Kali Linux渗透测试(苑房弘)w3af

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝买的鞋子味道很大 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 16:35

本文记录 Kali Linux 2017.1 学习使用和渗透测试的详细过程,教程为安全牛课堂里的《Kali Linux 渗透测试》课程
1. w3af 使用简介
2. w3af-身份认证
3. 截断代理
4. output 插件
5. exploit

1.w3af 使用简介

1.pluginaudit(审计):该类插件会向Crawl插件爬取出的注入点发送特制的POC数据以确认漏洞是否存在。infrastructure(基础):这类插件用来标识有关目标系统的信息,如安装的WAF,操作系统和HTTP守护进程等。grep(检索):这类插件会分析其他插件发送的HTTP请求和相应并识别漏洞。evasion(绕过):通过修改由其他插件生成的HTTP请求来绕过简单的入侵检测规则。mangle:允许修改基于正则表达式的请求和响应auth:Mangle:允许修改基于正则表达式的请求和响应。bruteforce:在爬取阶段进行暴力登陆output(输出):这类插件会将插件的数据保存到文本,xml或者是html文件中。调试的信息也会发送到输出Output插件并可保存和分析。如果启用了text_file和xml_file这两个Output插件,则这两个都会记录有Audit插件发现的任何漏洞。crawl(爬取):通过爬取网站站点来获得新的URL地址。如果用户启用了Crawl类型的多个插件,此时将产生一个循环: A插件在第一次运行时发现了一个新的url,w3af会将其发送到插件B。如果插件B发现一个新的url则会发送到插件A。这个过程持续进行直到所有插件都已运行且无法找到更多的新信息。Attack(攻击):如果Audit插件发现了漏洞,Attack将会进行攻击和利用,通常会在远程服务器上返回一个shell或者比如SQL注入则会获取数据库的数据。```
2. kali 2.0 中的 w3af 的安装与配置    1. 安装        cd ~        apt-get update        apt-get install -y python-pip w3af        pip install --upgrade pip        git clone https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af.git        cd w3af        ./w3af_console 乮./w3af_gui乯        apt-get build-dep python-lxml        . /tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh    2. 升级        git pull    3. kali linux 2017.1 安装 w3af        链接:http://blog.csdn.net/ycl146/article/details/75041527
3. 快速启动 w3af    1.创建桌面快捷方式(复制或者手动创建 w3af.desktop 文件)        root@attacker:~# cp /usr/share/applications/kali-aircrack-ng.desktop /root/Desktop/        root@attacker:~# cd Desktop/        root@attacker:~/Desktop# vim kali-aircrack-ng.desktop             [Desktop Entry]            Name=w3af            Encoding=UTF-8          #编码格式            Exec=sh -c "/usr/local/src/w3af_gui"    #执行命令            Icon=/usr/local/src/w3af/core/ui/gui/data/w3af_logo.png     #图标路径            Terminal=false          #是否显示命令行启动界面,可以自行测试一下结果为 true 的区别            Type=Application                Categories=03-webapp-analysis;          #分类            StartupNotify=false            NoDisplay=true          root@attacker:~/Desktop# chmod +x kali-aircrack-ng.desktop #变成可执行文件        root@attacker:~/Desktop# mv kali-aircrack-ng.desktop w3af.desktop  #重命名    2. 创建命令行快速启动(使用命令别名)        root@attacker:~# vim .bashrc             alias w3afconsole='sh -c "/usr/local/src/w3af_console"'            alias w3afgui='sh -c "/usr/local/src/w3af_gui"'        root@attacker:~# source .bashrc #重新加载配置文件        root@attacker:~# w3af             w3af>>> 
4. W3af_consolehelp #显示可用指令plugin #进入 plugin 子命令    Help #显示可用指令    list audit #列出 audit 类所有插件    audit sqli xss #选择使用的 audit 插件http-settings / misc-settings #全局配置    help #显示可用指令    view #查看可配置的参数    set #设置参数    back #回到上一级命令Profiles    save_as self-contained  #保存为完全独立的配置文件,避免配置文件和别人交换时出现字典等文件的缺失    save_as test self-containedTarget    set target    Start    Script    script/*.w3af
5. 命令行操作root@attacker:~# w3afconsole w3af>>> help    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | start             | Start the scan.                                                                                              |    | plugins           | Enable and configure plugins.                                                                                |    | exploit           | Exploit the vulnerability.                                                                                   |    | profiles          | List and use scan profiles.                                                                                  |    | cleanup           | Cleanup before starting a new scan.                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | help              | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more specific help about "command"                            |    | version           | Show w3af version information.                                                                               |    | keys              | Display key shortcuts.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | http-settings     | Configure the HTTP settings of the framework.                                                                |    | misc-settings     | Configure w3af misc settings.                                                                                |    | target            | Configure the target URL.                                                                                    |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back              | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                     |    | exit              | Exit w3af.                                                                                                   |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | kb                | Browse the vulnerabilities stored in the Knowledge Base                                                      |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af>>> plugins w3af/plugins>>> help    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | list                         | List available plugins.                                                                            |    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back                         | Go to the previous menu.                                                                           |    | exit                         | Exit w3af.                                                                                         |    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | evasion                      | View, configure and enable evasion plugins                                                         |    | auth                         | View, configure and enable auth plugins                                                            |    | grep                         | View, configure and enable grep plugins                                                            |    | audit                        | View, configure and enable audit plugins                                                           |    | bruteforce                   | View, configure and enable bruteforce plugins                                                      |    | output                       | View, configure and enable output plugins                                                          |    | crawl                        | View, configure and enable crawl plugins                                                           |    | infrastructure               | View, configure and enable infrastructure plugins                                                  |    | mangle                       | View, configure and enable mangle plugins                                                          |    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/plugins>>> list auth     |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Plugin name               | Status        | Conf      | Description                                                             |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | detailed                  |               | Yes       | Detailed authentication plugin.                                         |    | generic                   |               | Yes       | Generic authentication plugin.                                          |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/plugins>>> list audit     |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Plugin name         | Status | Conf | Description                                                                               |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | blind_sqli          |        | Yes  | Identify blind SQL injection vulnerabilities.                                             |    | buffer_overflow     |        |      | Find buffer overflow vulnerabilities.                                                     |    | cors_origin         |        | Yes  | Inspect if application checks that the value of the "Origin" HTTP header isconsistent     |    |                     |        |      | with the value of the remote IP address/Host of the sender ofthe incoming HTTP request.   |    | csrf                |        |      | Identify Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities.                                      |    | dav                 |        |      | Verify if the WebDAV module is properly configured.                                       |    | eval                |        | Yes  | Find insecure eval() usage.                                                               |    | file_upload         |        | Yes  | Uploads a file and then searches for the file inside all known directories.               |    | format_string       |        |      | Find format string vulnerabilities.                                                       |    | frontpage           |        |      | Tries to upload a file using frontpage extensions (author.dll).                           |    | generic             |        | Yes  | Find all kind of bugs without using a fixed error database.                               |    | global_redirect     |        |      | Find scripts that redirect the browser to any site.                                       |    | htaccess_methods    |        |      | Find misconfigurations in Apache's "<LIMIT>" configuration.                               |    | ldapi               |        |      | Find LDAP injection bugs.                                                                 |    | lfi                 |        |      | Find local file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                                |    | memcachei           |        |      | No description available for this plugin.                                                 |    | mx_injection        |        |      | Find MX injection vulnerabilities.                                                        |    | os_commanding       |        |      | Find OS Commanding vulnerabilities.                                                       |    | phishing_vector     |        |      | Find phishing vectors.                                                                    |    | preg_replace        |        |      | Find unsafe usage of PHPs preg_replace.                                                   |    | redos               |        |      | Find ReDoS vulnerabilities.                                                               |    | response_splitting  |        |      | Find response splitting vulnerabilities.                                                  |    | rfd                 |        |      | Identify reflected file download vulnerabilities.                                         |    | rfi                 |        | Yes  | Find remote file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                               |    | rosetta_flash       |        |      | Find Rosetta Flash vulnerabilities in JSONP endpoints                                     |    | shell_shock         |        |      | Find shell shock vulnerabilities.                                                         |    | sqli                |        |      | Find SQL injection bugs.                                                                  |    | ssi                 |        |      | Find server side inclusion vulnerabilities.                                               |    | ssl_certificate     |        | Yes  | Check the SSL certificate validity (if https is being used).                              |    | un_ssl              |        |      | Find out if secure content can also be fetched using http.                                |    | websocket_hijacking |        |      | Detect Cross-Site WebSocket hijacking vulnerabilities.                                    |    | xpath               |        |      | Find XPATH injection vulnerabilities.                                                     |    | xss                 |        | Yes  | Identify cross site scripting vulnerabilities.                                            |    | xst                 |        |      | Find Cross Site Tracing vulnerabilities.                                                  |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/plugins>>> audit xss sqli lfi  (开启使用三个插件模块)w3af/plugins>>> list audit (这时候的插件模块状态变为 enabled )    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Plugin name         | Status  | Conf | Description                                                                               |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | blind_sqli          |         | Yes  | Identify blind SQL injection vulnerabilities.                                             |    | buffer_overflow     |         |      | Find buffer overflow vulnerabilities.                                                     |    | cors_origin         |         | Yes  | Inspect if application checks that the value of the "Origin" HTTP header isconsistent     |    |                     |         |      | with the value of the remote IP address/Host of the sender ofthe incoming HTTP request.   |    | csrf                |         |      | Identify Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities.                                      |    | dav                 |         |      | Verify if the WebDAV module is properly configured.                                       |    | eval                |         | Yes  | Find insecure eval() usage.                                                               |    | file_upload         |         | Yes  | Uploads a file and then searches for the file inside all known directories.               |    | format_string       |         |      | Find format string vulnerabilities.                                                       |    | frontpage           |         |      | Tries to upload a file using frontpage extensions (author.dll).                           |    | generic             |         | Yes  | Find all kind of bugs without using a fixed error database.                               |    | global_redirect     |         |      | Find scripts that redirect the browser to any site.                                       |    | htaccess_methods    |         |      | Find misconfigurations in Apache's "<LIMIT>" configuration.                               |    | ldapi               |         |      | Find LDAP injection bugs.                                                                 |    | lfi                 | Enabled |      | Find local file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                                |    | memcachei           |         |      | No description available for this plugin.                                                 |    | mx_injection        |         |      | Find MX injection vulnerabilities.                                                        |    | os_commanding       |         |      | Find OS Commanding vulnerabilities.                                                       |    | phishing_vector     |         |      | Find phishing vectors.                                                                    |    | preg_replace        |         |      | Find unsafe usage of PHPs preg_replace.                                                   |    | redos               |         |      | Find ReDoS vulnerabilities.                                                               |    | response_splitting  |         |      | Find response splitting vulnerabilities.                                                  |    | rfd                 |         |      | Identify reflected file download vulnerabilities.                                         |    | rfi                 |         | Yes  | Find remote file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                               |    | rosetta_flash       |         |      | Find Rosetta Flash vulnerabilities in JSONP endpoints                                     |    | shell_shock         |         |      | Find shell shock vulnerabilities.                                                         |    | sqli                | Enabled |      | Find SQL injection bugs.                                                                  |    | ssi                 |         |      | Find server side inclusion vulnerabilities.                                               |    | ssl_certificate     |         | Yes  | Check the SSL certificate validity (if https is being used).                              |    | un_ssl              |         |      | Find out if secure content can also be fetched using http.                                |    | websocket_hijacking |         |      | Detect Cross-Site WebSocket hijacking vulnerabilities.                                    |    | xpath               |         |      | Find XPATH injection vulnerabilities.                                                     |    | xss                 | Enabled | Yes  | Identify cross site scripting vulnerabilities.                                            |    | xst                 |         |      | Find Cross Site Tracing vulnerabilities.                                                  |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/plugins>>> audit all (扫描所有插件模块)w3af/plugins>>> list audit     |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Plugin name         | Status  | Conf | Description                                                                               |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | blind_sqli          | Enabled | Yes  | Identify blind SQL injection vulnerabilities.                                             |    | buffer_overflow     | Enabled |      | Find buffer overflow vulnerabilities.                                                     |    | cors_origin         | Enabled | Yes  | Inspect if application checks that the value of the "Origin" HTTP header isconsistent     |    |                     |         |      | with the value of the remote IP address/Host of the sender ofthe incoming HTTP request.   |    | csrf                | Enabled |      | Identify Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities.                                      |    | dav                 | Enabled |      | Verify if the WebDAV module is properly configured.                                       |    | eval                | Enabled | Yes  | Find insecure eval() usage.                                                               |    | file_upload         | Enabled | Yes  | Uploads a file and then searches for the file inside all known directories.               |    | format_string       | Enabled |      | Find format string vulnerabilities.                                                       |    | frontpage           | Enabled |      | Tries to upload a file using frontpage extensions (author.dll).                           |    | generic             | Enabled | Yes  | Find all kind of bugs without using a fixed error database.                               |    | global_redirect     | Enabled |      | Find scripts that redirect the browser to any site.                                       |    | htaccess_methods    | Enabled |      | Find misconfigurations in Apache's "<LIMIT>" configuration.                               |    | ldapi               | Enabled |      | Find LDAP injection bugs.                                                                 |    | lfi                 | Enabled |      | Find local file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                                |    | memcachei           | Enabled |      | No description available for this plugin.                                                 |    | mx_injection        | Enabled |      | Find MX injection vulnerabilities.                                                        |    | os_commanding       | Enabled |      | Find OS Commanding vulnerabilities.                                                       |    | phishing_vector     | Enabled |      | Find phishing vectors.                                                                    |    | preg_replace        | Enabled |      | Find unsafe usage of PHPs preg_replace.                                                   |    | redos               | Enabled |      | Find ReDoS vulnerabilities.                                                               |    | response_splitting  | Enabled |      | Find response splitting vulnerabilities.                                                  |    | rfd                 | Enabled |      | Identify reflected file download vulnerabilities.                                         |    | rfi                 | Enabled | Yes  | Find remote file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                               |    | rosetta_flash       | Enabled |      | Find Rosetta Flash vulnerabilities in JSONP endpoints                                     |    | shell_shock         | Enabled |      | Find shell shock vulnerabilities.                                                         |    | sqli                | Enabled |      | Find SQL injection bugs.                                                                  |    | ssi                 | Enabled |      | Find server side inclusion vulnerabilities.                                               |    | ssl_certificate     | Enabled | Yes  | Check the SSL certificate validity (if https is being used).                              |    | un_ssl              | Enabled |      | Find out if secure content can also be fetched using http.                                |    | websocket_hijacking | Enabled |      | Detect Cross-Site WebSocket hijacking vulnerabilities.                                    |    | xpath               | Enabled |      | Find XPATH injection vulnerabilities.                                                     |    | xss                 | Enabled | Yes  | Identify cross site scripting vulnerabilities.                                            |    | xst                 | Enabled |      | Find Cross Site Tracing vulnerabilities.                                                  |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/plugins>>> grep allw3af/plugins>>> crawl web_spider w3af/plugins>>> list crawl     |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Plugin name                  | Status  | Conf | Description                                                                     |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | archive_dot_org              |         | Yes  | Search archive.org to find new pages in the target site.                        |    | bing_spider                  |         | Yes  | Search Bing to get a list of new URLs                                           |    | content_negotiation          |         | Yes  | Use content negotiation to find new resources.                                  |    | digit_sum                    |         | Yes  | Take an URL with a number (index2.asp) and try to find related                  |    |                              |         |      | files(index1.asp, index3.asp).                                                  |    | dir_file_bruter              |         | Yes  | Finds Web server directories and files by bruteforcing.                         |    | dot_listing                  |         |      | Search for .listing files and extracts new filenames from it.                   |    | dwsync_xml                   |         |      | Search Dream Waver Sync file (dwsync.xml) and extract referenced files.         |    | find_backdoors               |         |      | Find web backdoors and web shells.                                              |    | find_captchas                |         |      | Identify captcha images on web pages.                                           |    | find_dvcs                    |         |      | Search Git, Mercurial (HG), Bazaar (BZR), Subversion (SVN) and CVSrepositories  |    |                              |         |      | and checks for files containing                                                 |    | genexus_xml                  |         |      | Analyze the execute.xml and DeveloperMenu.xml files and find new URLs           |    | ghdb                         |         | Yes  | Search Google for vulnerabilities in the target site.                           |    | google_spider                |         | Yes  | Search google using google API to get new URLs                                  |    | import_results               |         | Yes  | Import HTTP requests found by output.export_requests and Burp                   |    | oracle_discovery             |         |      | Find Oracle applications on the remote web server.                              |    | phishtank                    |         |      | Search the phishtank.com database to determine if your server is (or was)being  |    |                              |         |      | used in phishing scams.                                                         |    | phpinfo                      |         |      | Search PHP Info file and if it finds it will determine the version of PHP.      |    | pykto                        |         | Yes  | A nikto port to python.                                                         |    | ria_enumerator               |         | Yes  | Fingerprint Rich Internet Apps - Google Gears Manifest files, Silverlight and   |    |                              |         |      | Flash.                                                                          |    | robots_txt                   |         |      | Analyze the robots.txt file and find new URLs                                   |    | sitemap_xml                  |         |      | Analyze the sitemap.xml file and find new URLs                                  |    | spider_man                   |         | Yes  | SpiderMan is a local proxy that will collect new URLs.                          |    | url_fuzzer                   |         | Yes  | Try to find backups, and other related files.                                   |    | urllist_txt                  |         |      | Analyze the urllist.txt file and find new URLs                                  |    | user_dir                     |         |      | Identify user directories like "http://test/~user/" and infer the remote OS.    |    | web_diff                     |         | Yes  | Compare a local directory with a remote URL path.                               |    | web_spider                   | Enabled | Yes  | Crawl the web application.                                                      |    | wordnet                      |         | Yes  | Use the wordnet lexical database to find new URLs.                              |    | wordpress_enumerate_users    |         |      | Finds users in a WordPress installation.                                        |    | wordpress_fingerprint        |         |      | Finds the version of a WordPress installation.                                  |    | wordpress_fullpathdisclosure |         |      | Try to find the path where the WordPress is installed                           |    | wsdl_finder                  |         |      | Find web service definitions files.                                             |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/plugins>>> back    (插件选好之后,回到第一级目录)
