python 爬虫

来源:互联网 发布:外卖小程序源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 06:06
#!/usr/bin/env python# encoding: utf-8'''@author: caopeng@license: (C) Copyright 2013-2017, Node Supply Chain Manager Corporation Limited.@contact: garner@file: 2017/9/11 0011 17:27@desc:'''#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-import reimport requestsdef dowmloadPic(html,keyword):    pic_url = re.findall('"objURL":"(.*?)",',html,re.S)    i = 0    print '找到关键词:'+keyword+'的图片,现在开始下载图片...'    for each in pic_url:        print '正在下载第'+str(i+1)+'张图片,图片地址:'+str(each)        try:            pic= requests.get(each, timeout=10)        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:            print '【错误】当前图片无法下载'            continue        string = 'pictures\\'+keyword+'_'+str(i) + '.jpg'        #resolve the problem of encode, make sure that chinese name could be store        fp = open(string.decode('utf-8').encode('cp936'),'wb')        fp.write(pic.content)        fp.close()        i += 1if __name__ == '__main__':    word = raw_input("Input key word: ")    url = ''+word+'&ct=201326592&v=flip'    result = requests.get(url)    dowmloadPic(result.text,word)