
来源:互联网 发布:mac无法连接localhost 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 22:39


MySQL的扩展SQL中有一个非常有意思的应用WITH ROLLUP,在分组的统计数据的基础上再进行相同的统计(SUM,AVG,COUNT…),非常类似于Oracle中统计函数的功能,Oracle的统计函数更多更强大。mysql中的with rollup可以得到每个分组的汇总级别的数据。


mysql> select name,sum(miles) as 'miles/driver'

    -> from driver_log group by name with rollup;


| name  | miles/driver |


| Ben   |          362 |

| Henry |          911 |

| Suzi  |          893 |

| NULL  |         2166 |


4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select name,avg(miles) as driver_avg

    -> from driver_log group by name with rollup;


| name  | driver_avg |


| Ben   |   120.6667 |

| Henry |   182.2000 |

| Suzi  |   446.5000 |

| NULL  |   216.6000 |


4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select name,sum(miles) as 'miles/driver',avg(miles) as driver_avg

    -> from driver_log group by name with rollup;


| name  | miles/driver | driver_avg |


| Ben   |          362 |   120.6667 |

| Henry |          911 |   182.2000 |

| Suzi  |          893 |   446.5000 |

| NULL  |         2166 |   216.6000 |


4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

在多个分组下WITH ROLLUP同样有效:

mysql> select srcuser,dstuser,count(*) from mail group by srcuser,dstuser;


| srcuser | dstuser | count(*) |


| barb    | barb    |        1 |

| barb    | tricia  |        2 |

| gene    | barb    |        2 |

| gene    | gene    |        3 |

| gene    | tricia  |        1 |

| phil    | barb    |        1 |

| phil    | phil    |        2 |

| phil    | tricia  |        2 |

| tricia  | gene    |        1 |

| tricia  | phil    |        1 |


10 rows in set (0.05 sec)


mysql> select srcuser,dstuser,count(*) from mail group by srcuser,dstuser with rollup;


| srcuser | dstuser | count(*) |


| barb    | barb    |        1 |

| barb    | tricia  |        2 |

| barb    | NULL    |        3 |

| gene    | barb    |        2 |

| gene    | gene    |        3 |

| gene    | tricia  |        1 |

| gene    | NULL    |        6 |

| phil    | barb    |        1 |

| phil    | phil    |        2 |

| phil    | tricia  |        2 |

| phil    | NULL    |        5 |

| tricia  | gene    |        1 |

| tricia  | phil    |        1 |

| tricia  | NULL    |        2 |

| NULL    | NULL    |       16 |


15 rows in set (0.00 sec)