w3af>>> help    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | start             | Start the scan.                                                                                              |    | plugins           | Enable and configure plugins.                                                                                |    | exploit           | Exploit the vulnerability.                                                                                   |    | profiles          | List and use scan profiles.                                                                                  |    | cleanup           | Cleanup before starting a new scan.                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | help              | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more specific help about "command"                            |    | version           | Show w3af version information.                                                                               |    | keys              | Display key shortcuts.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | http-settings     | Configure the HTTP settings of the framework.                                                                |    | misc-settings     | Configure w3af misc settings.                                                                                |    | target            | Configure the target URL.                                                                                    |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back              | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                     |    | exit              | Exit w3af.                                                                                                   |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | kb                | Browse the vulnerabilities stored in the Knowledge Base                                                      |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af>>> profiles    (预定义扫描文件)w3af/profiles>>> list (显示当前可用扫描配置文件)    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Profile               | Description                                                                                              |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | bruteforce            | Bruteforce form or basic authentication access controls using default credentials. To run this profile,  |    |                       | set the target URL to the resource where the access control is, and then click on Start.                 |    | audit_high_risk       | Perform a scan to only identify the vulnerabilities with higher risk, like SQL Injection, OS Commanding, |    |                       | Insecure File Uploads, etc.                                                                              |    | full_audit            | This profile performs a full audit of the target website, using only the web_spider plugin for crawling. |    | OWASP_TOP10           | The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide free and open community focused on      |    |                       | improving the security of application software. OWASP searched for and published the ten most common     |    |                       | security flaws. This profile search for this top 10 security flaws. For more information about the       |    |                       | security flaws: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Top_Ten_Project .                                   |    | fast_scan             | Perform a fast scan of the target site, using only a few discovery plugins and the fastest audit         |    |                       | plugins.                                                                                                 |    | empty_profile         | This is an empty profile that you can use to start a new configuration from.                             |    | web_infrastructure    | Use all the available techniques in w3af to fingerprint the remote Web infrastructure.                   |    | full_audit_spider_man | Perform a manual discovery using the spider_man plugin, and afterwards scan the site for any known       |    |                       | vulnerabilities.                                                                                         |    | sitemap               | Use different online techniques to create a fast sitemap of the target web application. This plugin will |    |                       | only work if you've got Internet access and the target web application is being spidered by Yahoo!       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/profiles>>> help              |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | use               | Use a profile.                                                                                               |    | list              | List available profiles.                                                                                     |    | save_as           | Save the current configuration to a profile.                                                                 |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back              | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                     |    | exit              | Exit w3af.                                                                                                   |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/profiles>>> save_as (先选择 plugin ,然后选择 grep、crawl等,然后在 profiles 里面 save_as 保存)    比如:w3af/profiles>>> save_as test01    Parameter missing, please see the help:    Save the current configuration to a profile.    Syntax: save_as PROFILE_NAME                    Example: save_as fast_scan    Example: save_as fast_scan self-contained    Please note that the save_as command will overwrite existing profiles with the    same name.    When the "self-contained" flag is set the profile will bundle all files referenced    by the plugin configurations. This is useful for sharing custom profiles between    different workstations. Disabled by default.w3af/profiles>>> use fast_scan     The plugins configured by the scan profile have been enabled, and their options configured.    Please set the target URL(s) and start the scan.w3af/profiles>>> back
w3af>>> help    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | start             | Start the scan.                                                                                              |    | plugins           | Enable and configure plugins.                                                                                |    | exploit           | Exploit the vulnerability.                                                                                   |    | profiles          | List and use scan profiles.                                                                                  |    | cleanup           | Cleanup before starting a new scan.                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | help              | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more specific help about "command"                            |    | version           | Show w3af version information.                                                                               |    | keys              | Display key shortcuts.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | http-settings     | Configure the HTTP settings of the framework.                                                                |    | misc-settings     | Configure w3af misc settings.                                                                                |    | target            | Configure the target URL.                                                                                    |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back              | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                     |    | exit              | Exit w3af.                                                                                                   |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | kb                | Browse the vulnerabilities stored in the Knowledge Base                                                      |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af>>> http-settings (扫描 http 的配置选项)w3af/config:http-settings>>> help    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | view       | List the available options and their values.                                                                        |    | set        | Set a parameter value.                                                                                              |    | save       | Save the configured settings.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back       | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                            |    | exit       | Exit w3af.                                                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/config:http-settings>>> view    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Setting                 | Value    | Modified | Description                                                                    |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | url_parameter           |          |          | URL parameter (http://host.tld/path;<parameter>)                               |    | timeout                 | 0        |          | HTTP connection timeout                                                        |    | headers_file            |          |          | HTTP headers filename which contains additional headers to be added in each    |    |                         |          |          | request                                                                        |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | cookie_jar_file         |          |          | Cookie Jar file holding HTTP cookies                                           |    | ignore_session_cookies  | False    |          | Ignore session cookies                                                         |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | ntlm_auth_url           |          |          | NTLM authentication domain (target domain name)                                |    | ntlm_auth_user          |          |          | NTLM authentication username                                                   |    | ntlm_auth_passwd        |          |          | NTLM authentication password                                                   |    | ntlm_auth_domain        |          |          | NTLM authentication domain (windows domain name)                               |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | rand_user_agent         | False    |          | Use random User-Agent header                                                   |    | max_file_size           | 400000   |          | Maximum file size                                                              |    | max_http_retries        | 2        |          | Maximum number of HTTP request retries                                         |    | user_agent              | w3af.org |          | User Agent header                                                              |    | max_requests_per_second | 0        |          | Maximum HTTP requests per second                                               |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | string_match_404        |          |          | Tag HTTP response as 404 if the string is found in it's body                   |    | always_404              |          |          | Comma separated list of URLs which will always be detected as 404 pages        |    | never_404               |          |          | Comma separated list of URLs which will never be detected as 404 pages         |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | proxy_port              | 8080     |          | Proxy TCP port                                                                 |    | proxy_address           |          |          | Proxy IP address                                                               |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | basic_auth_user         |          |          | Basic authentication username                                                  |    | basic_auth_passwd       |          |          | Basic authentication password                                                  |    | basic_auth_domain       |          |          | Basic authentication domain                                                    |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/config:http-settings>>> set rand_user_agent  True  (启动随机用户代理)w3af/config:http-settings>>> view    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Setting                 | Value    | Modified | Description                                                                    |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | url_parameter           |          |          | URL parameter (http://host.tld/path;<parameter>)                               |    | timeout                 | 0        |          | HTTP connection timeout                                                        |    | headers_file            |          |          | HTTP headers filename which contains additional headers to be added in each    |    |                         |          |          | request                                                                        |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | cookie_jar_file         |          |          | Cookie Jar file holding HTTP cookies                                           |    | ignore_session_cookies  | False    |          | Ignore session cookies                                                         |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | ntlm_auth_url           |          |          | NTLM authentication domain (target domain name)                                |    | ntlm_auth_user          |          |          | NTLM authentication username                                                   |    | ntlm_auth_passwd        |          |          | NTLM authentication password                                                   |    | ntlm_auth_domain        |          |          | NTLM authentication domain (windows domain name)                               |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | rand_user_agent         | True     | Yes      | Use random User-Agent header                                                   |    | max_file_size           | 400000   |          | Maximum file size                                                              |    | max_http_retries        | 2        |          | Maximum number of HTTP request retries                                         |    | user_agent              | w3af.org |          | User Agent header                                                              |    | max_requests_per_second | 0        |          | Maximum HTTP requests per second                                               |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | string_match_404        |          |          | Tag HTTP response as 404 if the string is found in it's body                   |    | always_404              |          |          | Comma separated list of URLs which will always be detected as 404 pages        |    | never_404               |          |          | Comma separated list of URLs which will never be detected as 404 pages         |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | proxy_port              | 8080     |          | Proxy TCP port                                                                 |    | proxy_address           |          |          | Proxy IP address                                                               |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | basic_auth_user         |          |          | Basic authentication username                                                  |    | basic_auth_passwd       |          |          | Basic authentication password                                                  |    | basic_auth_domain       |          |          | Basic authentication domain                                                    |    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/config:http-settings>>> back    The configuration has been saved.
