来源:互联网 发布:铁路运输数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 22:37

SQL27966W The DB2_LOAD_COPY_NO_OVERRIDE registry variable value value overrides the COPY NO parameter specified in the Load.

SQL27966W DB2_LOAD_COPY_NO_OVERRIDE 注册表变量值 值 将覆盖在 Load 中指定的 COPY NO 参数。


发出了带有 COPY NO 可恢复性参数的 Load 命令,但是 DB2_LOAD_COPY_NO_OVERRIDE 注册表变量将覆盖该参数。


参阅 DB2 信息中心以了解有关 DB2_LOAD_COPY_NO_OVERRIDE 注册表变量的信息,或者取消设置该注册表变量以停止覆盖具有 COPY NO 可恢复性的 Load。



                           .-,--------------.                                            V                |                 >>-LOAD--+--------+--FROM----+-filename---+-+--OF--filetype----->         '-CLIENT-'          +-pipename---+                                                +-device-----+                                                '-cursorname-'                   >--+-INSERT-----------------------+----------------------------->   |          .-KEEPDICTIONARY--. |      +-REPLACE--+-----------------+-+      |          '-RESETDICTIONARY-' |      +-RESTART----------------------+      '-TERMINATE--------------------'   >--INTO--table-name--+-------------------------+---------------->                     |    .-,-------------.    |                        |    V               |    |                        '-(----insert-column-+--)-'   >--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+--><   |       .-NO----------------------------------------------------. |      +-COPY--+-YES--+-USE TSM--+--------------------------+--------+-+-+      |              |          '-OPEN--num-sess--SESSIONS-'        |   |      |              |     .-,----------------.                     |   |      |              |     V                  |                     |   |      |              +-TO----device/directory-+---------------------+   |      |              '-LOAD--lib-name--+--------------------------+-'   |      |                                '-OPEN--num-sess--SESSIONS-'     |      '-NONRECOVERABLE--------------------------------------------------'   


  • Specifies that the table space in which the table resides will be placed in backup pending state if forward recovery is enabled (that is, if either logarchmeth1 or logarchmeth2 is set to a value other than OFF). The COPY NO option will also put the table space state into the Load in Progress table space state. This is a transient state that will disappear when the load completes or aborts. The data in any table in the table space cannot be updated or deleted until a table space backup or a full database backup is made. However, it is possible to access the data in any table by using the SELECT statement.
    如果开启了前滚恢复(即logarchmeth1或logarchmeth2设置了除OFF以外的值),COPY NO指定该表所在的表空间将会进入backup pending状态。COPY NO选项也将 使 表空间状态 进入 Load in Process表空间状态。 这是一个暂时的状态,当load完成或执行失败之后就会消失。在该表空间下的任何的表的数据 都不能被更新或删除,知道表空间备份或全库备份制作完成。 然而,使用SELECT语句来访问该表空间下的表的数据是可能的。

  • LOAD with COPY NO on a recoverable database leaves the table spaces in a backup pending state. For example, performing a LOAD with COPY NO and INDEXING MODE DEFERRED will leave indexes needing a refresh. Certain queries on the table might require an index scan and will not succeed until the indexes are refreshed. The index cannot be refreshed if it resides in a table space which is in the backup pending state. In that case, access to the table will not be allowed until a backup is taken. Index refresh is done automatically by the database when the index is accessed by a query. If one of COPY NO, COPY YES, or NONRECOVERABLE is not specified, and the database is recoverable (logarchmeth1 or logarchmeth2 is set to value other than OFF), then COPY NO is the default.
    在一个可恢复的数据库上,使用LOAD with COPY NO 使表空间进入 backup pending state。举例来说,执行一个 指定了COPY NO和INDEXING MODE DEFERRED选项的LOAD命令将使得索引需要刷新。 该表上的某些查询可能需要索引扫描,这些查询在索引被刷新之前 不能被成功执行。 如果索引位于一个处于 backup pending 状态下的表空间上,则索引不能被刷新。在这种情况下, 在进行一个备份之前表将不允许访问。 当查询使用到索引时,索引会自动被刷新。如果没有指定COPY NO,COPY YES,或NONRECOVERABLE选项,且数据库是可恢复的(即logarchmeth1或logarchmeth2设置了除OFF以外的值),那么COPY NO是默认的。


Specifies that a copy of the loaded data will be saved. This option is invalid if forward recovery is disabled.
指定被loaded的数据的一个副本会被保存,如果前滚恢复不可用(即logarchmeth1和logarchmeth2 都是OFF),这个选项是无效的。

    Specifies that the copy will be stored using Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM).
    指定加载数据副本使用Tivoli® 存储管理器 (TSM)存储。
  • OPEN num-sess SESSIONS
    The number of I/O sessions to be used with TSM or the vendor product. The default value is 1.

  • TO device/directory
    Specifies the device or directory on which the copy image will be created.
    指定copy 镜像被创建的设备或路径。

  • LOAD lib-name
    The name of the shared library (DLL on Windows operating systems) containing the vendor backup and restore I/O functions to be used. It can contain the full path. If the full path is not given, it will default to the path where the user exit programs reside.
    共享库的名称(在Windows操作系统上是DLL)包含 供应商备份 和 要使用的I/O方法。他可以包含全路径。如果没有给出全路径,默认为 用户 退出程序位于的路径。


Specifies that the load transaction is to be marked as unrecoverable and that it will not be possible to recover it by a subsequent roll forward action. The roll forward utility will skip the transaction and will mark the table into which data was being loaded as “invalid”. The utility will also ignore any subsequent transactions against that table. After the roll forward operation is completed, such a table can only be dropped or restored from a backup (full or table space) taken after a commit point following the completion of the non-recoverable load operation.
指定load事务被标记为不可恢复的,并且 将不能通过 一个后续的前滚操作来恢复这个load事务。 前滚工具将会跳过这个事务,并且把 数据加载进入的那张表 标记为 “失效”。这个前滚工具还会忽略任何 作用在这个表上的事务。 在前滚操作完成之后,这样的一个表只能被删除或者从一个备份中恢复,这个备份需要是 这个不可恢复load操作完成之后的一个提交点 之后的备份。

With this option, table spaces are not put in backup pending state following the load operation, and a copy of the loaded data does not have to be made during the load operation. If one of COPY NO, COPY
YES, or NONRECOVERABLE is not specified, and the database is not recoverable (logarchmeth1 and logarchmeth2 are both set to OFF), then NONRECOVERABLE is the default.
使用这个选项,在load操作之后,表空间将不会进入backup pending状态, 并且被加载数据的副本 不一定需要在加载 操作时 made。如果没有指定COPY NO,COPY YES,或NONRECOVERABLE选项,且数据库是不可恢复的(即logarchmeth1和logarchmeth2都设置为OFF),那么 NONRECOVERABLE是默认的。



  • 操作系统:所有操作系统
  • 此变量将把任何 LOAD COPY NO 转换为 LOAD COPY YES 或 NONRECOVERABLE,这取决于该变量的值。此变量适用于 HADR 主数据库以及标准(非 HADR)数据库;HADR 备用数据库将忽略此变量。在 HADR 主数据库上,如果未设置此变量,那么 LOAD COPY NO 将转换为 LOAD NONRECOVERABLE。此变量的值指定不可恢复的装入或复制目标,它使用与 COPY YES 子句相同的语法。
  • 对此变量的更改将在所有将来已编译 SQL 语句执行后立即生效。不需要重新启动实例或发出带有 -immediate 参数的 db2set 命令。