llvm:Call Graph And Control Flow Graph

来源:互联网 发布:快手作品植入淘宝链接 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 01:59


最近对llvm框架进行了初步的了解,才体会了llvm真正的魅力。它不仅是一个编译器框架,更是研究者们研究程序的一个有力的工具。本篇文章主要介绍一下如何对llvm的中间语言IR进行处理从而生成Call Graph(CG)和Control Flow Graph。

Call Graph

Call Graph又叫做函数调用图,用来记录程序中的函数调用关系的。比如:

    void foo(){        a();        b();    }

在上面的例子中,foo函数调用了a函数和b函数,则程序的函数调用图为 foo -> a, foo -> b.

我们在llvm的IR层面上进行分析(llvm允许我们自己编写Pass分析程序来对IR进行分析或修改)。具体的Pass教程可参考how to write a pass

在实现Call Graph过程中所需要了解的是在IR中间代码中,调用函数有两种表示形式,一种是使用call调用,另一种是使用invoke调用。这两种形式的区别是call调用的函数中没有异常需要捕捉,而invoke调用的函数中有异常需要捕捉。因此在invoke指令中除了所调用的函数这一标签外还有exception这一标签

<result> = invoke [cconv] [ret attrs] <ptr to function ty> <function ptr val>(<function args>) [fn attrs] to label <normal label> unwind label <exception label>



因此,我声明一个class继承自ModulePass,并且重载runOnModule(Module &M)函数。我们首先找到c/c++语言的入口函数main,并遍历main函数的每一个指令,使用dyn_cast函数来判断指令是callInst还是invokeInst,当是这两个指令的时候,解析这两个指令,通过getCalledFunction()函数来获得所调用的函数,如果该函数还没有被遍历到,就将其加入到栈中,等到以后遍历到。具体的函数过程如下所示:

bool CGPass::runOnModule(Module &M) {    Function *main = M.getFunction("main");    G = new CallGraph(main);    G->valueList.push_back(main);    if (!main) return false;    std::deque<Function*> list;    list.push_back(main);    while (!list.empty()) {        Function* func = list.front();        list.pop_front();        for (Function::iterator iter = func->begin(); iter != func->end(); ++iter)        {            for (BasicBlock::iterator Biter = iter->begin(); Biter != iter->end(); ++Biter)            {                Instruction *I = &*Biter;                if (CallInst *inst = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I))                {                    //errs() <<"instruction\n";                    Function* called = inst->getCalledFunction();                    if (called)                    {                        //errs() <<"instruction1\n";                        //errs() <<"instruction2\n";                        G->AddEdge(func, called);                        if (!G->hasFunction(called))                        {                            list.push_back(called);                            G->valueList.push_back(called);                        }                        //}                    }                }                if (InvokeInst *inst = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(I))                {                    Function* called = inst->getCalledFunction();                    errs() << "hello\n";                    if (called)                    {                        G->AddEdge(func, called);                        if (!G->hasFunction(called))                        {                            list.push_back(called);                            G->valueList.push_back(called);                        }                    }                }            }        }    }    //G->print();    G->dump();}



 %16 = getelementptr inbounds void (%class.A*)*, void (%class.A*)** %15, i64 0  %17 = load void (%class.A*)*, void (%class.A*)** %16, align 8  call void %17(%class.A* %13)


Control Flow Graph

Control Flow Graph又叫做控制流程图,表示一个函数之间Basic Block的控制关系。Basic Block是一个函数中的基本块,在llvm中有BasicBlock表示基本块,并可以通过

for (Function::iterator B_iter = F.begin(); B_iter != F.end(); ++B_iter) 

并且在llvm中有专门的函数successors(BasicBlock *B)来获得BasicBlock B的后继基本块。所以获得一个函数的Control Flow Graph的逻辑还是比较简单的。关键代码如下:

bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override {            raw_string_ostream rso(str);            StringRef name(F.getName().str() + ".dot");            enum sys::fs::OpenFlags F_None;            raw_fd_ostream file(name, error, F_None);            //std::ofstream os;            //os.open(name.str() + ".dot");            //if (!os.is_open()){            //  errs() << "Could not open the " << name << "file\n";            //  return false;            //}            file << "digraph \"CFG for'" + F.getName() + "\' function\" {\n";            for (Function::iterator B_iter = F.begin(); B_iter != F.end(); ++B_iter){                BasicBlock* curBB = &*B_iter;                std::string name = curBB->getName().str();                int fromCountNum;                int toCountNum;                if (basicBlockMap.find(curBB) != basicBlockMap.end())                {                    fromCountNum = basicBlockMap[curBB];                }                else                {                    fromCountNum = bbCount;                    basicBlockMap[curBB] = bbCount++;                }                file << "\tBB" << fromCountNum << " [shape=record, label=\"{";                file << "BB" << fromCountNum << ":\\l\\l";                for (BasicBlock::iterator I_iter = curBB->begin(); I_iter != curBB->end(); ++I_iter) {                    //printInstruction(&*I_iter, os);                    file << *I_iter << "\\l\n";                }                file << "}\"];\n";                for (BasicBlock *SuccBB : successors(curBB)){                    if (basicBlockMap.find(SuccBB) != basicBlockMap.end())                    {                        toCountNum = basicBlockMap[SuccBB];                    }                    else                    {                        toCountNum = bbCount;                        basicBlockMap[SuccBB] = bbCount++;                    }                    file << "\tBB" << fromCountNum<< "-> BB"                        << toCountNum << ";\n";                }            }            file << "}\n";            file.close();            return false;        }        //void printInstruction(Instruction *inst, std::ofstream os) {    //}    };
