EXE made in 2017.9.15.

来源:互联网 发布:舞祭组 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 17:42

Gene Examiner


#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<string>#include<cmath>#include<ctime>#include<algorithm>#include<windows.h>using namespace std;int n1,n2,m,g;int vis[1000005];char s[505],c[505];unsigned long long a[505][505],b[505][505];unsigned long long t[505],d[505];int hash(unsigned long long a){return a*37%1000007;}int get(char x){    if(x=='A')return 1;    if(x=='C')return 2;    if(x=='G')return 3;    if(x=='T')return 4;    else return 0;}int p;bool check(int x){    for(int i=x;i<=m;i++)    {        memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));        int sign=0;        for(int j=1;j<=n1;j++)            vis[hash(a[j][i]-a[j][i-x]*t[x])]=1;        for(int j=1;j<=n2;j++)        {            if(vis[hash(b[j][i]-b[j][i-x]*t[x])])                {sign=1;break;}        }        if(sign)continue;        p = i-x+1;        return true;    }    return false;}void find(int x){    int i=p;    memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));    int sign=0;    for(int j=1;j<=n1;j++)        vis[hash(a[j][i]-a[j][i-x]*t[x])]=1;    //for(int j=1;j<=n2;j++)    {        if(vis[hash(d[i]-d[i-x]*t[x])]==0)            {sign=1;}    }               if(sign)cout << "This GENE doesn't have the marked ones." << endl << endl;    else cout << "Wow this is it!" << endl << endl;}int printable(int x,int h){    int i=x+h;    {        memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));        int sign=0;        for(int j=1;j<=n1;j++)            vis[hash(a[j][i]-a[j][i-h]*t[h])]=1;        for(int j=1;j<=n2;j++)        {            if(vis[hash(b[j][i]-b[j][i-h]*t[h])])                {sign=1;break;}        }        if(sign)return 0;        return x+1;    }}void mv(){    for(int i=1;i<=100;i++)    {        system("cls");              cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << "                        --- GENE EXAMINER BY ISSAC ---" << endl;        if(i%3==1)cout << endl << endl << endl << "                           Loading now.     " << i << "%      /" << endl;        if(i%3==2)cout << endl << endl << endl << "                           Loading now..    " << i << "%      -" << endl;        if(i%3==0)cout << endl << endl << endl << "                           Loading now...   " << i << "%      |" << endl;        cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;        cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;        cout << endl << "                                                         made by 20170111 ^      " << endl;        Sleep(10);          }    Sleep(1000);    }int main(){    //freopen("hh.in","r",stdin);    mv();    system("cls");    char gg[1000];    Sleep(500);    cout << "Welcome using GENE EXAMINER Version 1.0 , here are the tips while you are using." << endl; Sleep(1000);    cout << "Do you know the steps? Enter '1' if not , or enter '0'." << endl;  Sleep(1000);    cout << "Now enter here :"; cin >> gg;      while(gg[0]!='0'&&gg[0]!='1'||strlen(gg)>1){        memset(gg,3,sizeof(gg));        cout << endl << "Oh! I'm sorry but you can only enter '0' or '1' !" << endl;    Sleep(1000);        cout << "Now enter here again:";    cin >> gg;          }g = gg[0]-'0';    if(g){        cout << endl << "This is an early vision so it could only examine one marked gene at a time. :(" << endl;   Sleep(1000);        cout << "First, enter the length of all the gene you will enter later." << endl;    Sleep(1000);        cout << "Such as for gene < AGCT > , enter '4'." << endl;   Sleep(1000);        cout << "By the way, this program can only hold up to 500 alphabets... and don't enter   number which is lower than 1..." << endl;  Sleep(1000);        cout << "But for most warning: DON'T ENTER ALPHABETS !!!" << endl;  Sleep(1000);        cout << "Now enter here:";          }cin >> m;    while(m>500||m<=0){        cout << endl << "Oh! I'm sorry but you can only enter a number between 1 and 500!" << endl; Sleep(1000);        cout << "Now enter here again:";    cin >> m;           }    t[0]=1;    for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)   t[i]=t[i-1]*37;     if(g){        cout << endl << "Second, enter the number of the gene which has got the 'marked gene'." << endl;    Sleep(1000);        cout << "Such as for gene < AGCT > and < AGCA > , they both have marked gene < AGC > ,   enter '2'." << endl;   Sleep(1000);            cout << "Also for most warning: DON'T ENTER ALPHABETS !!!" << endl; Sleep(1000);        cout << "Now enter here:";          }cin >> n1;        while(n1>500||n1<=0){        cout << endl << "Oh! I'm sorry but you can only enter a number between 1 and 500!" << endl; Sleep(1000);        cout << "Now enter here again:";    cin >> n1;          }    if(g){        cout << endl << "Third, enter the gene which has got the 'marked gene'." << endl;Sleep(1000);        cout << "Such as for gene < AGCT > and < AGCA > , enter 'AGCT' , then press ENTER , then  enter 'AGCA'." << endl;   Sleep(1000);            cout << "Now enter here:" << endl;          }for(int i=1;i<=n1;i++)    {        int ggg=1;        while(ggg){            ggg=0;            scanf("%s",s+1);            for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)              if(get(s[j]))                a[i][j]=(a[i][j-1]*37+get(s[j]));                     else{                ggg=1;                cout << "Oh! I'm sorry but you can only enter 'A','T','C'or'G'!" << endl;                cout << "Now enter here again:" << endl;                            break;              }         }    }    if(g){        cout << endl << "Fourth, enter the number of the gene which hasn't got the 'marked gene'." << endl; Sleep(1000);        cout << "Such as for gene < AGCT > and < AGCA > , they both have marked gene < AGC >." << endl;     Sleep(1000);        cout << "But for gene < ATCT > and < ATCA > , they both don't have marked gene < AGC >." << endl;   Sleep(1000);        cout << "So enter '2'." << endl;    Sleep(1000);        cout << "Also for most warning: DON'T ENTER ALPHABETS !!!" << endl; Sleep(1000);        cout << "Now enter here:";          }cin >> n2;    while(n1>500||n1<=0){        cout << endl << "Oh! I'm sorry but you can only enter a number between 1 and 500!" << endl; Sleep(1000);        cout << "Now enter here again:";    cin >> n2;          }    if(g){        cout << endl << "Fifth, enter the gene which hasn't got the 'marked gene'." << endl;Sleep(1000);        cout << "Such as for gene < AGCT > and < AGCA > , they both have marked gene < AGC >." << endl; Sleep(1000);        cout << "But for gene < ATCT > and < ATCA > , they both don't have marked gene < AGC >." << endl;Sleep(1000);        cout << "So enter 'ATCT' , then press ENTER , then enter 'ATCA'." << endl;      Sleep(1000);        cout << "Now enter here:" << endl;          }for(int i=1;i<=n2;i++){        int ggg=1;        while(ggg){            ggg=0;            scanf("%s",c+1);            for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)              if(get(c[j]))                b[i][j]=(b[i][j-1]*37+get(c[j]));                     else{                ggg=1;                cout << "Oh! I'm sorry but you can only enter 'A','T','C'or'G'!" << endl;                cout << "Now enter here again:";                break;              }         }    }    int l=0,r=m;    while(l<r)    {        int mid=(l+r)>>1;        if(check(mid))r=mid;         else l=mid+1;    }    for(int i=0;i<=m-l;i++)    {        int j = printable(i,l);        if(j){            int cnt=1;            while(cnt!=j){cout<<" ";cnt++;}cnt=1;            while(cnt<=l){cout<<"^";cnt++;}            cout << "  " << l << endl;        }    }    Sleep(1000);    cout << endl << "Now the program has marked the 'Marked Gene' out." << endl;    cout << "Now Enter the GENE you want to examine or simply enter 'Q' to quit:" << endl;  Sleep(1000);    if(g){        cout << "Such as you wanna examine gene < AGCA > , just simply enter 'AGCA'." << endl << endl;  Sleep(1000);    }    while(1)    {        int ggg=1;        while(ggg){            ggg=0;            scanf("%s",c+1);            if(c[0]=='Q')            {                cout << endl << "Thank you for using this program!  ;D" << endl;    Sleep(1000);                cout << endl << "I'll do it better next time... maybe...  orz" << endl; Sleep(1000);                    return 0;            }            for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)                if(get(c[j]))                   d[j]=(d[j-1]*37+get(c[j]));                  else{                    ggg=1;                    cout << "Oh! I'm sorry but you can only enter 'A','T','C'or'G'!" << endl;                    break;                }           }               find(l);        if(g)cout << "Enter the GENE you want to examine or simply enter 'Q':" << endl; Sleep(1000);        memset(d,0,sizeof(d));    }}