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head.h头文件——包含了 各种声明还有结构体定义

#ifndef HEAD_H_INCLUDED#define HEAD_H_INCLUDED#define ElemType int#define Status inttypedef struct Node{    ElemType data;    struct Node *next;}Node,*pNode;Status InitList(pNode &h);    //初始化链表Status GetElem(pNode L,int i,ElemType e);    //取值Node *LocateElem(pNode L,ElemType e);        //查找Status ListInsert(pNode L,int i,ElemType e); //插入Status ListDelete(pNode L,int i);            //删除void output(pNode h);                        //打印pNode creat_h(int n);                        //创建pNode creat_r(int n);                        //创建#endif // HEAD_H_INCLUDED


void MergeList(pNode &A,pNode &B,pNode &C){    pNode pa,pb,pc;    pa=A->next;pb=B->next;   //pa和pb的初值分别指向两个表的第一个结点    C=A;                     //用A的头结点作为C的头结点    pc=C;                    //pc指向C的头结点    while(pa&&pb)    {//A和B均未达到表尾,则依次“摘取”两表中较小的结点插入到C的最后        if(pa->data <= pb->data)        {            pc->next=pa;            pc=pc->next;            pa=pa->next;        }        else        {            pc->next=pb;            pc=pc->next;            pb=pb->next;        }    }    pc->next=pa? pa:pb;      //将非空表的剩余段插入到pc所指结点之后    delete B;}


#include <iostream>#include "head.h"using namespace std;void MergeList(pNode &A,pNode &B,pNode &C);int main(){    int n;    pNode A,B,C;    cout<<"input n data of A:";    cin>>n;    A=creat_r(n);    cout<<"input n data of B:";    cin>>n;    B=creat_r(n);    InitList(C);    MergeList(A,B,C);    output(C);    return 0;}void MergeList(pNode &A,pNode &B,pNode &C){    pNode pa,pb,pc;    pa=A->next;pb=B->next;    C=A;    pc=C;    while(pa&&pb)    {        if(pa->data <= pb->data)        {            pc->next=pa;            pc=pc->next;            pa=pa->next;        }        else        {            pc->next=pb;            pc=pc->next;            pb=pb->next;        }    }    pc->next=pa? pa:pb;    delete B;}Status InitList(pNode &h)  //初始化{    h=new Node;    h->next=NULL;    return 1;}Status GetElem(pNode L,int i,ElemType e)  //取值{    pNode p=L->next;    int j=1;    while(p&&j<i)    {        p=p->next;        j++;    }    if(!p||j>i)        return -1;    e=p->data;    return 1;}Node *LocateElem(pNode L,ElemType e)   //查找{    pNode p=L->next;    while(p&&p->data!=e)        p=p->next;    return p;}Status ListInsert(pNode L,int i,ElemType e)  //插入{    pNode p=L;    int j=0;    while(p&&j<i-1)    {        p=p->next;        j++;    }    if(!p||j>i-1)  return -1;    pNode q=new Node;    q->data=e;    q->next=p->next;    p->next=q;    return 1;}Status ListDelete(pNode L,int i)       //删除{    pNode p=L;    int j=0;    while(p->next&&j<i-1)    {        p=p->next;        j++;    }    if(!p->next||j>i-1)  return -1;    pNode q=p->next;    p->next=p->next->next;    delete q;    return 1;}pNode creat_h(int n)     //创建-头插法{    pNode L;    L=new Node;    L->next=NULL;    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)    {        pNode p=new Node;        cin>>p->data;        p->next=L->next;        L->next=p;    }    return L;}pNode creat_r(int n)      //创建-尾插法{    pNode h,q,p;    h=q=new Node;    h->next=NULL;    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)    {        p=new Node;        p->next=NULL;        cin>>p->data;        q->next=p;        q=q->next;    }    return h;}void output(pNode h)  //打印链表{    pNode p=h->next;    cout<<"打印链表:";    while(p)    {        cout<<p->data<<" ";        p=p->next;    }}