w3af>>> help    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | start             | Start the scan.                                                                                              |    | plugins           | Enable and configure plugins.                                                                                |    | exploit           | Exploit the vulnerability.                                                                                   |    | profiles          | List and use scan profiles.                                                                                  |    | cleanup           | Cleanup before starting a new scan.                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | help              | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more specific help about "command"                            |    | version           | Show w3af version information.                                                                               |    | keys              | Display key shortcuts.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | http-settings     | Configure the HTTP settings of the framework.                                                                |    | misc-settings     | Configure w3af misc settings.                                                                                |    | target            | Configure the target URL.                                                                                    |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back              | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                     |    | exit              | Exit w3af.                                                                                                   |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | kb                | Browse the vulnerabilities stored in the Knowledge Base                                                      |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af>>> misc-settings (杂项设置)w3af/config:misc-settings>>> view     |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Setting                 | Value                 | Modified | Description                                                        |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | msf_location            | /opt/metasploit3/bin/ |          | Full path of Metasploit framework binary directory                 |    |                         |                       |          | (/opt/metasploit3/bin/ in most linux installs)                     |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | interface               | ppp0                  |          | Local interface name to use when sniffing, doing reverse           |    |                         |                       |          | connections, etc.                                                  |    | local_ip_address        |          |          | Local IP address to use when doing reverse connections             |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | max_discovery_time      | 120                   |          | Maximum crawl time (minutes)                                       |    | stop_on_first_exception | False                 |          | Stop scan after first unhandled exception                          |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | form_id_action          | exclude               |          | Define the form_id_list filter behaviour                           |    | non_targets             |                       |          | A comma separated list of URLs that w3af should ignore             |    | form_id_list            | []                    |          | Filter forms to scan using form IDs                                |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | fuzz_url_filenames      | False                 |          | Indicates if w3af plugins will send fuzzed file names in order to  |    |                         |                       |          | find vulnerabilities                                               |    | fuzz_url_parts          | False                 |          | Indicates if w3af plugins will send fuzzed URL parts in order to   |    |                         |                       |          | find vulnerabilities                                               |    | fuzzable_headers        |                       |          | A list with all fuzzable header names                              |    | fuzzed_files_extension  | gif                   |          | Indicates the extension to use when fuzzing file content           |    | form_fuzzing_mode       | tmb                   |          | Indicates what HTML form combo values w3af plugins will use: all,  |    |                         |                       |          | tb, tmb, t, b                                                      |    | fuzz_form_files         | True                  |          | Indicates if w3af plugins will send payloads in the content of     |    |                         |                       |          | multipart/post form files.                                         |    | fuzz_cookies            | False                 |          | Indicates if w3af plugins will use cookies as a fuzzable parameter |    |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/config:misc-settings>>> help    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | view       | List the available options and their values.                                                                        |    | set        | Set a parameter value.                                                                                              |    | save       | Save the configured settings.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back       | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                            |    | exit       | Exit w3af.                                                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/config:misc-settings>>> back    The configuration has been saved.
