451. Sort Characters By Frequency

来源:互联网 发布:极课大数据员工离职 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 21:12

Given a string, sort it in decreasing order based on the frequency of characters.

Example 1:

Input:"tree"Output:"eert"Explanation:'e' appears twice while 'r' and 't' both appear once.So 'e' must appear before both 'r' and 't'. Therefore "eetr" is also a valid answer.

Example 2:

Input:"cccaaa"Output:"cccaaa"Explanation:Both 'c' and 'a' appear three times, so "aaaccc" is also a valid answer.Note that "cacaca" is incorrect, as the same characters must be together.

Example 3:

Input:"Aabb"Output:"bbAa"Explanation:"bbaA" is also a valid answer, but "Aabb" is incorrect.Note that 'A' and 'a' are treated as two different characters.

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class Solution {    public String frequencySort(String s) {        Map<Character, Integer> data = new HashMap<>();for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {char c = s.charAt(i);data.put(c, data.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);}char[] heap = new char[data.size() + 1];int N = 0;for (Character c : data.keySet()) {heap[++N] = c;swim(heap, data, N);}StringBuilder re = new StringBuilder();for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {char c = heap[1];int n = data.get(c);for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)re.append(c);exch(heap, 1, N--);//heap[N + 1] = null;sink(heap, data, 1, N);}return re.toString();    }        public void swim(char[] heap, Map<Character, Integer> data, int n) {while (n > 1 && bigger(n, n / 2, data, heap)) {exch(heap, n, n / 2);n /= 2;}}public void sink(char[] heap, Map<Character, Integer> data, int i, int N) {while (i * 2 <= N) {int j = i * 2;if (j < N && bigger(j + 1, j, data, heap))j += 1;if (bigger(i, j, data, heap))break;exch(heap, i, j);i = j;}}public void exch(char[] heap, int i, int j) {char c = heap[i];heap[i] = heap[j];heap[j] = c;return;}public boolean bigger(int i, int j, Map<Character, Integer> data, char[] heap) {return data.get(heap[i]) > data.get(heap[j]);}}

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