5-Kylin Java Restful API

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云技术支持 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 04:42

 最近在做大数据方面的开发, 学习研究了一段时间的kylin系统, 对于前端开发需要使用 RESTful API ,但是官网并没有提供详细的Java  API. 经过几天的看文档,最终写出了 Java 的API,不敢私藏,特分享与大家.

  1 import java.io.BufferedReader;  2 import java.io.InputStream;  3 import java.io.InputStreamReader;  4 import java.io.OutputStream;  5 import java.net.HttpURLConnection;  6 import java.net.URL;  7   8 import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;    9  10  11  12 /** 13  *  14  * @author HennSun   15  * www.shareideas.net 16  * @Reference 17  * http://kylin.apache.org/docs15/howto/howto_use_restapi.html#authentication 18  * 19  */ 20 public class KylinHttpBasic { 21      22     private static String encoding; 23     private static final String baseURL = ""; 24     public static String login(String user,String passwd){ 25         String method = "POST"; 26         String para = "/user/authentication"; 27         byte[] key = (user+":"+passwd).getBytes(); 28         encoding = Base64.encodeBase64String(key); 29         return  excute(para,method,null); 30     } 31  32      33     public static String listQueryableTables(String projectName){ 34           35         String method = "GET"; 36         String para = "/tables_and_columns?project="+projectName; 37          38         return  excute(para,method,null); 39          40     } 41      42      43     /** 44      *  45      * @param offset required int Offset used by pagination 46      * @param limit required int Cubes per page. 47      * @param cubeName optional string Keyword for cube names. To find cubes whose name contains this keyword. 48      * @param projectName optional string Project name. 49      * @return 50      */ 51     public static String listCubes(int offset, 52                                    int limit, 53                                    String cubeName, 54                                    String projectName ){ 55         String method = "GET"; 56         String para = "/cubes?offset="+offset 57                             +"&limit="+limit 58                             +"&cubeName="+cubeName 59                             +"&projectName="+projectName; 60         return excute(para,method,null);  61     } 62      63     /** 64      *  65      * @param cubeName  Cube name. 66      * @return 67      */ 68     public static String getCubeDes(String cubeName){ 69         String method = "GET"; 70         String para = "/cube_desc/"+cubeName; 71         return excute(para,method,null);  72          73     } 74      75      76     /** 77      *  78      * @param cubeName 79      * @return 80      */ 81     public static String getCube(String cubeName){ 82         String method = "GET"; 83         String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName; 84         return excute(para,method,null);  85          86     } 87      88      89      90     /** 91      *  92      * @param modelName Data model name, by default it should be the same with cube name. 93      * @return 94      */ 95     public static String getDataModel(String modelName){ 96         String method = "GET"; 97         String para = "/model/"+modelName; 98         return excute(para,method,null);   99         100     }101 102     /**103      *  104      * @param cubeName cubeName Cube name.105      * @return106      */107     public static String enableCube(String cubeName){108         109         String method = "PUT";110         String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName+"/enable";111         return excute(para,method,null); 112         113     }114     115     /**116      * 117      * @param cubeName Cube name.118      * @return119      */120     public static String disableCube(String cubeName){121         122         String method = "PUT";123         String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName+"/disable";124         return excute(para,method,null); 125         126     }127     128     /**129      *  130      * @param cubeName Cube name.131      * @return132      */133     public static String purgeCube(String cubeName){134 135         String method = "PUT";136         String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName+"/purge";137         return excute(para,method,null); 138         139     }140     141     142     /**143      *  144      * @param jobId Job id145      * @return146      */147     public static String resumeJob(String jobId){148 149         String method = "PUT";150         String para = "/jobs/"+jobId+"/resume";151         return excute(para,method,null); 152         153     }154     155     156     /**157      * startTime - required long Start timestamp of data to build, e.g. 1388563200000 for 2014-1-1158      * endTime - required long End timestamp of data to build159      * buildType - required string Supported build type: ‘BUILD’, ‘MERGE’, ‘REFRESH’160      * @param cubeName  Cube name.161      * @return162      */163     public static String buildCube(String cubeName,String body){164         String method = "PUT";165         String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName+"/rebuild";166         167         return excute(para,method,body); 168     }169     170     171     /**172      * 173      * @param jobId  Job id.174      * @return175      */176     public static String discardJob(String jobId){177 178         String method = "PUT";179         String para = "/jobs/"+jobId+"/cancel";180         return excute(para,method,null); 181         182     }183     184     /**185      * 186      * @param jobId  Job id.187      * @return188      */189     public static String getJobStatus(String jobId){190 191         String method = "GET";192         String para = "/jobs/"+jobId;193         return excute(para,method,null); 194         195     }196     197     /**198      * 199      * @param jobId Job id.200      * @param stepId  Step id; the step id is composed by jobId with step sequence id; 201      * for example, the jobId is “fb479e54-837f-49a2-b457-651fc50be110”, its 3rd step id 202      * is “fb479e54-837f-49a2-b457-651fc50be110-3”,203      * @return204      */205     public static String getJobStepOutput(String jobId,String stepId){206         String method = "GET";207         String para = "/"+jobId+"/steps/"+stepId+"/output";208         return excute(para,method,null); 209     }210     211     /**212      * 213      * @param tableName table name to find.214      * @return215      */216     public static String getHiveTable(String tableName){217         String method = "GET";218         String para = "/tables/"+tableName;219         return excute(para,method,null); 220     }221     222     /**223      * 224      * @param tableName  table name to find.225      * @return226      */227     public static String getHiveTableInfo(String tableName){228         String method = "GET";229         String para = "/tables/"+tableName+"/exd-map";230         return excute(para,method,null); 231     }232     233 234     /**235      * 236      * @param projectName will list all tables in the project.237      * @param extOptional boolean set true to get extend info of table.238      * @return239      */240     public static String getHiveTables(String projectName,boolean extOptional){241         String method = "GET";242         String para = "/tables?project="+projectName+"&ext="+extOptional;243         return excute(para,method,null); 244     }245     246     247     /**248      * 249      * @param tables  table names you want to load from hive, separated with comma.250      * @param project the project which the tables will be loaded into.251      * @return252      */253     public static String loadHiveTables(String tables,String project){254         String method = "POST";255         String para = "/tables/"+tables+"/"+project;256         return excute(para,method,null); 257     }258     259     /**260      * 261      * @param type ‘METADATA’ or ‘CUBE’262      * @param name  Cache key, e.g the cube name.263      * @param action ‘create’, ‘update’ or ‘drop’264      * @return265      */266     public static String wipeCache(String type,String name,String action){267         String method = "POST";268         String para = "/cache/"+type+"/"+name+"/"+action;269         return excute(para,method,null); 270     }271     272     273     public static String query(String body){274         String  method = "POST";275         String para = "/query";276         277         return excute(para,method,body);278     }279     280     281     282     private  static String excute(String para,String method,String body){283     284         StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();285         try {286             URL url = new URL(baseURL+para);        287             HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();288             connection.setRequestMethod(method);   289             connection.setDoOutput(true);290             connection.setRequestProperty  ("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding);291             connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","application/json");         292             if(body !=null){293                 byte[] outputInBytes = body.getBytes("UTF-8");294                 OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();295                 os.write(outputInBytes);    296                 os.close();297             }298             InputStream content = (InputStream)connection.getInputStream();  299             BufferedReader in  = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (content)); 300             String line;301             while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {302                 out.append(line);303             }304             in.close();305             connection.disconnect();306             307         } catch(Exception e) {308             e.printStackTrace();309         }310         return out.toString();311     }312 }