w3af>>> help     |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | start             | Start the scan.                                                                                              |    | plugins           | Enable and configure plugins.                                                                                |    | exploit           | Exploit the vulnerability.                                                                                   |    | profiles          | List and use scan profiles.                                                                                  |    | cleanup           | Cleanup before starting a new scan.                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | help              | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more specific help about "command"                            |    | version           | Show w3af version information.                                                                               |    | keys              | Display key shortcuts.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | http-settings     | Configure the HTTP settings of the framework.                                                                |    | misc-settings     | Configure w3af misc settings.                                                                                |    | target            | Configure the target URL.                                                                                    |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back              | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                     |    | exit              | Exit w3af.                                                                                                   |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | kb                | Browse the vulnerabilities stored in the Knowledge Base                                                      |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af>>> target w3af/config:target>>> help    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | view       | List the available options and their values.                                                                        |    | set        | Set a parameter value.                                                                                              |    | save       | Save the configured settings.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back       | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                            |    | exit       | Exit w3af.                                                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/config:target>>> set target>>> view    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | Setting          | Value               | Modified | Description                                                                   |    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | target_framework | unknown             |          | Target programming framework (unknown/php/asp/asp.net/java/jsp/cfm/ruby/perl) |    | target           | | Yes      | A comma separated list of URLs                                                |    | target_os        | unknown             |          | Target operating system (unknown/unix/windows)                                |    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af/config:target>>> back    The configuration has been saved.配置完成,可以保存为配置文件w3af>>> profiles w3af/profiles>>> save_as test01    Profile saved.w3af/profiles>>> back 
配置完成就可以启动扫描了w3af>>> help    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | start             | Start the scan.                                                                                              |    | plugins           | Enable and configure plugins.                                                                                |    | exploit           | Exploit the vulnerability.                                                                                   |    | profiles          | List and use scan profiles.                                                                                  |    | cleanup           | Cleanup before starting a new scan.                                                                          |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | help              | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more specific help about "command"                            |    | version           | Show w3af version information.                                                                               |    | keys              | Display key shortcuts.                                                                                       |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | http-settings     | Configure the HTTP settings of the framework.                                                                |    | misc-settings     | Configure w3af misc settings.                                                                                |    | target            | Configure the target URL.                                                                                    |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | back              | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                     |    | exit              | Exit w3af.                                                                                                   |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    | kb                | Browse the vulnerabilities stored in the Knowledge Base                                                      |    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|w3af>>> start
6. 脚本文件root@attacker:~# cd /usr/local/src/root@attacker:/usr/local/src# ls    circle.yml  libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0_2.4.11-3_amd64.deb  python-support_1.0.15_all.deb    scripts  w3af_api      w3afgui    doc         libwebkitgtk-1.0-0_2.4.11-3_amd64.deb          python-webkit_1.1.8-3_amd64.deb  tools    w3afconsole   w3af_gui    extras      profiles                                       README.md                        w3af     w3af_console  wXf-masterroot@attacker:/usr/local/src# cd scripts/root@attacker:/usr/local/src/scripts# ls    allowed_methods.w3af           file_upload_shell.w3af            profile-fast_scan.w3af    all.w3af                       frontpage_version.w3af            remote_file_include_local_ws.w3af    auth_detailed.w3af             header_fuzzing.w3af               remote_file_include_proxy.w3af    bing_spider.w3af               html_output.w3af                  remote_file_include_shell.w3af    blind_sqli_detection.w3af      list_all_plugins.w3af             remote_file_include_shell-xss.w3af    cookie_fuzzing.w3af            