
来源:互联网 发布:linux scp 断点续传 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 21:57


Proxy代理能够让你截取原对象的各种操作方法,最普通的是get set apply和construct等方法,看这个规定有很多被拦截的方法.。Proxy代理也能配置为任何时候停止拦截请求,有效地撤销他们所服务的对象的所有访问代理,这是通过revoke方法实现的。



handler是一个包含你要进行拦截和处理的对象,也就是你拦截了原始对象以后想干什么?主要的代理内容在这里,是作为Proxy构造器的第二个方法参数传统,它是实现Proxy API。

trap用来规定对于指定什么方法进行拦截处理,如果你想拦截get方法的调用,那么你要定义一个get trap。


这里是一个Hello world用法的代码:

let dataStore = {    name: 'Billy Bob',   age: 15 }; 
let handler = {    get(target, key, proxy) { //get 的trap 拦截get方法    const today = new Date();     console.log(`GET request made for ${key} at ${today}`);     return Reflect.get(target, key, proxy); //拦截get方法  } } 
//构造一个代理,第一个参数是原始对象,第二个参数是代理处理器dataStore = new Proxy(dataStore, handler);       
//这里将会执行我们的handler, 记录请求,设置name值。const name =; 





let numericDataStore = {    count: 0,   amount: 1234,   total: 14 };       
numericDataStore = new Proxy(numericDataStore, {    set(target, key, value, proxy) {     if (typeof value !== 'number') { //数字类型校验      throw Error("Properties in numericDataStore can only be numbers");     }     return Reflect.set(target, key, value, proxy);   } 
}); //这会抛出错误numericDataStore.count = "foo"; //这会正常设置新值numericDataStore.count = 333; 



//定义一个校验器validator对象 返回一个proxy function createValidator(target, validator) {    return new Proxy(target, {     _validator: validator,     set(target, key, value, proxy) {       if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {         let validator = this._validator[key];         if (!!validator(value)) {           return Reflect.set(target, key, value, proxy);         } else {           throw Error(`Cannot set ${key} to ${value}. Invalid.`);         }       } else {         // prevent setting a property that isn't explicitly defined in the validator         throw Error(`${key} is not a valid property`)       }     }   }); }       
// 现在为每个属性定义校验器const personValidators = {    name(val) {     return typeof val === 'string';   }, 
  age(val) {     return typeof age === 'number' && age > 18;   } } 
class Person {    constructor(name, age) { = name;     this.age = age;     return createValidator(this, personValidators); //返回的是代理对象,不是真正Person原始对象  } }       const bill = new Person('Bill', 25);       
//下面都会抛错 = 0;  bill.age = 'Bill';  bill.age = 15;   



let obj = {    pickyMethodOne: function(obj, str, num) { /* ... */ },   pickyMethodTwo: function(num, obj) { /*... */ } }; 
const argTypes = {    pickyMethodOne: ["object", "string", "number"],   pickyMethodTwo: ["number", "object"] }; 
obj = new Proxy(obj, {    get: function(target, key, proxy) {     var value = target[hey];     return function(...args) {       var checkArgs = argChecker(key, args, argTypes[key]);       return Reflect.apply(value, target, args);     };   } }); 
function argChecker(name, args, checkers) {    for (var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) {     var arg = args[idx];     var type = checkers[idx];     if (!arg || typeof arg !== type) {       console.warn(`You are incorrectly implementing the signature of ${name}. Check param ${idx + 1}`);     }   } } 
obj.pickyMethodOne();  // > You are incorrectly implementing the signature of pickyMethodOne. Check param 1 // > You are incorrectly implementing the signature of pickyMethodOne. Check param 2 // > You are incorrectly implementing the signature of pickyMethodOne. Check param 3
obj.pickyMethodTwo("wopdopadoo", {});  // > You are incorrectly implementing the signature of pickyMethodTwo. Check param 1
// No warnings logged 没有错误日志警告了obj.pickyMethodOne({}, "a little string", 123);  
obj.pickyMethodOne(123, {}); 




