ArcGIS Runtime WPF SDK (2)命名空间解析

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Contains classes used in licensing and deploying your custom ArcGIS Runtime .NET SDK based application on end user devices.


包含了一些可以获取ArcGIS Server网络服务中图层或者表格的元数据的类。 发者可以获取他们在REST页面中显示的各种信息,例如:服务版本,图层类型,图层不透明度,图层中数据的时间戳 图层中属性表的记录数 web serivce的地理范围 图层是否可编辑 能不能在本地同步 是否由web service路由或者能否支持联网,以及数据的规格。

Contains classes that help in obtaining metadata information about various layer and table types that are served up as ArcGIS Server web services. Developers can obtain the details that are displayed in the ArcGIS Server REST pages as objects that can be used in other parts of the application. Examples of the types of information that can be obtained about various ArcGIS Server web services include: ArcGIS Server version, type of layer, opacity of a layer, timespan the data covers in a layer, number of records in a layer or table, full geographic extent of the web service, geometry of the layer, can the layer be edited, can the data be sync’ed locally, is the web service route or network enabled and what are its specifications, etc.


包含能访问与各种图层相关联的数据的类。可以从GeodatabaseFeatureTable的一行记录中得到Feature的属性和几何体信息。Geodatabase是一个存储空间数据的结构,内部的属性和几何信息都能被查询和编辑。属性信息可以通过ArcGIS Server web serviceServiceFeatureTable或者本地的GeodatabaseFeatureTable进行修改。开发者可以添加,删除图片,文字,文件,或者以附件的形式将上述内容存储与FeatureLayer

Contains classes that access attribute data associated with the various layers. Developers can access Features which are attributes and geometries in a row of a table and gain information from a FeatureTable in a Geodatabase. A Geodatabase is a database storage structure that contains spatial data. The attribute and geographic information in it can be queried (spatially or textually) and edited. Developers can make use of CodedValueDomans to specify an explicit set of valid values that can be set as attributes in a Field. Fields are the columns of the table; they contains various types (number, text, boolean, date, etc.) have names and are of a specified size. The attribute information in a Geodatabase can be obtained/modified either using an ArcGIS Server web service via a ServiceFeatureTable or on the local device’s storage location via a GeodatabaseFeatureTable. Additionally, developers can add or delete image, text, and files stored as Attachments attribute information in FeatureLayer’s.



Contains key classes and enumerations that define the geometries that are the heart of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Developers can read and create various Geometry types such as: Envelope, MapPoint, Polygon, and Polyline. Additionally, they can read and create the SpatialReference (aka. coordinate system) and define the various Units (angular, area, and linear) for the various geometries. Containers that house collections of the geometries (PartCollection, PointCollection). There is also a powerful set of GeometryEngine static methods that can perform numerous GIS based geometry manipulations (buffer, cut, clip, generalize, offset, union, etc.) locally on the application device without having to make expensive transactions across the Intranet/Internet.


包含可定制化的与ArcGIS Server通讯的类。开发者可以用它们来从ArcGIS Server请求数据,提供安全证书,处理通讯过程中的异常。

Contains classes for creating your own custom communications with ArcGIS Server. Developers use these classes as a starting point to request data from ArcGIS Server, provide the appropriate security credentials, and handle exception error messages if problems arise in communicating with ArcGIS Server. These classes would typically be used by advanced developers who want to write functionality that is otherwise not found in the ArcGIS Runtime .NET SDK.


