
来源:互联网 发布:熊猫网络电视 软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:17

import com.lowagie.text.*;import com.lowagie.text.Font;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;import com.test.action.monitor.service.CommonService;import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;import java.awt.*;import;import;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import java.util.UUID;public class exportTest {    /*  iText是一个开源的PDF、Word工具,小巧而又便捷。      官方网站是:      官方的解释:iText is a library that allows you to generate PDF files . the fly      最新版本为:2.1.7      下载地址是:  */    public String exportWordFileName;    public String exportWordDocPath;    public FileInputStream inputStream;    @Autowired    private CommonService commonService;    /**     * 综合报表统计导出PDF     *     * @author QC     */    public String exportPDF() {        try {            /** 创建Document对象(PDF文档)*/            Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4);            String exportname = "测试报表";            String webTempDir =   "/test/app/config";            String filePath = webTempDir + UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "") + ".pdf";            FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filePath);            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, fileOut);  ;            BaseFont baseFontChinese = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);//设置相关样式            Font reportTitleFont = new Font(baseFontChinese, 16, Font.BOLD, Color.BLACK);            Font titleFont = new Font(baseFontChinese, 10, Font.BOLD, Color.BLACK);            Font contextFont = new Font(baseFontChinese, 10, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK);            Paragraph pt = new Paragraph(exportname, reportTitleFont);//设置字体样式            pt.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);//设置文字居中 0靠左   1,居中     2,靠右            doc.add(pt);//服务器统计Demo-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------            List<Map<String, Object>> listmap = this.getServerList();//待插入的数据//创建table            Table tableServer = new Table(10);            int[] withsS = {18, 18, 8, 10, 8, 8, 10, 8, 10, 10};            tableServer.setWidths(withsS);            tableServer.setWidth(100);            tableServer.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);            tableServer.setAutoFillEmptyCells(true);            doc.add(new Paragraph(""));            Paragraph serverPt = new Paragraph("二、服务器运行指标", titleFont);//设置字体样式            serverPt.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);//设置文字居中 0靠左   1,居中     2,靠右            doc.add(serverPt);            /**表格标题*/            Cell[] servercellHeaders = new Cell[10];            servercellHeaders[0] = new Cell(new Phrase("服务器", titleFont));            servercellHeaders[0].setColspan(10);            servercellHeaders[0].setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);            servercellHeaders[0].setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE);            tableServer.addCell(servercellHeaders[0]);            /** 第三行(表格)*/            Cell[] servercellHeaders2 = new Cell[12];            servercellHeaders2[0] = new Cell(new Phrase("名称", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[0].setColspan(2);            servercellHeaders2[0].setRowspan(2);            servercellHeaders2[1] = new Cell(new Phrase("CPU使用率", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[1].setColspan(3);            servercellHeaders2[2] = new Cell(new Phrase("内存使用率", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[2].setColspan(3);            servercellHeaders2[3] = new Cell(new Phrase("逻辑分区使用率", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[3].setColspan(2);            servercellHeaders2[4] = new Cell(new Phrase("最高值", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[5] = new Cell(new Phrase("最高值时间", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[6] = new Cell(new Phrase("平均值", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[7] = new Cell(new Phrase("最高值", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[8] = new Cell(new Phrase("最高值时间", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[9] = new Cell(new Phrase("平均值", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[10] = new Cell(new Phrase("分区名称", titleFont));            servercellHeaders2[11] = new Cell(new Phrase("分区使用率", titleFont));            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {                servercellHeaders2[i].setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);                servercellHeaders2[i].setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE);                tableServer.addCell(servercellHeaders2[i]);            }            if (listmap != null && listmap.size() > 0) {                int num = 0;                String paramname = "";                String bid = "";                Map<String, Object> nummap = new HashMap();                for (int i = 0; i < listmap.size(); i++) {                    Map<String, Object> m = listmap.get(i);                    String param1 = m.get("PARAM1") != null ? m.get("PARAM1").toString() : "";                    String setid = m.get("SETID") != null ? m.get("SETID").toString() : "";                    if (!paramname.equals(param1)) {                        if (i > 0) {                            nummap.put(bid, num + "@-@" + paramname);                        }                        paramname = param1;                        num = 1;                        bid = setid;                    } else {                        num++;                        nummap.put(bid, num + "@-@" + paramname);                    }                }                int prows = 0;                paramname = "";                for (int i = 0; i < listmap.size(); i++) {                    Map<String, Object> m = listmap.get(i);                    String param1 = m.get("PARAM1") != null ? m.get("PARAM1").toString() : "";                    String setid = m.get("SETID") != null ? m.get("SETID").toString() : "";                    bid = setid;                    if (nummap.containsKey(bid)) {                        String[] nstr = nummap.get(bid).toString().split("@-@");                        num = Integer.parseInt(nstr[0]);                        paramname = nstr[1];                    } else num = 1;                    int bc = 0;                    Cell[] servercellContent = new Cell[10];                    if (num > 1 && prows == 0 && paramname.equals(param1)) {//合并第一行                        servercellContent[0] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("PARAM1") != null ? m.get("PARAM1").toString() : "", contextFont));                        servercellContent[0].setRowspan(num);                        prows = num;                        prows--;                    } else {                        if (num == 1 && prows == 0 && paramname.equals(param1)) {//不合并一行                            servercellContent[0] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("PARAM1") != null ? m.get("PARAM1").toString() : "", contextFont));                            bc = 0;                        } else {                            if (num == 1 && prows > 0 && paramname.equals(param1)) {//合并其它行                                bc = 1;                                prows--;                            }                        }                    }                    servercellContent[1] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("NAME") != null ? m.get("NAME").toString() : "", contextFont));                    servercellContent[2] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("MAXVAL") != null ? m.get("MAXVAL").toString() : "", contextFont));                    servercellContent[3] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("RTIME") != null ? m.get("RTIME").toString() : "", contextFont));                    servercellContent[4] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("AVGVAL") != null ? m.get("AVGVAL").toString() : "", contextFont));                    servercellContent[5] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("MAXMEMUSAGE") != null ? m.get("MAXMEMUSAGE").toString() : "", contextFont));                    servercellContent[6] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("MEMTIME") != null ? m.get("MEMTIME").toString() : "", contextFont));                    servercellContent[7] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("AVGMEM") != null ? m.get("AVGMEM").toString() : "", contextFont));                    servercellContent[8] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("PARAM2") != null ? m.get("PARAM2").toString() : "", contextFont));                    servercellContent[9] = new Cell(new Phrase(m.get("PARAM4") != null ? m.get("PARAM4").toString() : "", contextFont));                    for (int j = bc; j < 10; j++) {                        servercellContent[j].setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);                        servercellContent[j].setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE);                        tableServer.addCell(servercellContent[j]);                    }                }            }            doc.add(tableServer);            doc.close();            writer.close();            exportWordDocPath = filePath;            exportWordFileName = exportname;        } catch (Exception e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        return "redirectDownloadAction";    }    public List<Map<String, Object>> getServerList() throws Exception {        String sql = "select setid,r.param1,r.param2,r.param3,r.param4,r.param5,r.field_name name,r.order_no,r.field_value devid from report r ";        List<Map<String, Object>> list = this.commonService.queryMapList(sql);        return list;    }}