local_file_include-payload.w3af   remote_file_include_w3af_site.w3af    cross_domain.w3af              local_file_include.w3af           spider_man.w3af    csrf.w3af                      login_brute_form_GET.w3af         sqli.w3af    dav_shell.w3af                 login_brute_password_only.w3af    sqlmap_exploit_int.w3af    detect_transparent_proxy.w3af  mangle_request.w3af               targets_from_file.w3af    digit_sum.w3af                 mangle_response.w3af              web_spider-ignore_regex.w3af    eval_shell.w3af                os_commanding-lnx-vdaemon.w3af    web_spider-only_forward.w3af    eval.w3af                      os_commanding-lnx-w3afAgent.w3af  web_spider.w3af    exploit_all.w3af               os_commanding_shell.w3af          xss_simple.w3af    exploit_fast.w3af              os_commanding.w3af                xss_stored.w3af    filename_xss.w3af              php_sca-payload.w3afroot@attacker:/usr/local/src/scripts# cat sqli.w3af     # This is a demo of the attack plugin sql_shell    plugins    output console,text_file    output config text_file    set output_file output-w3af.txt    set verbose True    back    output config console    set verbose False    back    audit sqli    crawl web_spider    crawl config web_spider    set only_forward True    back    grep path_disclosure    back    target    set target http://moth/w3af/audit/sql_injection/select/sql_injection_string.php?name=andres    back    start    bug-report    details 0    back    exitroot@attacker:/usr/local/src# ./w3afconsole -s ./scripts/sqli.w3af     w3af>>> plugins    w3af/plugins>>> output console,text_file    w3af/plugins>>> output config text_file    w3af/plugins/output/config:text_file>>> set output_file output-w3af.txt    w3af/plugins/output/config:text_file>>> set verbose True    w3af/plugins/output/config:text_file>>> back    The configuration has been saved.    w3af/plugins>>> output config console    w3af/plugins/output/config:console>>> set verbose False    w3af/plugins/output/config:console>>> back    The configuration has been saved.    w3af/plugins>>> audit sqli    w3af/plugins>>> crawl web_spider    w3af/plugins>>> crawl config web_spider    w3af/plugins/crawl/config:web_spider>>> set only_forward True    w3af/plugins/crawl/config:web_spider>>> back    The configuration has been saved.    w3af/plugins>>> grep path_disclosure    w3af/plugins>>> back    w3af>>> target    w3af/config:target>>> set target http://moth/w3af/audit/sql_injection/select/sql_injection_string.php?name=andres    w3af/config:target>>> back    The configuration has been saved.    w3af>>> start

2. w3af-身份认证

1. HTTP Basic    1. 打开 windows server 2003 ,安装 IIS 服务        在默认网站右键属性 --> 取消匿名访问、勾选基本身份认证 --> 站点重启       基本身份认证加密方式:明文传输        设置系统账号及密码 cmd 下:            C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>net user                \\JOHN-QVW644XAJC 的用户帐户                -----------------------------------------------------------------------------                Administrator            Guest                    IUSR_JOHN-QVW644XAJC                IWAM_JOHN-QVW644XAJC     SUPPORT_388945a0                命令成功完成。            C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>net user administrator *                请键入用户的密码: jlcssadmin                请再键入一次密码以便确认: jlcssadmin                命令成功完成。    2. 验证密码登录过程中使用 wireshark 抓包,找到 “GET / HTTP/1.1” 开头的包,右键 follow TCP stream,            打开可以看到 Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpqbGNzc2FkbWlu    3. w3af 中有解码工具 Tools --> Encode/Decode --> 放在下面 --> 使用 Base64 解码方式 可得到用户名和密码 administrator:jlcssadmin        或使用 kali 自带工具,命令行输入 :            root@attacker:~# echo -n "administrator:jlcssadmin" | base64                YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpqbGNzc2FkbWlu  #算出的结果一样    4. w3af 中配置(图形化界面)    configuration --> http config --> basic http authentication --> 输入用户名/密码和网址 --> 选择插件,输入目标 --> 开始扫描 --> 抓包发现可以验证登录并开始扫描
2. NTLM     1. 打开 windows server 2003 ,安装 IIS 服务        在默认网站右键属性 --> 取消匿名访问、勾选集成 windows 身份认证 --> 站点重启    2. 集成 windows 身份认证认证方式:先提交一个随机数,并用这个随机数加密。等收到密文并解开,对比这个随机数是否一样。    3. 验证密码登录过程中使用 wireshark 抓包,找到 “200 OK” 开头的包,右键 follow TCP stream,            打开可以看到有提交认证的过程 Authorization: Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAl4II4gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAbEdAAAADw==    4. w3af 中配置(图形化界面)        configuration --> http config --> NTLM authentication --> 输入用户名/密码和网址 --> 选择插件,输入目标 --> 开始扫描 --> 抓包发现可以验证登录并开始扫描        抓包结果:找到 “GET / HTTP/1.1” 开头的包,右键 follow TCP stream        打开可以看到认证方式 WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
3. Form    1. 打开 metasploitable 的dvwa    2. 打开 w3af ,选择插件 audit 中的sqli        auth 中的detailed,并配置            username:用户名admin            password:密码password            username_field:查看源代码中的变量名为Username            password_field:查看源代码中的变量名为Password            auth_url:填用户名密码的页面的url:            check_url:            check_string:页面里能代表以后登录成功的字符串            data_format:%u=%U&%p=%P&Login=Login            follow_redirects:重定向到index.php页面的开关:勾选        crawl中的web_spider:设置扫描子目录开关:勾选only_forward          扫描目标:        开始扫描
4. Cookie  #双因素身份认证、anti-CSRF tokens    火狐 安装 firebug 插件,然后用 F12 调出页面        导出cookie到 /root 目录    使用 w3af 中的 configuration 中的 Cookies 选项卡,查看帮助,获知w3af可以识别的 cookie 格式要求        修改 cookie 文件格式:        # Netscape HTTP Cookie File    FALSE   /       FALSE   173151000100    PHPSESSID   8beaf5a6a968863112673b9965f747cr    FALSE   /dvwa/  FALSE   173151000100    security    high        #域名 是否这个域内所有机器都可以访问这个变量 路径  访问变量是否需要安全链接    过期时间    名称  值    使用 w3af 中的 configuration 中的 Cookies 选项卡中填写路径:/root/cookies.txt,格式对的话则保存成功    选择插件,audit的sqli和xss,crawl的web_spider并勾选only_forward    目标:


1. 设置代理    1. 打开 w3af-proxy 页面等待    2. 打开kali火狐浏览器,安装 Auto Proxy mod 插件        设置默认代理:Your Freedom        登录 dvwa     3. 查看 w3af-proxy ,history 中 有记录,其中包含cookie        保存除前两行外的代码到一个文本文档(前两行每次都会变化)        root@attacker:~# vim proxy            Accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5            Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate            Connection: keep-alive            Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8            User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0            Host:            Referer:            Cookie: security=low; PHPSESSID=232da8c448936de48edef865be14b4ef            Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded    4. configration --> HTTP config --> General --> 头文件路径则为刚才的文件路径 /root/proxy    5. w3af 会使用这个头文件的cookie扫描目标    6. 选择插件 audit的csrf和sqli,crawl的web_spider    7. 设置目标,开始扫描
2. 查看 w3af-proxy ,history 中 有记录,此页面可对目标站点进行手工注入。
3. 也可以使用crawl 的 spider man 插件进行设置代理,可以手动指定端口,浏览器设置默认代理为spider man,没有的话就新增一个。和w3af中设置的填写一样。    日志中有结束这个插件的链接

4.output 插件

1. 选择插件:export_requests    设置输出路径及文件名    选择crawl 的import_requests 可以重新使用这个输入文件


1. 在扫描完成之后,在 result 里可以看到漏洞列表,在exploit里面可以利用漏洞获取 webshell