包含可以与ArcGIS Runtime 本地服务器相交互的类。不同于ArcGIS Server的是,它适用于离线数据处理任务。需要gbk文件,gbk文件可以从ArcGIS Desktop中使用Model builder或者python script生成。本地服务器同样支持mpk文件中的image layerfeature layer(图像层和要素层)。同样的,这些数据包也是从ArcGIS Desktop中生成的。

Contains classes to work with ArcGIS Runtime Local Server SDK, an optional component of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET that can be downloaded separately for Windows (32- and 64-bit). ArcGIS Runtime Local Server is primarily for executing offline geoprocessing tasks in your ArcGIS Runtime applications. These tasks work in the same way as geoprocessing tasks published from ArcGIS Server. Running a geoprocessing task on ArcGIS Runtime Local Server requires a geoprocessing package (.gpk file). These packages are authored in ArcGIS Desktop either using Model Builder or by writing a Python script. ArcGIS Runtime Local Server also allows your application to consume map image layers or feature layers that use local content in a map package (.mpk file). These packages are authored and created using ArcGIS Desktop. NOTE: The localServices namespace is in an assembly included with the Esri.ArcGISRuntime.LocalServices NuGet package.



Contains classes to enable your device (PC, tablet, laptop, phone, handheld, etc.) to discover its geographic coordinate location and display a symbol in the map along with the layers as a backdrop. This enables developers to create work-order based field applications or real-time navigation applications with a minimal effort as compared to having to write your own hardware interface logic to access geo-positional information from the device.


包括了创建,检索显示各种图层的类。对于开发者来说,开发的重点是显示各种图层以及展示其中包含的各种细节信息。而这些地理图层会包含在一个地图中,会有告知图层何时被加载,空间参考又是怎样,显示比例尺是多少等属性方法。与此同时,还存在一些高度抽象的图层类型,例如,LayerImageAdjustmentLayerImageTiledlayer。这些类可以用于创建自定义的图层类型。更多时候,开发者会使用从上述类继承的FeatureLayerArcGISMapImageLayerArcGISTiledLayer等。我们已经提供了数以百计的方法和事件来帮助你更好的开发软件。这些图层可以加载本地数据或者ArcGIS Server上部署的网络服务。支持栅格和矢量数据。

Contains the classes used to create, retrieve, and display all of the various layers in your Geographic Information System (GIS) based application. For most application developers, the central focus of your programming efforts with the ArcGIS Runtime .NET SDK will be centered on displaying layers of geographic information and having end users interact with the rich information contained in the layers. These GIS layers are contained with a Map, which has several properties and methods to aid in determining things like: when the layers have loaded, obtaining the spatial refernce of a layer, setting the viewable scale of the layers, etc. There are some high level abstract layer types like: Layer, ImageAdjustmentLayer, and ImageTiledLayer that could be used to create your own custom layer type but this will not typical programming path for most developers. Rather, most developers will write code where users will interact with layers that inherit from these abstract classes, the most popular being: FeatureLayer, ArcGISMapImageLayer. and ArcGISTiledLayer. There are literally hundreds of Properties, Methods, and Events of which developers can program against to spatially enable your application. Layers can come from various sources such as ArcGIS Server web services and local datasets (geodatabase or file based) on the device. The layers that can be accessed can be vector or raster based sources.


包含了能够以弹出框形式展示数据属性的类,所提供的这种显示方式比以行列等数据表形式显示数据属性更直观。弹出框也是ArcGIS 信息模型中的一部分,可以在各个图层的popup definition中进行单独配置。它们同样也可以用于graphic(图形)和graphic overlayer(图形叠加层)以及栅格数据或者像素信息。Popup会将信息转换成这种简单易读的形式,一些用例如下:展示查询结果,编辑feature(增删改属性,几何信息)

Contains classes that allow the display the data of a feature, graphic or pixel (geo elements) in a way that is easier to understand than basic attributes in a row/column format via a 'popup' graphical element that floats on top of the map. Popups are part of the ArcGIS information model and can be configured for individual layers (or sublayers) in a map via a popup definition. They can also be used with graphics and graphics overlays, and pixels and rasters. Popups convert raw data into an information display that is both powerful and easy to read. Some common uses of popups are: display results from an identify (aka. a user map view click) and editing a feature by adding/updating/deleting attributes/geometry.


