
来源:互联网 发布:名扬三角洲淘宝店铺 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 08:36


    • FileSystem简介
    • FileSystem使用
      • 使用FileSystemget方法获取FileSystem对象
      • 使用FileSystemnewInstance获取FileSystem对象
      • Cache类简介
      • Key类简介
      • 使用FileSystem获取流






public static FileSystem get(Configuration conf) throws IOException {    return get(getDefaultUri(conf), conf);}public static URI getDefaultUri(Configuration conf) {   return URI.create(fixName(conf.get("fs.defaultFS", "file:///")));}

,如果都为空,调用第一个方法,如果只有authority 为空会检验conf中fs.defaultFS属性的scheme与scheme是否一致,一致的情况下使用fs.defaultFS值。conf中fs.scheme.impl.disable.cache属性是禁用文件系统缓存,默认为false,如果禁用缓存每次都会重新初始化FileSystem对象,否则调用CACHE.get(uri, conf)获取FileSystem对象。


    public static FileSystem get(URI uri, Configuration conf) {    String scheme = uri.getScheme();//协议    String authority = uri.getAuthority();//host:port    if (scheme == null && authority == null) {     // use default FS      return get(conf);    }    if (scheme != null && authority == null) {     // no authority      URI defaultUri = getDefaultUri(conf);      if (scheme.equals(defaultUri.getScheme())    // if scheme matches default          && defaultUri.getAuthority() != null) {  // & default has authority        return get(defaultUri, conf);              // return default      }    }    String disableCacheName = String.format("fs.%s.impl.disable.cache", scheme);    if (conf.getBoolean(disableCacheName, false)) {      return createFileSystem(uri, conf);    }    return CACHE.get(uri, conf);  }


private static FileSystem createFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf      ) throws IOException {    Class<?> clazz = getFileSystemClass(uri.getScheme(), conf);    FileSystem fs = (FileSystem)ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, conf);    fs.initialize(uri, conf);    return fs;}

getFileSystemClass方法首先判断是否已经调用了loadFileSystems方法,如果已经调用过,首先会从conf对象中获取fs.scheme .impl属性,没有获取到就会从SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEMS缓存中查找。

public static Class<? extends FileSystem> getFileSystemClass(String scheme,      Configuration conf) throws IOException {    if (!FILE_SYSTEMS_LOADED) {      loadFileSystems();    }    Class<? extends FileSystem> clazz = null;    if (conf != null) {      clazz = (Class<? extends FileSystem>) conf.getClass("fs." + scheme + ".impl", null);    }    if (clazz == null) {      clazz = SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEMS.get(scheme);    }    if (clazz == null) {      throw new IOException("No FileSystem for scheme: " + scheme);    }    return clazz;  }

下面看loadFileSystems方法,由于FILE_SYSTEMS_LOADED是静态属性,多线程下修改会有线程安全问题,所以会加锁。这个方法里面会调用ServiceLoader.load(Class service) 方法,该方法是jdk里面提供的查找META-INF/services/org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem 文件里面的内容,并全部加载到SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEMS,这里有一点不清楚的地方,就是FileSystem对象已经初始化了,为什么缓存的只是class对象。

private static void loadFileSystems() {    synchronized (FileSystem.class) {      if (!FILE_SYSTEMS_LOADED) {        ServiceLoader<FileSystem> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(FileSystem.class);        Iterator<FileSystem> it = serviceLoader.iterator();        while (it.hasNext()) {          FileSystem fs = null;          try {            fs = it.next();            try {              SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEMS.put(fs.getScheme(), fs.getClass());            } catch (Exception e) {              LOG.warn("Cannot load: " + fs + " from " +                  ClassUtil.findContainingJar(fs.getClass()), e);            }          } catch (ServiceConfigurationError ee) {            LOG.warn("Cannot load filesystem", ee);          }        }        FILE_SYSTEMS_LOADED = true;      }    }  }





fs.initialize方法,初始化了两个变量statistics与resolveSymlinks ,statistics对象是用来统计的,统计读写次数以及流量,resolveSymlinks字段没有发现使用的地方。根据上面几个方法可以看出URI 只使用到了scheme与authority属性,所以没有必要写具体要操作的路径。

public void initialize(URI name, Configuration conf) throws IOException {    statistics = getStatistics(name.getScheme(), getClass());        resolveSymlinks = conf.getBoolean(        CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_CLIENT_RESOLVE_REMOTE_SYMLINKS_KEY,        CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_CLIENT_RESOLVE_REMOTE_SYMLINKS_DEFAULT);  }


