
来源:互联网 发布:公开课推荐 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 08:41


建立:create user 用户名 identified by "密码";  授权:grant create session to 用户名;              grant create table to  用户名;              grant create tablespace to  用户名;              grant create view to  用户名; 


create tablespace 表空间名  datafile ' 路径(要先建好路径)\***.dbf  ' size *M  tempfile ' 路径\***.dbf ' size *M  autoextend on  --自动增长  --还有一些定义大小的命令,看需要   default storage(   initial 100K,   next 100k,  );  


alter user 用户名 quota unlimited on 表空间;alter user 用户名 quota *M on 表空间; 


--1.建表空间  CREATE TABLESPACE sdt  DATAFILE 'F:\tablespace\demo' size 800M           EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;   --2.建索引表空间  CREATE TABLESPACE sdt_Index  DATAFILE 'F:\tablespace\demo' size 512M                    EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;       --3.建用户  create user demo identified by demo   default tablespace std;  --4.赋权  grant connect,resource to demo;  grant create any sequence to demo;  grant create any table to demo;  grant delete any table to demo;  grant insert any table to demo;  grant select any table to demo;  grant unlimited tablespace to demo;  grant execute any procedure to demo;  grant update any table to demo;  grant create any view to demo;  