包含了能使用OGC标准的类。目前支持WebMapTileServiceWMTS)图层。WMTS是在服务器上已经做好切片缓存的服务,和动态渲染技术有所区别。完整的WMTS标准可以可以参考: ArcGIS Server 10.1版本目前将WMTS部署为一个本地的REST服务。

Contains classes that allow the utilization of the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) standard for Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layers. WMTS is a cached service that accesses pre-created tiles from a cache on a server’s hard drive instead of dynamically rendering images. The full WMTS standard can be found on the OGC web site: As of ArcGIS Server version 10.1 serving WMTS layers as a native REST service is supported.


包含了能够操作ArcGIS OnlineArcGIS Portal中内容的类。它能让开发者操作其中的用户,组和部署与Online或者Portal上的内容。

Contains classes that provide a way to build applications that work with content from ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Portal. ArcGIS Portal is software technology from Esri that customers can deploy either on premise or in the cloud. ArcGIS Online is Esri's Software as a Service (SaaS) offering that represents GIS as a Service and is implemented using the same technology as ArcGIS Portal. It allows application developers to work with users, groups and content hosted within ArcGIS Online or within an ArcGIS Portal. Developers can build web, mobile, and desktop applications that support sharing and collaboration using web maps.


包含了能直接读取,显示和操作栅格数据的类。栅格数据是由一系列的行列像素组成。例如,数字航空影像,卫星影像,数字图片,扫描版地图。栅格数据通过栅格图层显示,栅格图层提供了多种显示方式和分析方法。同时,多个栅格数据集可以拼接为一个镶嵌数据集(Mosaic dataset)。栅格数据可以重投影到其他GIS数据的坐标系中。

Contains classes that support direct read, display and manipulate rasters. A raster consists of a matrix of cells (or pixels) organized into rows and columns (or a grid) where each cell contains a value representing information (ex: temperature, elevation, flow direction, etc.). Examples of raster data sources are digital aerial photographs, imagery from satellites, digital pictures, or even scanned maps. Raster data is displayed via a raster layer. Raster layers have the ability to apply different renderers to visualize the data in many ways. Raster layers can have raster functions applied to perform spatial analysis. Multiple raster data sets can be visually merged together to form a mosaic dataset. Raster layers support re-projection to align data visually with other GIS datasets.


包括了能从保密的内外网访问你的应用程序的类。其中最重要的类是AuthenticationManager。这个类只会实例化一次,并为以下资源管理用户的证书: 1. ArcGIS Server中使用token认证或者Http认证的资源,2. 受保护的ArcGIS.com的资源(例如webmap),3. 受保护的ArcGIS Portal的资源

Contains classes to enable accessing your applications information over secure Intranet/Internet connections. The most important class being the AuthenticationManager singleton that when enabled will manage the user credentials for the following resources: (1) ArcGIS Server resources secured using token-based authentication or using HTTP authentication, (2) secured resources (i.e. web maps), and (3) secured ArcGIS Portal resources.



Contains classes to render features in a layer with symbols. Symbols are graphics used to represent a geographic feature or class of features. Symbols can look like what they represent (trees, railroads, houses), or they can be abstract shapes (points, lines, polygons) or characters. Typically symbols vary with visual properties such as: color, size, rotation, image, text, shape, etc. to differentiate certain characteristics in the layer. Once a symbol is defined with is various visual properties, they are added to a Renderer (ClassBreaksRenderer, SimpleRenderer, UniqueValueRenderer, etc.) and then applied to the layer for visual representation. Default symbology is usually provided for layers.


包含了能够异步处理ArcGIS Server上的地理处理任务的类。其中关键类是JobOf T)是所有地理处理任务的基类,它包含了用于启动,暂停,取消任务的属性。

Contains classes to perform asynchronous geoprocessing tasks on ArcGIS Server via a web service. The key class is the Job (Of T) which is the base class for other specialized types of geoprocessing execution. Some of the key properties of the Job (Of T) is the ability to start, pause, and cancel a task, as well as obtain information about its execution.