与get方法类似返回FileSystem 对象,不同的是这个方法每次都返回新的对象,也就是没有缓存,下面来具体的分析下。方法大致相似,不同点是最后调用的是CACHE.getUnique(uri, conf),顾名思义,这个方法返回的都是独立的对象

public static FileSystem newInstance(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException {    String scheme = uri.getScheme();    String authority = uri.getAuthority();    if (scheme == null) {                       // no scheme: use default FS      return newInstance(conf);    }    if (authority == null) {                       // no authority      URI defaultUri = getDefaultUri(conf);      if (scheme.equals(defaultUri.getScheme())    // if scheme matches default          && defaultUri.getAuthority() != null) {  // & default has authority        return newInstance(defaultUri, conf);              // return default      }    }    return CACHE.getUnique(uri, conf);}public static FileSystem newInstance(Configuration conf) throws IOException {    return newInstance(getDefaultUri(conf), conf);}



FileSystem get(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException{      Key key = new Key(uri, conf);      return getInternal(uri, conf, key);}FileSystem getUnique(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException{      Key key = new Key(uri, conf, unique.getAndIncrement());      return getInternal(uri, conf, key);}

getInternal方法先根据key查看缓存中是否存在,存在直接返回,不存在就会重新创建并存放入缓存,如果设置了自动关闭属性fs.automatic.close 还会把生成的对象放入自动关闭的集合中。

private FileSystem getInternal(URI uri, Configuration conf, Key key) throws IOException{      FileSystem fs;      synchronized (this) {        fs = map.get(key);      }      if (fs != null) {        return fs;      }      fs = createFileSystem(uri, conf);      synchronized (this) { // refetch the lock again        FileSystem oldfs = map.get(key);        if (oldfs != null) { // a file system is created while lock is releasing          fs.close(); // close the new file system          return oldfs;  // return the old file system        }        // now insert the new file system into the map        if (map.isEmpty()                && !ShutdownHookManager.get().isShutdownInProgress()) {          ShutdownHookManager.get().addShutdownHook(clientFinalizer, SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PRIORITY);        }        fs.key = key;        map.put(key, fs);        if (conf.getBoolean("fs.automatic.close", true)) {          toAutoClose.add(key);        }        return fs;      }    }



final String scheme;final String authority;final UserGroupInformation ugi;final long unique;   // an artificial way to make a key uniqueKey(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException {        this(uri, conf, 0);}Key(URI uri, Configuration conf, long unique) throws IOException {        scheme = uri.getScheme()==null ?            "" : StringUtils.toLowerCase(uri.getScheme());        authority = uri.getAuthority()==null ?            "" : StringUtils.toLowerCase(uri.getAuthority());        this.unique = unique;        this.ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();}

看一下equals和hashCode方法,可以看的equals方法中判断了unique是否一致,也就是说unique不一致,两个key就不会相同,所以FileSystem.newInstance 方法每次都产生新的对象。

public int hashCode() {   return (scheme + authority).hashCode() + ugi.hashCode() + (int)unique;}public boolean equals(Object obj) {   if (obj == this) {      return true;   }   if (obj != null && obj instanceof Key) {      Key that = (Key)obj;      return isEqual(this.scheme, that.scheme)             && isEqual(this.authority, that.authority)             && isEqual(this.ugi, that.ugi)             && (this.unique == that.unique);        }    return false;        }



public abstract FSDataInputStream open(Path f, int bufferSize) throws IOException;public FSDataInputStream open(Path f) throws IOException {  return open(f, getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096));}


public static void readMethod1(){    URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new FsUrlStreamHandlerFactory());    String url = "hdfs://master:9000/test/map/input/temperature.txt";    InputStream is = null;    try {        is = new URL(url).openStream();        IOUtils.copyBytes(is, System.out, 4096, false);    } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();    }finally{        IOUtils.closeStream(is);    }}public static void readMethod2() throws IOException{        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create("hdfs://master:9000"), new Configuration());        FSDataInputStream is = null;        try {            is = fs.open(new Path("/test/map/input/temperature.txt"));            IOUtils.copyBytes(is, System.out, 4096, false);        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }finally{            if(is != null){                is.close();            }            if(fs != null){                fs.close();            }        }    }

可以看到URL类里面的openStream方法最后调用handler.openConnection.getInputStream 方法

public final InputStream openStream() throws java.io.IOException {        return openConnection().getInputStream();}public URLConnection openConnection() throws java.io.IOException {        return handler.openConnection(this);}


protected FsUrlConnection openConnection(URL url) throws IOException {  return new FsUrlConnection(conf, url);}

FsUrlConnection对象的getInputStream 方法调用connect 方法,可以看到最后获取FileSystem对象,使用FileSystem对象的open(Path path)方法获取流

 public void connect() throws IOException {    try {      FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(url.toURI(), conf);      is = fs.open(new Path(url.getPath()));    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {      throw new IOException(e.toString());    }  }  @Override  public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {    if (is == null) {      connect();    }    return is;  }