var api = {    _apiKey: '123abc456def',   /* mock methods that use this._apiKey */   getUsers: function(){},   getUser: function(userId){},   setUser: function(userId, config){} 
// logs '123abc456def'; console.log("An apiKey we want to keep private", api._apiKey); 
// 会获得_apiKeys值var apiKey = api._apiKey;  api._apiKey = '987654321'; //修改了



var api = {    _apiKey: '123abc456def',   /* mock methods that use this._apiKey */   getUsers: function(){ },   getUser: function(userId){ },   setUser: function(userId, config){ } }; // 增加限制访问的属性在这个数组中const RESTRICTED = ['_apiKey']; 
api = new Proxy(api, {      get(target, key, proxy) {         if(RESTRICTED.indexOf(key) > -1) {             throw Error(`${key} is restricted. Please see api documentation for further info.`);         }         return Reflect.get(target, key, proxy);     },     set(target, key, value, proxy) {         if(RESTRICTED.indexOf(key) > -1) {             throw Error(`${key} is restricted. Please see api documentation for further info.`);         }         return Reflect.get(target, key, value, proxy);     } }); // throws an error console.log(api._apiKey); 
// throws an error api._apiKey = '987654321';   



api = new Proxy(api, {    has(target, key) {     return (RESTRICTED.indexOf(key) > -1) ?       false :       Reflect.has(target, key);   } }); 
// these log false, and `for in` iterators will ignore _apiKeyconsole.log("_apiKey" in api); 
for (var key in api) {    if (api.hasOwnProperty(key) && key === "_apiKey") {     console.log("This will never be logged because the proxy obscures _apiKey...")   } 




let api = {    _apiKey: '123abc456def',   getUsers: function() { /* ... */ },   getUser: function(userId) { /* ... */ },   setUser: function(userId, config) { /* ... */ } }; 
api = new Proxy(api, {    get: function(target, key, proxy) {     var value = target[key];     return function(...arguments) {       logMethodAsync(new Date(), key);       return Reflect.apply(value, target, arguments);     };   } }); 
// executes apply trap in the background api.getUsers(); 
function logMethodAsync(timestamp, method) {    setTimeout(function() {     console.log(`${timestamp} - Logging ${method} request asynchronously.`);   }, 0) } 





let dataStore = {    noDelete: 1235,   oldMethod: function() {/*...*/ },   doNotChange: "tried and true" }; 
const NODELETE = ['noDelete'];  const DEPRECATED = ['oldMethod'];  const NOCHANGE = ['doNotChange']; dataStore = new Proxy(dataStore, {    set(target, key, value, proxy) {     if (NOCHANGE.includes(key)) {       throw Error(`Error! ${key} is immutable.`);     }     return Reflect.set(target, key, value, proxy);   }, 
  deleteProperty(target, key) {     if (NODELETE.includes(key)) {       throw Error(`Error! ${key} cannot be deleted.`);     }     return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key);   },   get(target, key, proxy) {     if (DEPRECATED.includes(key)) {       console.warn(`Warning! ${key} is deprecated.`);     }     var val = target[key];     return typeof val === 'function' ?       function(...args) {         Reflect.apply(target[key], target, args);       } :       val;   } }); 
// these will throw errors or log warnings, respectively dataStore.doNotChange = "foo";  
delete dataStore.noDelete;  




let obj = {    getGiantFile: function(fileId) {/*...*/ } }; 
obj = new Proxy(obj, {    get(target, key, proxy) {     return function(...args) {       const id = args[0];       let isEnroute = checkEnroute(id);       let isDownloading = checkStatus(id);            let cached = getCached(id);             if (isEnroute || isDownloading) {         return false;       }       if (cached) {         return cached;       }       return Reflect.apply(target[key], target, args);     }   } }); 



let sensitiveData = {    username: 'devbryce' }; 
const {sensitiveData, revokeAccess} = Proxy.revocable(sensitiveData, handler);       
function handleSuspectedHack(){    // Don't panic   // Breathe   revokeAccess(); } 
// logs 'devbryce' console.log(sensitiveData.username);       handleSuspectedHack();       
// TypeError: Revoked console.log(sensitiveData.username);       