包含了能够通过ArcGIS Server的网络服务进行地理编码和逆编码的类。地理编码能将街道地址转为能显示在地图上的空间位置数据。逆地理编码则从地图上某点得到该位置的地址描述。

Contains classes to perform geocoding and reverse geocoding using an ArcGIS Server web service. Geocoding is the GIS operation for converting street addresses into spatial data that can be displayed as features on a map, usually by referencing address information from a street segment data layer. Reverse geocoding is the process of finding a street address from a point on a map.


包含了能够在ArcGIS Server上执行地理数据处理服务(GP services)的类。典型的GP操作包括一个输入数据集,对于数据集的操作和返回数据集。通常来说,GP操作包括,地理要素叠加层,要素的选择和分析,拓扑处理,栅格处理和数据转换。GP通过定义、管理和分析数据以支持决策。

Contains classes to execute geoprocessing (aka. GP) services on ArcGIS Server. Geoprocessing is a GIS operation used to manipulate GIS data. A typical geoprocessing operation takes an input dataset, performs an operation on that dataset, and returns the result of the operation as an output dataset. Common geoprocessing operations include geographic feature overlay, feature selection and analysis, topology processing, raster processing, and data conversion. Geoprocessing allows for definition, management, and analysis of information used to form decisions. The Geoprocessor class in this namespace provide the starting point for developers to use geoprocessing services.


包含了通过ArcGIS Server的网络请求进行路径分析的类。路径分析功能会找到从一个地址到其他一个或者多个地址的最佳路径。它同样可以根据阻抗(权值)计算出最快或者最短路径。例如,如果阻抗为时间,那么最佳路径在此意味着最短路径。

Contain classes to perform route (aka. network) analysis via ArcGIS Server web requests. Routing analysis determines the best route from one network location to one or more other locations. It can also calculate the quickest or shortest route depending on the impedance chosen. The order of the stops may be determined by the user. For example, if the impedance is time, then the best route is the quickest route.


包含了能从ArcGIS Online或者ArcGIS 企业服务器将地图,地理数据库和底图下载到本地设备,并且在在线情况下,还能同步这些内容的类。

The Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Tasks.Offline namespace contains classes to download maps, geodatabases, and basemaps from ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise to the local device and to synchronize content when online.


包含了在地图视图和场景视图中显示各种图形元素的类。创建,维护,显示这些图形元素方面的关键类包括,Graphic, GraphicCollection, GraphicOverlayGraphicOverlayCollection。还有一些类会通过InteractionsOptions系列的类为用户提供交互操作功能。通过Grid系列的类,还可以给你的视图画上格网。

Contains classes that allows displaying graphical elements in the MapView and SceneView. Some of the key classes in creating, manipulating, displaying these graphical elements include: Graphic, GraphicCollection, GraphicsOverlay, and GraphicsOverlayCollection. Other important classes include the ability to control user interaction in the MapView and SceneView via the InterationsOptions, MapViewInteractionsOptions and SceneViewInteractionsOptions classes. Various draped grid graticules can be draped in the MapView and SceneView via the Grid, LatitudeLongitudeGrid, MgrsGrid, UsngGridm and UtmGrid classes.



Contains classes that the user interacts with visually in the Graphical User interface (GUI) of the application; the most important being the MapView and SceneView classes. The MapView is a 2D control that allows for visual interaction of layers by performing mouse clicks, taps and pressing keyboard keys to pan and zoom around as well as select features. The MapView layout can be modified to adjust its size, color, viewable extent, rotation, spatial reference, time extent, wraparound mode, and many modify more features. The MapView.Map Property enables getting/setting the Map Class; which is responsible for managing the collection of GIS layers displayed. The SceneView functions similarly to the MapView but is intended to be used for 3D mapping on the Earths sphere. It contains a similar ScenevView.Scene Property that enables getting/setting the Scene Class to display GIS layers.

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