
来源:互联网 发布:程序员眼里只有两种人 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/26 09:53


                                                                      Time Limit: 2000/4000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
                                                                                                Total Submission(s): 922    Accepted Submission(s): 277

Problem Description
Alice gets N strings. Now she has Q questions to ask you. For each question, she wanna know how many different prefix strings between Lth and Rth strings. It's so easy right? So solve it!

The input contains multiple test cases.

For each test case, the first line contains one integer N(1N100000). Then next N lines contain N strings and the total length of N strings is between 1 and 100000. The next line contains one integer Q(1Q100000). We define a specail integer Z=0. For each query, you get two integer L, R(0=<L,R<N). Then the query interval [L,R] is [min((Z+L)%N,(Z+R)%N)+1,max((Z+L)%N,(Z+R)%N)+1]. And Z change to the answer of this query.

For each question, output the answer.

Sample Input
3abcababaa30 20 11 1

Sample Output


2016 Multi-University Training Contest 5




#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <string>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <map>#include <set>#include <stack>#include <queue>#include <vector>#include <bitset>#include <functional>using namespace std;#define LL long longconst int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;const int N = 1e5 + 10;int n, q, cnt;int f[N][26], pre[N];int s[N], L[N * 40], R[N * 40], sum[N * 40], tot;char ch[N];void update(int pre, int &now, int l, int r, int p, int val){sum[now = ++tot] = sum[pre] + val, L[now] = L[pre], R[now] = R[pre];if (l == r) return;int mid = (l + r) >> 1;if (p <= mid) update(L[pre], L[now], l, mid, p, val);else update(R[pre], R[now], mid + 1, r, p, val);}int query(int k, int l, int r, int ll, int rr){if (l >= ll&&r <= rr) return sum[k];int ans = 0, mid = (l + r) >> 1;if (ll <= mid) ans += query(L[k], l, mid, ll, rr);if (rr > mid) ans += query(R[k], mid + 1, r, ll, rr);return ans;}int main(){while (~scanf("%d", &n)){L[0] = R[0] = sum[0] = s[0] = cnt = tot = 0;memset(f, 0, sizeof f);for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){scanf("%s", ch);for (int j = 0, k = 0; ch[j]; j++){if (!f[k][ch[j] - 'a']){f[k][ch[j] - 'a'] = ++cnt;memset(f[cnt], 0, sizeof f[cnt]);pre[cnt] = 0;}k = f[k][ch[j] - 'a'];if (pre[k]){if(!j) update(s[i - 1], s[i], 1, n, pre[k], -1);else update(s[i], s[i], 1, n, pre[k], -1);update(s[i], s[i], 1, n, i, 1);}else{if(!j) update(s[i - 1], s[i], 1, n, i, 1);else update(s[i], s[i], 1, n, i, 1);}pre[k] = i;}}int ans = 0, l, r;scanf("%d", &q);while (q--){scanf("%d%d", &l, &r);int ll = (ans + l) % n + 1, rr = (ans + r) % n + 1;if (ll > rr) swap(ll, rr);printf("%d\n", ans = query(s[rr], 1, n, ll, rr));}}return 0;}
