Initialize the hash to a 'random' value */    uint32_t h = seed ^ len;    /* Mix 4 bytes at a time into the hash */    const unsigned char *data = (const unsigned char *)key;    while(len >= 4) {        uint32_t k = *(uint32_t*)data;        k *= m;        k ^= k >> r;        k *= m;        h *= m;        h ^= k;        data += 4;        len -= 4;    }    /* Handle the last few bytes of the input array  */    switch(len) {    case 3: h ^= data[2] << 16;    case 2: h ^= data[1] << 8;    case 1: h ^= data[0]; h *= m;    };    /* Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few     * bytes are well-incorporated. */    h ^= h >> 13;    h *= m;    h ^= h >> 15;    return (unsigned int)h;}

/******************************** *加法哈希 *@key   输入字符串 *@prime 素数 ********************************/int additiveHash(string key, int prime){    int hash, i;    for(hash = key.length(), i = 0; i < key.length(); ++i)    {        hash += int(key.at(i));    }    return (hash%prime);}

/******************************** *乘法哈希 *@key   输入字符串 *@prime 素数 ********************************/int bernstein(string key){    int hash, i;    for(hash = 0, i = 0; i < key.length(); ++i)    {        hash = 33*hash + int(key.at(i));    }    return hash;}/******************************** *32位FNV算法(乘法) *@key   输入字符串 *@prime 素数 ********************************/int M_SHIFT = 0;int M_MASK = 0x8765fed1;int FNVHash(string key){    int hash = (int)2166136261L;    for(int i = 0; i < key.length(); ++i)    {        hash = (hash * 16777619)^int(key.at(i));    }    if(M_SHIFT == 0)        return hash;    return (hash ^ (hash >> M_SHIFT)) & M_MASK;}

/** * JAVA自己带的算法 */public static int java(String str) {    int h = 0;    int off = 0;    int len = str.length();    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)    {        h = 31 * h + str.charAt(off++);    }    return h;}

/******************************** *旋转哈希(移位) *@key   输入字符串 *@prime 素数 ********************************/int rotatingHash(string key, int prime){    int hash, i;    for(hash = key.length(), i = 0; i < key.length(); ++i)    {        hash = (hash << 4)^(hash >> 28)^int(key.at(i));    }    return (hash%prime);}

static int hash(int h) {      // This function ensures that hashCodes that differ only by      // constant multiples at each bit position have a bounded      // number of collisions (approximately 8 at default load factor).      h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12);      return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4);  }

 8、 PHP中出现的字符串Hash函数
static unsigned long hashpjw(char *arKey, unsigned int nKeyLength)  {  unsigned long h = 0, g;  char *arEnd=arKey+nKeyLength;  while (arKey < arEnd) {  h = (h << 4) + *arKey++;  if ((g = (h & 0xF0000000))) {  h = h ^ (g >> 24);  h = h ^ g;  }  }  return h;  }

/* The following hash seems to work very well on normal text strings  * no collisions on /usr/dict/words and it distributes on %2^n quite  * well, not as good as MD5, but still good.  */  unsigned long lh_strhash(const char *c)  {  unsigned long ret=0;  long n;  unsigned long v;  int r;  if ((c == NULL) || (*c == ”))      return(ret);  /*  unsigned char b[16];  MD5(c,strlen(c),b);  return(b[0]|(b[1]<<8)|(b[2]<<16)|(b[3]<<24));  */  n=0×100;  while (*c)  {  v=n|(*c);  n+=0×100;  r= (int)((v>>2)^v)&0×0f;  ret=(ret(32-r));  ret&=0xFFFFFFFFL;  ret^=v*v;  c++;  }  return((ret>>16)^ret);  }

#ifndef NEW_HASH_FUNCTION  /* Calc hashvalue for a key */  static uint calc_hashnr(const byte *key,uint length)  {  register uint nr=1, nr2=4;  while (length–)  {  nr^= (((nr & 63)+nr2)*((uint) (uchar) *key++))+ (nr << 8);  nr2+=3;  }  return((uint) nr);  }  /* Calc hashvalue for a key, case indepenently */  static uint calc_hashnr_caseup(const byte *key,uint length)  {  register uint nr=1, nr2=4;  while (length–)  {  nr^= (((nr & 63)+nr2)*((uint) (uchar) toupper(*key++)))+ (nr << 8);  nr2+=3;  }  return((uint) nr);  }  #else  /*  * Fowler/Noll/Vo hash  *  * The basis of the hash algorithm was taken from an idea sent by email to the  * IEEE Posix P1003.2 mailing list from Phong Vo ( kpv at research.att.com) and  * Glenn Fowler ( gsf at research.att.com). Landon Curt Noll ( chongo at toad.com)  * later improved on their algorithm.  *  * The magic is in the interesting relationship between the special prime  * 16777619 (2^24 + 403) and 2^32 and 2^8.  *  * This hash produces the fewest collisions of any function that we’ve seen so  * far, and works well on both numbers and strings.  */  uint calc_hashnr(const byte *key, uint len)  {  const byte *end=key+len;  uint hash;  for (hash = 0; key < end; key++)  {  hash *= 16777619;  hash ^= (uint) *(uchar*) key;  }  return (hash);  }  uint calc_hashnr_caseup(const byte *key, uint len)  {  const byte *end=key+len;  uint hash;  for (hash = 0; key < end; key++)  {  hash *= 16777619;  hash ^= (uint) (uchar) toupper(*key);  }  return (hash);  }  #endif

